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| This page collects some useful resources for working with Windows Phones.
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| == Devices ==
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| On the different device pages is described how porting was done for the specific device. This can be used to get further information on how to port your device
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| {{#cargo_query:
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| tables=Devices
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| |fields=CONCAT( '[[', _pageName, '|',Manufacturer,' ',Name,']]' )=Device,Codename,Architecture,StatusUsbnet=USB Net,StatusFlashing=Flashing,StatusTouch=Touch,StatusScreen=Screen,StatusWifi=Wifi,StatusXwayland=Xwayland,StatusFde=FDE,StatusMainline=Mainline,StatusBattery=Battery,Status3d=3D,StatusAccel=IMU,StatusAudio=Audio,StatusBluetooth=Bluetooth,StatusCamera=Camera,StatusGps=GPS,StatusMobiledata=Mobile Data,StatusSms=SMS,StatusCalls=Calls
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| |order by=Devices.Manufacturer, Devices.Name
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| |format=table
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| |limit=9999
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| |where=Devices.originalsoftware like '%Windows Phone%' OR Devices.originalsoftware like '%Windows Mobile%'
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| |more results text=
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| }}
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| == Tools ==
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| === WindowsPhoneInternals[https://www.wpinternals.net/] ===
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| [[File:WPinternals.jpg|thumb|Supported models]]
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| WPInternals is an open-source tool by an XDA-User that allows you to perform tasks like unlocking bootloaders, enabling root access and flash or backup firmware. Some fixes have been made in the [https://github.com/ReneLergner/WPinternals GitHub] repository, but no new release has been made yet. The list of supported models on the official site is outdated. See the image on the right for a more up to date list. It runs natively on Windows.
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| === Windows Device Recovery Tool[https://support.microsoft.com/de-de/help/12379/windows-10-mobile-device-recovery-tool-faq] ===
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| The Windows Device Recovery Tool is a proprietary tool by Microsoft which lets you recover firmware of Windows devices. It runs natively on Windows.
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| == Projects ==
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| === Android4Lumia[https://android4lumia.github.io/] ===
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| Android4Lumia is a project which aims to built android based custom roms for Lumia phones.
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| === Mainline4Lumia[https://github.com/Mainline4Lumia] ===
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| Mainline4Lumia is a project which aims to bring Linux mainline to Lumia phones.
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| [https://mainline4lumia.github.io/ Mainline4Lumia Website] including contact data
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| == File Collections ==
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| === LumiaFirmware.com[https://www.lumiafirmware.com/] ===
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| On LumiaFirmware.com you can find firmware for Lumia Phones.
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| == EDK-II ==
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| EDK-II has been ported to various Windows Phones. A porting guide is available [https://github.com/konradybcio/Lumia-EDK2-Guide here].
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| == Guides ==
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| ===Unlocking bootloader===
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| Download WPInternals and Windows Device Recovery Tool.
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| WPInternals is a tool designed to unlock the bootloader and/or secure boot of select Lumia devices made by Nokia and Microsoft.
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| Windows Device Recovery Tool is installed because it automatically installs all the drivers WPInternals will need.
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| Once you have installed both tools, Click on "Unlock Bootloader" and follow the instructions to unlock your phone's bootloader
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| === Enabling Boot Menu ===
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| * Make sure your phone is in mass storage mode and that EFIESP is mounted.
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| * Find where EFIESP was mounted, Windows will either mount it in MainOS/EFIESP or with a letter (J:, L:, etc)
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| * Anything inside <> needs to be filled in by you, for example: <EFIESP> becomes K:\EFIESP if K: was MainOS and EFIESP was mounted at MainOS/EFIESP
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| * <b>Open cmd as Administrator and run the following commands:</b>
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| * Turn on displaybootmenu: <code>bcdedit /store <EFIESP>/efi/Microsoft/Boot/BCD /set {bootmgr} displaybootmenu on</code>
| |
| * Set boot menu timeout to 10s: <code>bcdedit /store <EFIESP>/efi/Microsoft/Boot/BCD /set {bootmgr} timeout 10</code>
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| * Set displayorder: <code>bcdedit /store <EFIESP>/efi/Microsoft/Boot/BCD /displayorder {default}</code>
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| ==== Extra steps for phones with a camera button: ====
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| * Devices with a camera button, you can make it so you can choose the boot option using volume keys and camera to select.
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| * <b>Unfortunately there is no known way to make power button be select, so phones without a camera button can't use this.</b>
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| * <code>bcdedit /store <EFIESP>/efi/Microsoft/Boot/BCD /deletevalue {bootmgr} customactions</code>
| |
| * <code>bcdedit /store <EFIESP>/efi/Microsoft/Boot/BCD /deletevalue {bootmgr} custom:54000001</code>
| |
| * <code>bcdedit /store <EFIESP>/efi/Microsoft/Boot/BCD /deletevalue {bootmgr} custom:54000002</code>
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| === Adding a new BCD entry ===
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| * Make sure your phone is in mass storage mode and that EFIESP is mounted.
| |
| * Find where EFIESP was mounted, Windows will either mount it in MainOS/EFIESP or with a letter (J:, L:, etc)
| |
| * Anything inside <> needs to be filled in by you, for example: <EFIESP> becomes K:\EFIESP if K: was MainOS and EFIESP was mounted at MainOS/EFIESP
| |
| * <b>Open cmd as Administrator and run the following commands:</b>
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| * Creating a new entry: <code>bcdedit /store .\BCD /create /d "<NAME>" /application BOOTAPP</code>
| |
| * Copy the GUID (the squiggly brackets and the stuff inside)
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| * Set the efi path: <code>bcdedit /store .\BCD /set <GUID> path <EFIFILE></code>
| |
| * Set the partition the efi file is in: <code>bcdedit /store .\BCD /set <GUID> device partition=<EFIPART></code>
| |
| * Turn on test signing: <code>bcdedit /store .\BCD /set <GUID> testsigning on</code>
| |
| * Turn off integrity checks: <code>bcdedit /store .\BCD /set <GUID> nointegritychecks on</code>
| |
| ==== Extra steps for phones with a camera button ====
| |
| * Add BCD entry to display order: <code>bcdedit /store .\BCD /displayorder <GUID> /addlast</code>
| |
| ==== Extra steps for phones without a camera button ====
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| * We need to set a volume key to boot our new BCD entry
| |
| * custom:54000001 is for volume up, custom:54000002 is for volume down
| |
| * Set the volkey to boot our bcd entry: <code>bcdedit /store BCD /set {bootmgr} <VOLKEY> <GUID></code>
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| === Unbricking devices on EDL mode(QHSUSB_BULK) ===
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| This guide is for Spec B devices only. While this process, make sure WPInternals is not running in the background.
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| * Install the WDRT if you don't have it.
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| * Connect the device to the PC and check how it's detected from device manager. If device is detected as "QHSUSB_BULK" on "Universal Serial Bus Devices", then it's fine. If it's detected as "Qualcomm HS-USB QDloader 9008" on "Serial Devices", select update driver and install "Care Suite Emergency Connectivity" driver. Disconnect device and remove battery after updating driver.
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| * Open a CMD and <code>cd</code> into WDRT directory (<code>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Care Suite\Windows Device Recovery Tool</code> for 64bit, <code>C:\Program Files\Microsoft Care Suite\Windows Device Recovery Tool</code> for 32bit)
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| * Go to lumiafirmware.com and download FFU file and emergency files (.ede and .edp) for your device.
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| * Type <code>thor2 -mode emergency -hexfile [path to .ede file] -edfile [path to .edp file]</code> to CMD and hit enter, wait for it flashes. When you get <code>FFU_PARSING_ERROR</code>, that means it flashed emergency payload and you can continue.
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| * When you get red flashing screen, type <code>thor2 -mode uefiflash -mode uefiflash -ffufile [path to .ffu file] -do_full_nvi_update -do_factory_reset</code> and wait for it to flash FFU.
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| [[Category:Other Platforms]]
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