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The Mainline Kernel

From postmarketOS Wiki
Redirect page

Redirect to:



  • qcom-msm8974-lge-nexus5-hammerhead.dts
  • qcom-msm8974-sony-xperia-honami.dts
  • qcom-apq8064-sony-xperia-yuga.dts
  • qcom-apq8064-asus-nexus7-flo.dts

When you don't have a result, try to find a dts file with the same chipset as your device (e.g. msm8974). Try to create a new one for your device based on that by creating a patch for linux-postmarketos-stable. If there is not even a dts file for the same chipset, you need to create one from scratch (no idea how to do that, good luck and please extend the wiki).

Enable the mainline kernel for a new device

  1. Set the kernel dependency to linux-postmarketos in the APKBUILD for the device package if you want to make it the default kernel (more information).
  2. Add the name of the generated dtb file (without path or extension) to the deviceinfo_dtb file in the deviceinfo file.

A good example of a device using a mainline kernel is the device-nokia-n900 package.