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Lenovo Yoga Tab 3 10 LTE/WiFi (lenovo-lxf-p5100)

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Revision as of 16:42, 21 February 2025 by Exkc (talk | contribs) (What work?)
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Note This page is about the dedicated port of this device. There is also an optional generic port available for this device - see Generic MSM8909 (qcom-msm8909).
Lenovo Yoga Tab 3 10 WiFi
Manufacturer Lenovo
Name Yoga Tab 3 10 WiFi
Codename lenovo-lxf-p5100
Model yt3-x50f
Released 2016
Type tablet
Chipset Qualcomm Snapdragon 212 (APQ8009)
CPU Quad-core 1.3 GHz Cortex-A7
GPU Adreno 304
Display 800 x 1280 10.1" IPS LCD
Storage 16GB/32 GB
Memory 2 GB
Architecture armv7
Original software Android
Original version 5.1
Extended version 6
Category testing
Pre-built images no
Mainline no
Optional Generic Port Generic MSM8909 (qcom-msm8909)
Note This page is about the dedicated port of this device. There is also an optional generic port available for this device - see Generic MSM8909 (qcom-msm8909).
Lenovo Yoga Tab 3 10 LTE
Manufacturer Lenovo
Name Yoga Tab 3 10 LTE
Codename lenovo-lxf-p5100
Model yt3-x50y,yt3-x50l,yt3-x50m
Released 2016
Type tablet
Chipset Qualcomm Snapdragon 210 (MSM8909)
CPU Quad-core 1.3 GHz Cortex-A7
GPU Adreno 304
Display 800 x 1280 10.1" IPS LCD
Storage 16GB/32 GB
Memory 2 GB
Architecture armv7
Original software Android
Original version 5.1
Extended version 6
Category testing
Pre-built images no
Mainline yes
Optional Generic Port Generic MSM8909 (qcom-msm8909)
USB Networking
Internal storage
SD card
3D Acceleration
Camera Flash
No data
No data
No data
No data
No data
Mobile data
No data
No data
No data
No data
Ambient Light
No data
No data
Hall Effect
No data
No data
No data

The Lenovo Yoga Tab 3 10 LTE/WiFi is it interesting tablet that has a stand.There are QR code sticker that has a code name printed on it.The sticker is sticked onto the motherboard.All Lenovo Yoga Tab 3 10 LTE/WiFi variant code name appear to have lxf_p5100 prefix and a lot of different suffix.

Known suffixes :

_B01 : Model Name yt3-x50m,LTE Variant

_J01 : Model Name yt3-x50l,LTE Variant

_L01 : Model Name yt3-x50f,WIFI Variant

How to enter flash mode (fastboot)

adb reboot bootloader = fastboot mode

or Press and hold Power + Volume Down until Lenovo logo shou up

(Depend on your firmware your might see a tux logo or android robot instead)

How to enter flash mode (edl)

Press and hold Power + Volume up while you plug it to a pc

How to enable developer option at setting

1. click build number 7 time at the about device in setting

How to unlock bootloader

0. Enable Allow bootloader to be unlocked at the developer option in setting

1. Boot to fastboot mode

2. fastboot oem unlock-go

3. wait until it has wipe every thing in userdata partition

What work?

Feature Components Status Driver Note
Display MDP 3
Panel : boent35523b_800p, auoOTM1287A_800p
P N Mainline lack of MDP 3, Panel driver but the panel driver can be generated from downstream

simple buffer work.

GPU Adreno 304 N N Adreno 3XX is supported by freedreno but it dont support 304. Also gpu required iommu to work but iommu dont work
WiFi wcn3620 Y Y wcn3620 is a chip that responsable for BT,WiFi,FM.This chip found in many Qualcomm Snapdragon 210 (MSM8909) Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 (MSM8916) devices.
Bluetooth ?
FM ? ?
Modem ? ?
Audio Codec N N
Charger smb358 Charger N Y This Ic handle USB power out/mode switching. Mainline has driver for it.

See [1]

Power management pm8909 Y Y
Battery Temperature Sensor ? ? It is connected to pm8916.

Also the only current developer's unit lack of Battery Temperature Sensor.(See the BAT_TEMP pin at below) Untested but mainline lack of temperature sensor driver it seem ?

Fuel Gauge bq27xxx N Y https://github.com/msm8916-mainline/linux/pull/389
Rear Camera N N
Front Camera N N
Magnetometer Sensors ak09911 Y Y Managed to get some output via sysfs so it work
ACCELEROMETER Sensors Bochs BMA223 N N No Mainline driver
Light Sensors ELAN EPL2102 light sensor N N lack of mainline driver,rare chip
Touchscreen/Stylus hideep-ts-i2c P P It work great in kernel (See libinput#1046) when the it work .However it seem the mainline driver dont work on all the toruchscreen.
Buttons Gpio button/pm8941-resin/pm8941-pwrkey Y Y
LEDs sn3191 P Y Power Led
Don't work due to sensors occupied the i2c bus.
Therefore it is possible to get it to work by removing the sensors from device tree.
USB Controller/Phy ChipIdea USB Controller /Qualcomm USB HS Phy P Y See [2]

Test pin/Soldering Point

There are a lot of soldering point/test pin on the motherboard. A lot of them is labelled.

Here is some of the pin that found in the motherboard.
Label Component Description
BAT_TEMP Battery Battery temperature sensor
VBAT+ Battery Battery positive
GND Battery Battery ground
SCL Touch screen/Fuel gauge There are 2xSCL bus test pin on on the board.

The one that near the battery socket is SCL pin of the fuel gauge 's i2c bus

The other one is the is SCL pin of the touch screen 's i2c bus

SDA Touch screen/Fuel gauge There are 2xSDA test pin on on the board.

The one that near the battery socket is SDA pin of the fuel gauge 's i2c bus

The other one is the is SDA pin of the touch screen 's i2c bus

PWR Buttons Power button
VOL+ Buttons Volume up button
VOL- Buttons Volume down button
LEDR LEDs Power LED positive
DP Micro USB Data Positive
DM Micro USB Data Negative
VBUS Micro USB Usb Power Negative
USB_ID Micro USB USB_ID pin of micro USB
Rx Uart Uart pin of Rx
Tx Uart Uart pin of Tx
VDD Touch screen VDD pin of the Touch screen , the main power source of the Touch screen
VID Touch screen VDD pin of the Touch screen , the main IO voltage of the Touch screen
INT Touch screen Interrupt pin of the Touch screen , It is connected to gpio 13 of the msm8909
RST Touch screen Reset pin of the Touch screen , It is connected to gpio 12 of the msm8909


Missing Device Tree Changes

Here is the search results from searching 800p in a folder that contain all the dtb that is extracted from the stock android 's kernel :

# grep -rnw ./ -e '800p'
=echnologies,_Inc._MSM8909_QRD_SKUE.dtb:25729:zauoOTM1287A 800p video mode dsi panel
./13_dtbdump_Qualcomm_Technologies,_Inc._MSM8909_QRD_SKUE.dtb:26365:zboeNT35523B 800p video mode dsi panel
./35_dtbdump_Qualcomm_Technologies,_Inc._MSM8208_1GB_QRD_SKUE.dtb:25034:zauoOTM1287A 800p video mode dsi panel
./35_dtbdump_Qualcomm_Technologies,_Inc._MSM8208_1GB_QRD_SKUE.dtb:25670:zboeNT35523B 800p video mode dsi panel
./32_dtbdump_Qualcomm_Technologies,_Inc._MSM8208_QRD_SKUE.dtb:25033:zauoOTM1287A 800p video mode dsi panel
./32_dtbdump_Qualcomm_Technologies,_Inc._MSM8208_QRD_SKUE.dtb:25669:zboeNT35523B 800p video mode dsi panel
./05_dtbdump_Qualcomm_Technologies,_Inc._MSM8909_QRD_SKUE.dtb:25728:zauoOTM1287A 800p video mode dsi panel
./05_dtbdump_Qualcomm_Technologies,_Inc._MSM8909_QRD_SKUE.dtb:26364:zboeNT35523B 800p video mode dsi panel

boent35523b_800p and auoOTM1287A_800p are panel that used in the device. According to that it seem there are few device tree has the device tree nodes for those two panels.

There are two dsti file in the downsteam kernel from lenovo that contain the device tree nodes for those two panels .However , none of the dts / dtsi file has used those 2 dsti file thus it seem some device tree changes that made by lenovo is missing in the kernel source.



🚧 This page is a work-in-progress. Some information contained within may be inaccurate or incomplete.

lk2nd is a secondary bootloader that provides a standard fastboot interface, which can be used to boot postmarketOS without Android boot flashed or pmbootstrap flasher flash_kernel.

  1. The prebuilt image doesn't have the device included at the moment. Build lk2nd first.
  2. Boot your phone to bootloader (fastboot) mode.
  3. Follow lk2nd instructions from step 2 to install lk2nd. Basically flash it to the boot partition (fastboot flash boot build-lk2nd-msm8909/lk2nd.img)
  4. Follow Qualcomm_Snapdragon_410/412_(MSM8916)#Installation to install postmarketOS.
Note Note: Enter lk2nd fastboot mode by pressing Volume Down after booting (this time wait until it vibrates then press Volume Down!


  • Chaosleo07


Users owning this device

See also