Format: Log Type - Time(microsec) - Message - Optional Info
Log Type: B - Since Boot(Power On Reset), D - Delta, S - Statistic
S -
S - Boot Interface: eMMC
S - Secure Boot: On
S - Boot Config @ 0x00786070 = 0x000001c1
S - JTAG ID @ 0x00786130 = 0x0008c0e1
S - OEM ID @ 0x00786138 = 0x00000000
S - Serial Number @ 0x00784138 = 0xf688ea69
S - Feature Config Row 0 @ 0x007841a0 = 0x0050200010f80000
S - Feature Config Row 1 @ 0x007841a8 = 0x00000000000000c0
S - Core 0 Frequency, 3715 MHz
S - PBL Patch Ver: 5
S - I-cache: On
S - D-cache: On
B - 0 - PBL, Start
B - 7027 - bootable_media_detect_entry, Start
B - 80724 - bootable_media_detect_success, Start
B - 80730 - elf_loader_entry, Start
B - 82294 - auth_hash_seg_entry, Start
B - 109960 - auth_hash_seg_exit, Start
B - 160810 - elf_segs_hash_verify_entry, Start
B - 210662 - elf_segs_hash_verify_exit, Start
B - 210678 - auth_xbl_sec_hash_seg_entry, Start
B - 239734 - auth_xbl_sec_hash_seg_exit, Start
B - 239736 - xbl_sec_segs_hash_verify_entry, Start
B - 246449 - xbl_sec_segs_hash_verify_exit, Start
B - 246494 - PBL, End
B - 272487 - SBL1, Start
B - 387960 - usb: hs_phy_nondrive_start
B - 388295 - usb: hs_phy_nondrive_finish
B - 391162 - boot_flash_init, Start
D - 0 - boot_flash_init, Delta
B - 398513 - sbl1_ddr_set_default_params, Start
D - 122 - sbl1_ddr_set_default_params, Delta
B - 406473 - boot_config_data_table_init, Start
B - 425810 - Using default CDT
D - 14823 - boot_config_data_table_init, Delta - (0 Bytes)
B - 427732 - CDT Version:3,Platform ID:8,Major ID:1,Minor ID:0,Subtype:0
B - 433191 - Image Load, Start
D - 17660 - Auth Metadata
D - 488 - Segments hash check
D - 28091 - PMIC Image Loaded, Delta - (34240 Bytes)
B - 464545 - pm_device_init, Start
B - 471774 - PM: PON REASON: PM0=0x8000028000000001:0x0 PM1=0x8000088000000020:0x0
B - 513986 - PM: SET_VAL:Skip
D - 45079 - pm_device_init, Delta
B - 515907 - pm_driver_init, Start
B - 523075 - PM: OCP Clearing for L4A is Skipped :PM660 is not supported the LDO4
D - 4239 - pm_driver_init, Delta
B - 530120 - pm_sbl_chg_init, Start
B - 535549 - PM: Trigger FG IMA Reset
B - 537013 - PM: Trigger FG IMA Reset.Completed
B - 541893 - PM: EntryVbat: 4202; EntrySOC: -1
B - 545065 - PM: BATT TEMP: 27 DegC
D - 16226 - pm_sbl_chg_init, Delta
B - 552843 - vsense_init, Start
D - 0 - vsense_init, Delta
B - 608749 - Pre_DDR_clock_init, Start
D - 396 - Pre_DDR_clock_init, Delta
D - 0 - sbl1_ddr_set_params, Delta
B - 620309 - DSF version = 35.0, DSF RPM version = 22.0
B - 620309 - Max Frequency = 1804 MHz
B - 624426 - do_ddr_training, Start
B - 636840 - Bootup frequency set to 1296000
D - 8814 - do_ddr_training, Delta
B - 656756 - clock_init, Start
D - 274 - clock_init, Delta
B - 659227 - Image Load, Start
D - 2501 - APDP Image Loaded, Delta - (0 Bytes)
B - 664808 - usb: EMMC Serial - 2a2bca61
B - 669536 - usb: fedl, vbus_low
B - 676764 - PM: 0: PON=0x1:HARD_RESET: ON=0x80:PON_SEQ: POFF=0x2:PS_HOLD: OFF=0x80:POFF_SEQ
B - 676856 - PM: 1: PON=0x20:PON1: ON=0x80:PON_SEQ: POFF=0x8:GP1: OFF=0x80:POFF_SEQ
B - 685152 - PM: SMEM Chgr Info Write Success
B - 692533 - alloc smem for SMEM_ID_VENDOR2 successful
B - 697077 - sbl1_efs_handle_cookies, Start
D - 762 - sbl1_efs_handle_cookies, Delta
B - 706166 - Image Load, Start
D - 19764 - Auth Metadata
D - 1037 - Segments hash check
D - 27481 - QSEE Dev Config Image Loaded, Delta - (42084 Bytes)
B - 736148 - Image Load, Start
D - 579 - SEC Image Loaded, Delta - (4096 Bytes)
B - 744993 - Image Load, Start
D - 57127 - Auth Metadata
D - 18269 - Segments hash check
D - 98362 - QSEE Image Loaded, Delta - (1946008 Bytes)
B - 845216 - Image Load, Start
D - 19764 - Auth Metadata
D - 4026 - Segments hash check
D - 34038 - QHEE Image Loaded, Delta - (273136 Bytes)
B - 881297 - Image Load, Start
D - 19856 - Auth Metadata
D - 2196 - Segments hash check
D - 33184 - RPM Image Loaded, Delta - (219340 Bytes)
B - 917226 - Image Load, Start
D - 4331 - STI Image Loaded, Delta - (0 Bytes)
B - 925065 - Image Load, Start
D - 19764 - Auth Metadata
D - 1586 - Segments hash check
D - 28273 - ABL Image Loaded, Delta - (146000 Bytes)
B - 955656 - Image Load, Start
D - 20374 - Auth Metadata
D - 13969 - Segments hash check
D - 50843 - APPSBL Image Loaded, Delta - (1792000 Bytes)
B - 1008879 - SBL1, End
D - 741302 - SBL1, Delta
S - Flash Throughput, 95000 KB/s (4462116 Bytes, 46962 us)
S - DDR Frequency, 1296 MHz
UEFI Start [ 1182] SEC
PROD Mode : On
DEBUG Mode : On
Timer Delta : +7 mS
RAM Entry 0 : Base 0x0000000080000000 Size 0x0000000080000000
RAM Entry 1 : Base 0x0000000100000000 Size 0x000000007E4C0000
UEFI Ver : 4.2.181123.BOOT.XF.1.4-00262-S660LZB-1
Build Info : 64b Nov 23 2018 20:52:46
Boot Device : eMMC
DALLOG Device [0x2000145]: Cannot turn on source[ACPL
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, PmicDxe:: PmicSchgSetChargerDefaultSetting Setting ICL = 500 mA
1, PmicDxe:: PmicSchgInitialChargerCheckup APSD done status: 0, Port Type = 8
1, 1, 1, 1, QcomChargerDxe:: ChargerPlatform_Init Enabled WDOG.
Setvariable returned Success
zjl haptic_on
zjl haptic_off
[CheckPanel] panel reg[0xc] value: 0x00000007, uReponseSize:2
Panel_CDP_GetID: temp1 =0;temp2 =1
Display:jdi nt36672!
ReadKeyInternal: gEfiSimpleTextInputExProtocolGuid handles = 3
ReadKeyInternal: Read KEY = 0x0
bootstate = 0
Avoid flicking for 2160x1080 images
Render Splash [ 1913]
EnvDxe Render Callback
LoadSecureApps: Load app from partition(keymaster): Status = 0x0, AppId = 65537
APC1 IDDQ WC 0 , L2:0, CPU[0]:175, CPU[1]:175, CPU[2]:175, CPU[3]:175
APC1 Total 700
Load CPU 0 Slp: 0x8A, Int: 0xA
Load CPU 1 Slp: 0x1, Int: 0x0
Load CPU 2 Slp: 0xB3, Int: 0x1F
Load CPU 3 Slp: 0x1, Int: 0x0
Platform Init [ 2073] BDS
UEFI Ver : 4.2.181123.BOOT.XF.1.4-00262-S660LZB-1
Platform : MTP
Chip Name : SDM660
Chip Ver : 1.0
Core 0 Freq: 1382400 MHz
2, ChargerLib:: ChargerLib_GetErrors Battery Presence = 1
ChargerLib:: ChargerLib_GetBatteryID BATT_ID_2 = 68589
2, PmicDxe:: PmicFgCommon_GetBatteryStatus StateOfCharge = 98, VBat = 4206 mV Current = 205 mA Temperature = 27 C
2, PmicDxe:: PmicFgCommon_GetBatteryStatus StateOfCharge = 98, VBat = 4206 mV Current = 205 mA Temperature = 27 C
ChargerLib::ChargerLib_GetErrors ERROR Charging source not detected
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, ChargerLib:: ChargerLib_GetErrors Battery Presence = 1
ChargerLib:: ChargerLib_GetBatteryID BATT_ID_2 = 68589
2, PmicDxe:: PmicFgCommon_GetBatteryStatus StateOfCharge = 98, VBat = 4206 mV Current = 205 mA Temperature = 27 C
2, PmicDxe:: PmicFgCommon_GetBatteryStatus StateOfCharge = 98, VBat = 4206 mV Current = 205 mA Temperature = 27 C
ChargerLib::ChargerLib_GetErrors ERROR Charging source not detected
2, PmicDxe:: PmicFgCommon_GetBatteryStatus StateOfCharge = 98, VBat = 4206 mV Current = 205 mA Temperature = 27 C
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, PmicDxe:: PmicFgSram_ReadBattID: BATT_ID_2 = 68589
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, PmicDxe:: PmicFgSram_CondRestart VShadw = 4206 mv VEmpty = 2843 mv VPred = 4191 mv VBattEst = -15 mv
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, ChargerLib:: ChargerLib_GetErrors Battery Presence = 1
ChargerLib:: ChargerLib_GetBatteryID BATT_ID_2 = 68589
2, PmicDxe:: PmicFgCommon_GetBatteryStatus StateOfCharge = 98, VBat = 4206 mV Current = 205 mA Temperature = 27 C
2, PmicDxe:: PmicFgCommon_GetBatteryStatus StateOfCharge = 98, VBat = 4206 mV Current = 205 mA Temperature = 27 C
ChargerLib::ChargerLib_GetErrors ERROR Charging source not detected
2, ChargerLib:: ChargerLib_GetErrors Battery Presence = 1
ChargerLib:: ChargerLib_GetBatteryID BATT_ID_2 = 68589
2, PmicDxe:: PmicFgCommon_GetBatteryStatus StateOfCharge = 98, VBat = 4206 mV Current = 205 mA Temperature = 27 C
2, PmicDxe:: PmicFgCommon_GetBatteryStatus StateOfCharge = 98, VBat = 4206 mV Current = 205 mA Temperature = 27 C
ChargerLib::ChargerLib_GetErrors ERROR Charging source not detected
2, PmicDxe:: PmicFgCommon_GetBatteryStatus StateOfCharge = 98, VBat = 4206 mV Current = 205 mA Temperature = 27 C
2, 2, 2, PmicDxe:: PmicFgCommon_GetBatteryStatus StateOfCharge = 98, VBat = 4206 mV Current = 205 mA Temperature = 27 C
2, 2, 2, PmicDxe:: PmicSchgSetChargerDefaultSetting Setting ICL = 500 mA
zjlz 3333 QcomChargerApp:: ChargerLib_Exit Error getting platform type
2, UEFI Total : 915 ms
POST Time [ 2097] OS Loader
Loader Build Info: Dec 6 2018 19:53:30
VB: RWDeviceState: Succeed using rpmb!
KeyPressed = (0x9CE58000)
Reboot reason: 0
Platform version : 0x10000
Booting from slot (_b)
Loading Image Start : 2115 ms
Loading Image Done : 2115 ms
Total Image Read size : 512 Bytes
Loading Image Start : 2116 ms
Loading Image Done : 2285 ms
Total Image Read size : 28921856 Bytes
No dtbo partition is found, Skip dtbo
VB: DeviceInit: Device is unlocked! Skipping verification!
ReadKeyInternal: gEfiSimpleTextInputExProtocolGuid handles = 3
ReadKeyInternal: Read KEY = 0x0
bootstate = 4
var = UNLOCK splash update
Cannot find GraphicsHandles.
Avoid flicking for 2160x1080 images
Cannot find GraphicsHandles.
Render Splash [ 2351]
VB: VerifyImage: Image verification done! boot state is: ORANGE
Exit key detection timer
No Ffbm cookie found, ignore: Not Found
Memory Base Address: 0x80000000
Decompressing kernel image start: 12539 ms
Decompressing kernel image done: 13023 ms
BootLinux: failed to get dtbo image
Best match DTB tags 317/00000008/0x00000000/0/1001B/102001A/0/0/(offset)0x99F32B30/(size)0x0005C540
Using pmic info 0x1001B/0x102001A/0x0/0x0 for device 0x2001B/0x102001A/0x0/0x0
Memory Base Address: 0x80000000
smem protocol = 9C2FD0A0
board_id1 is 1
board_id2 is 0
board_id3 is 1
board_id is 1
get_boardid_from_smem,SUCCESS ,board_id=0x102
PON Reason is 0x200001 cold_boot:1 charger path: 0
GetCheckPanelPressGuid:checkPanel = 0x1;Status:0x0
panel is Exist
get_hwconfig_cmdline, board_id=0x102
get_hwconfig_cmdline, hwlevel=0x1
get_hwconfig_cmdline, maxcount=0x30
get_hwconfig_cmdline, i=0x15
Cmdline: ttyMSM0,115200,n8 androidboot.console=ttyMSM0 earlycon=msm_serial_dm,0xc170000 androidboot.hardware=qcom user_debug=31 msm_rtb.filter=0x37 ehci-hcd.park=3 lpm_levels.sleep_disabled=1 sched_enable_hmp=1 sched_enable_power_aware=1 service_locator.e
RAM Partitions
Add Base: 0x0000000080000000 Available Length: 0x0000000080000000
Add Base: 0x0000000100000000 Available Length: 0x000000007E4C0000
WARNING: Could not find mem-offline node.
kaslr-Seed is added to chosen node
pureason = 40001
Shutting Down UEFI Boot Services: 13118 ms
BDS: LogFs sync skipped, Unsupported
App Log Flush : 14 ms
Exit BS [13139] UEFI End