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ODROID N2+: Difference between revisions

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m display working.
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Redirected page to ODROID N2+ (odroid-n2plus)
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{{Infobox device
#REDIRECT [[ODROID_N2%2B_(odroid-n2plus)]]
| manufacturer = ODROID
| name = N2+
| codename = odroid-n2plus
| imagecaption = odroid-n2plus runs postmarketOS
| releaseyear = 2020
| originalsoftware = Ubuntu 20.04 or Android Pie
| chipset = Amlogic S922X 12nm
| cpu = Quad-core Cortex-A73 @ 1.8GHz and Dual-core Cortex-A53 @ 1.9GHz
| gpu = Mali-G52 GPU with 6x Execution Engines @ 800MHz
| storage = eMMC connector (8/16/32/64/128GB) and microSD slot (DS/HS modes up to UHS-I SDR104)
| display = none, but HDMI 2.0 connector up to 4K@60Hz with HDR,CEC,EDID
| memory = 4GB DDR4 with 32bit bus width, 2640 MT/s data rate (PC4-21333 grade), 1.2V low power design
| architecture = aarch64
<!-- the following status_* questions should be answered with Y - yes, P - partial, N - no, or left blank (for untested or unknown) -->
| status_usbnet = <!-- USB networking does work? then put Y here and delete this comment -->
| status_flashing = <!-- Flashing with "pmbootstrap flasher" works? Put Y here. It works the same for everything coming below. -->
| status_touch = Unavailable
| status_screen = Y
| status_wifi = Unavailable
| status_xwayland = <!-- Showing X11 applications in a Wayland compositor (Weston, KWin, ...) works? -->
| status_fde = <!-- When installing with full disk encryption, can you type in the password with the on screen keyboard? -->
| status_mainline = <!-- Instead of a Linux kernel fork, it is possible to run mainline. -->
| status_battery = Unavailable
| status_3d = <!-- Hardware accelerated 3D graphics (e.g. with freedreno) -->
| status_accel = <!-- The sensor that measures proper acceleration works -->
| status_audio = <!-- Using the device's speakers/headphone jack works -->
| status_bluetooth = <!-- It's possible to pair and use other devices via the bluetooth protocol -->
| status_camera = Unavailable
| status_gps = Unavailable
| status_mobiledata = Unavailable
| status_sms = Unavailable
| status_calls = Unavailable
| status = <!-- Text displayed in the "not booting" table on the Devices page , e.g "kernel compiles, doesn't boot" -->
| status_otg = <!-- USB-OTG adapters work, e.g. to connect an USB flash drive to the device -->
| status_nfc = Unavailable
| booting = yes <!-- The device is booting at all, can be yes/no *IMPORTANT* -->
| pmoskernel = 5.14.1
| whet_dhry = 4142.2
== Contributors ==
* k-laus
== Users owning this device ==
* k-laus
{{Device owners}}
<!-- autogenerated, use {{Owns device|devicepage|notes}} on your profile page -->
<!-- use _ instead of spaces in device page name, e.g. {{Owns device|HTC_Desire_(htc-bravo)|custom notes}}-->
<!-- you may need to purge page cache to see changes (more->purge cache)-->
<!-- you can use {{My devices}} on your profile page to show table with all your devices -->
== How to enter flash mode ==
== Installation ==
The device uses u-boot with petitboot loader loaded in spi memory.
  pmbootstrap build linux-odroid-n2plus
  pmbootstrap build device-odroid-n2plus
Put an eMMC card into eMMC-to-USB3 reader, assumption is it appears as /dev/sdX, and install to it:
  pmbootstrap install --sdcard /dev/sdX
Afterwards, still manual steps needed:
mount /dev/sdc1 as /mnt/boot and copy u-boot.bin from archlinuxarm installation to /mnt/boot, create initramfs.uimg using
  cd /mnt/boot; mkimage -A arm64 -T ramdisk -C none -n initramfs -d initramfs initramfs.uimg
== See also ==
Link to related GitLab issues or merge requests like the following (replace CHANGEME with the ID, e.g. 1234):
* {{MR|CHANGEME|pmaports}} Initial merge request
* {{issue|CHANGEME|pmaports}} Some related issue
You can also add normal web links:
* [https://redmine.replicant.us/projects/replicant/wiki/GalaxyS2I9100 Replicant wiki page]
If you manage to get your device packages merged, uncomment links below and change DEVICE_CODENAME with the actual one.
* {{Device package|DEVICE_CODENAME}}
* {{Kernel package|DEVICE_CODENAME}}

Latest revision as of 12:31, 22 November 2022