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Using ebook reader hardware

From postmarketOS Wiki
Revision as of 16:14, 23 February 2025 by Sado1 (talk | contribs)


This document is meant to be a starting point for using e-book readers (ie. Kobo devices, Pine64 Pinenote, etc.) with postmarketOS, from perspective of an end user.

Basic considerations

Avoid animations

  • e.g. blinking cursors in text console: /sys/class/graphics/fbcon/cursor_blink

Back(really Front-)light

  • UIs might consider enabled light to be a requirement for using the device, so it might be unnecessarily enabled and drain your battery

Desktop environments support



e-ink theme for Gnome Shell



e-ink theme


Xft.dpi:   350
  • Change rotation permanently - add to ~/.config/sxmo/profile
xrandr -o left
  • You will also need to set 'Coordinate Transformation Matrix' - can be googled easily for xinput instruction, or see https://github.com/bjesus/air readme for a Xorg configuration file example
  • Note - this seems to leave SXMO default gestures bindings, as they worked before rotation - the right edge is treated like it was top, and swiping it shows the menu, etc.


AIR - custom scripts, based on AwesomeWM (X11)

  • matchbox



If you not just want to look around on maps, you can attach some gps over bluetooth or usb-host (maybe via bluetooth dongle) or the second serial port available on several kobos and tolinos. If you use routing, not updating the map away from decision points might be helpful.

  • Navit - routing, finding POIs
  • Some maps from state agencies are quite nice and grayscale mode (Lantmateriet Sweden offers some maps under a C0 license)
  • standard OSM mapnik needs some high contrast tweaking

e-book readers

  • Foliate
  • KOReader
  • Inkbox
  • ...

Additional information

https://pine64.org/documentation/PineNote/Development/Apps/ - another place with a lot of interesting hints for adjusting Linux to work well on e-books; some of mentioned projects would be a good fit to integrate ie. as DEs in pmOS...