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Revision as of 19:01, 3 June 2024 by Okias (talk | contribs) (specify pmaports)

systemd is being added to postmarketOS (in addition to OpenRC), as announced in this blog post.

How to build your own systemd-based postmarketOS images

Note The steps here will change until it is fully integrated! See pmaports#2632 for details. Trying this out in the current stage is for advanced users who know what they are doing!

Configure pmbootstrap for systemd

  • Clone pmbootstrap from git
  • Go to your local pmaports clone inside pmboostrap/aports, do git fetch and git checkout the master_staging_systemd branch
  • Run pmbootstrap init, select systemd and select your device
  • Configure the systemd staging repository as mirror:
$ pmbootstrap config mirrors_postmarketos "http://mirror.postmarketos.org/postmarketos/staging/systemd/"
  • Run pmbootstrap config systemd always

Build the image

Run pmbootstrap install as usually.

Undo configuration for systemd

  • Checkout master again in pmaports
  • Run pmbootstrap config systemd default
  • Reset the mirror to the default (or select your preferred one in pmbootstrap init):
$ pmbootstrap config mirrors_postmarketos http://mirror.postmarketos.org/postmarketos/

Reporting bugs

Bugs should be should include the systemd gitlab label when they are filed, so that they are easy to find.

Contributing patches

Thank you for helping to improve systemd support in postmarketOS! Merge requests should be submitted with the target branch set to master_systemd_staging, and they should be labeled with the gitlab label systemd so that they are easy to find for review.

For adding systemd services and other unit files, see Systemd_services

Matrix / IRC channel

We have a dedicated Matrix and IRC channel for integrating systemd with postmarketOS, feel free to join if you are interested in contributing!