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User:Alexey Vazhnov

From postmarketOS Wiki
Revision as of 13:56, 27 February 2023 by Alexey Vazhnov (talk | contribs) (Owns devices: Tooky T1982: SoC MT6575 (one core MT6577 version))
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📱 This user's main device is a Wileyfox_Swift_(wileyfox-crackling).


Owns devices

Device Notes
Asus P535 Windows phone with GPS, not in use
I.MX53 Quick Start board
LG Optimus Net P698 SoC Qualcomm MSM7227T; Backup phone
Olimex A20-OLinuXino-LIME2
OnePlus 6 (oneplus-enchilada) LineageOS 18.1
PINE64 PinePhone (pine64-pinephone) 3GB RAM + 32GB eMMC, Mobian edition, revision 1.2b
Tooky T1982 SoC Mediatek MT6575 (one core MT6577 version)
Wileyfox Swift (wileyfox-crackling) Two black devices

View a table with all owners and devices: Special:CargoTables/DeviceOwners.

About Wileyfox Swift

  • One phone is still using Android 6
  • Second was updated to Android 7.1.1, then to TWRP 3 + lineage-16.0-20200411-nightly-crackling-signed.zip + addonsu-16.0-arm64-signed.zip (with downgrade to SW27-WF-CRACKLING-CM-13.1.5-ZNH2KAS7EB-RECOVERY.zip because /system was squashfs).