- Old handhelds, PDAs and electronic readers
- Geocaching, GPS, navigation, mapping etc
- Save useful devices from the tip
- Resurrect the GPE Palmtop Environment for personal information management (PIM)
- Get the Matchbox window manager working well
- Make PMOS usable for stylus-based navigation, and be able to use handhelds to play light games e.g. Cave Story.
- Geocaching with Nokia N900, Nook Simple Touch, etc
- B&N Nook Simple Touch, e-readers various
- Zipit Z2
- Nokia N900
- Motorola Droid 4, Motorola Flipout
- Sharp Zaurus C860, other PDAs running Windows CE various
- HP Ipaq, various
- Dead Nexus 6 with BIG cluster dead and locked bootloader
p.s. contact me on IRC if any of this is of remote interest (it's pretty boring really)