Tags: mobile edit mobile web edit |
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| {{Infobox device
| | #REDIRECT [[Nvidia Shield Tablet (nvidia-shieldtablet)]] |
| | manufacturer = Nvidia
| |
| | name = Shield Tablet
| |
| | codename = shieldtablet
| |
| | image = File:shieldtablet.jpg
| |
| | imagecaption = Nvidia Shield Tablet
| |
| | releaseyear = 2014
| |
| | originalsoftware = Android 7.0
| |
| | chipset = Tegra K1 (T124)
| |
| | cpu = 4 × Cortex-A15 R3 2.2 GHz
| |
| | gpu = GK20A (Kepler)
| |
| | storage = 16/32 GB
| |
| | display = 1920x1200 IPS Retinal LCD
| |
| | memory = 2 GB DDR3L
| |
| | architecture = armv7
| |
| <!-- the following status_* questions should be answered with Y - yes, P - partial, N - no, or left blank (for untested or unknown) -->
| |
| | status_usbnet = Y
| |
| | status_flashing = P
| |
| | status_touch = N
| |
| | status_screen = Y
| |
| | status_wifi = <!-- Wireless network works? -->
| |
| | status_xwayland = <!-- Showing X11 applications in a Wayland compositor (Weston, KWin, ...) works? -->
| |
| | status_fde = <!-- When installing with full disk encryption, can you type in the password with the on screen keyboard? -->
| |
| | status_mainline =
| |
| | status_battery = <!-- Charging the battery with charging-sdl is possible -->
| |
| | status_3d = <!-- Hardware accelerated 3D graphics (e.g. with freedreno) -->
| |
| | status_accel = <!-- The sensor that measures proper acceleration works -->
| |
| | status_audio = <!-- Using the device's speakers/headphone jack works -->
| |
| | status_bluetooth = <!-- It's possible to pair and use other devices via the bluetooth protocol -->
| |
| | status_camera = <!-- Taking photos and videos works. -->
| |
| | status_gps = <!-- The Global Positioning System sensor works. -->
| |
| | status_mobiledata = <!-- Connecting to the Internet via cellular network. -->
| |
| | status_sms = <!-- Sending and receiving short messages works as intended. -->
| |
| | status_calls = <!-- Talking to other people over the cellular network. -->
| |
| | status = <!-- Text displayed in the "not booting" table on the Devices page , e.g "kernel compiles, doesn't boot" -->
| |
| | booting = yes
| |
| | |
| <!-- you can also use these lines if you need to:
| |
| if the device haven't originally ran Android OS, e.g. Nokia N900
| |
| | n-android = ✔
| |
| Version of the kernel that pmos is running
| |
| | pmoskernel = 3.x.x
| |
| see Unixbench page on wiki
| |
| | whet_dhry = 0.0
| |
| Is OTG available, not used in wiki
| |
| | status_otg = -
| |
| -->
| |
| }}
| |
| | |
| == Contributors ==
| |
| * samb96
| |
| | |
| == Maintainer(s) ==
| |
| <!-- Only if this device doesn't run on linux-postmarketos yet! -->
| |
| <!-- This person needs to be willing to answer questions from users of this device -->
| |
| | |
| == Users owning this device ==
| |
| {{Device owners}}
| |
| <!-- autogenerated, use {{Owns device|devicepage|notes}} on your profile page -->
| |
| <!-- use _ instead of spaces in device page name, e.g. {{Owns device|HTC_Desire_(htc-bravo)|custom notes}}-->
| |
| <!-- you may need to purge page cache to see changes (more->purge cache)-->
| |
| <!-- you can use {{My devices}} on your profile page to show table with all your devices -->
| |
| | |
| == How to enter flash mode ==
| |
| When the device is powered off, press and hold the power and volume down buttons.
| |
| | |
| == Installation ==
| |
| <source lang="shell-session">
| |
| $ pmbootstrap init # Select nvidia shieldtablet
| |
| $ pmbootstrap install
| |
| $ pmbootstrap flasher flash_rootfs --partition userdata # Flashing to the system partition fails
| |
| $ pmbootstrap flasher flash_kernel
| |
| </source>
| |
| <!-- add more sections below as necessary, e.g. WiFi, photos, ... -->
| |
| | |
| == See also ==
| |
| <!--
| |
| Link to related GitLab issues or merge requests like the following (replace CHANGEME with the ID, e.g. 1234):
| |
| * {{MR|CHANGEME|pmaports}} Initial merge request
| |
| * {{issue|CHANGEME|pmaports}} Some related issue
| |
| You can also add normal web links:
| |
| * [https://redmine.replicant.us/projects/replicant/wiki/GalaxyS2I9100 Replicant wiki page]
| |
| -->
| |
| <!--
| |
| If you manage to get your device packages merged, uncomment links below and change DEVICE_CODENAME with the actual one.
| |
| * {{Device package|DEVICE_CODENAME}}
| |
| * {{Kernel package|DEVICE_CODENAME}}
| |
| -->
| |