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ASUS MeMO Pad 7 (asus-me176c)

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Asus MeMO Pad 7 (ME176C(X))
asus-me176cx running postmarketOS
asus-me176cx running postmarketOS
Manufacturer Asus
Name MeMO Pad 7 (ME176C(X))
Codename asus-me176c
Released 2014
Type tablet
Chipset Intel Bay Trail T Z3745
CPU Intel® Atom™ CPU Z3745 @ 1.33GHz (Quad-Core)
GPU Atom Processor Z36xxx/Z37xxx Series Graphics & Display
Display 7" 800x1280 IPS LCD
Storage 8/16 GB
Memory 1 GB
Architecture x86_64
Original software Android
Original version 4.4
Extended version 5.0 + UEFI
FOSS bootloader yes
Category community
Pre-built images yes
postmarketOS kernel linux-edge (Alpine)
Unixbench Whet/Dhry score 1664.4
USB Networking
Internal storage
No data
SD card
No data
3D Acceleration
Camera Flash
No data
Hall Effect
No data


Users owning this device



The device has a locked Android bootloader. To boot other operating systems, you need to replace the bootloader entirely with a custom one.

  1. Make sure that you are running Android 5.0 (Lollipop) - older versions did not have UEFI firmware.
  2. Install me176c-boot.
  3. Set up the APD partition as additional ESP (EFI System Partition), see me176c-boot - Setting up an additional ESP partition.

Pre-built image

Download 2 files, as explained in installation#download.

  1. <date>-...-asus-me176c-bootpart.img.xz (boot partition)
  2. <date>-...-asus-me176c.img.xz (rootfs)

Unpack them using unxz *.xz.


Follow the pmbootstrap article to create your own postmarketOS image until you ran pmbootstrap install. Then use pmbootstrap export to get the same files as in the pre-built images section.

Flashing boot partition

The bootloader cannot boot directly from a SD card, therefore the boot partition must be always on internal storage.

Boot into Fastboot mode, and use fastboot flash APD asus-me176c-bootpart.img (or pmbootstrap flasher flash_kernel with pmbootstrap) to flash the boot partition. Then you need to create a boot entry for postmarketOS. Create a file pmos.conf:

title    postmarketOS
volume   80868086-8086-8086-8086-000000000007
linux    /vmlinuz-edge
initrd   /intel-ucode.img
initrd   /initramfs
# Comment this out to get more output on screen while booting
options  console=null

Note: the filenames in pmos.conf must match those in asus-me176c-bootpart.img, else expect boot hang with failed to open file: or similar console messages. In that case, inspect bootpart.img directly or examine APD contents after flashing.

To install the new boot entry, boot into TWRP recovery, mount the ESP partition, and push the new configuration using ADB: adb push pmos.conf /esp/loader/entries/

Now you can choose if you would like to install the root partition (asus-me176c(-root).img) on internal storage or a SD card.

Internal Storage

Normally you should be also able to flash the rootfs using Fastboot:

  • System partition: fastboot flash system asus-me176c.img (pmbootstrap flasher flash_rootfs)
  • Data partition (larger): fastboot flash data asus-me176c.img (pmbootstrap flasher flash_rootfs --partition=data)

However, if you get an error you may need to flash it using dd via the TWRP recovery instead:

$ gzip -c ...-asus-me176c.img | adb shell "zcat | dd of=/dev/block/by-name/data bs=4m"

It looks like Fastboot can only handle small partitions on this tablet, so the error occurs whenever the image becomes too large for Fastboot to handle. Check via fastboot getvar max-download-size (see also flash_fastboot_max_size). On a 16GB device the value is ~512MiB.

Note that on first boot the resizing of the partition containing the rootfs may fail quietly (or not occur at all?). Check the resulting filesystem(s) and partition(s) with df and sudo fdisk -l. If necessary, boot to recovery, unmount the filesystem, and use resize2fs on the partition. Note that for pmOS v24.06 (and probably earlier) resize is not possible using the latest (final) me176-dev twrp recovery (3.3.1-20190609), as the e2fsck does not support FEATURE_C12 required by pmOS_root (i.e., mmcblk2p16). A possible workaround (untested) is to install to SD card first, boot that, format the partition (possibly irreversible!), then follow the internal storage instructions as above.

SD card

Write the root partition image to a partition on your SD card:

  1. Find the correct block device $ lsblk (usually /dev/mmcblkXpY but sometimes /dev/sdXY)
  2. Write the image to the partition (Warning: Existing data will be erased): dd if=asus-me176c-root.img of=/dev/mmcblkXpY bs=4M
  3. Check resulting rootfs filesize resize2fs -P /dev/mmcblkXpY and use resize2fs to make better use of the partition.


Since the tablet has very little RAM, some applications might hang or crash easily. This affects web browsers (e.g. Firefox) in particular. Consider enabling ZRAM to improve the situation somewhat.

NOTE: On edge (but not v22.12) ZRAM is set up automatically. No changes are necessary.

Hardware status


On recent Linux versions there seem to be problems with Bluetooth. It works only after some reboots or not at all, with randomly changing errors such as

[    9.600344] Bluetooth: hci0: BCM: features 0x0f
[    9.601428] Bluetooth: hci0: BCM2076B1
[    9.601437] Bluetooth: hci0: BCM2076B1 (002.002.004) build 0000
[    9.602648] Bluetooth: hci0: BCM2076B1 'brcm/BCM2076B1.hcd' Patch
[    9.659576] Bluetooth: hci0: Frame reassembly failed (-84)
[   11.711297] Bluetooth: hci0: command 0xfc4c tx timeout
[   19.967859] Bluetooth: hci0: BCM: Patch command fc4c failed (-110)
[   19.967888] Bluetooth: hci0: BCM: Patch failed (-110)
[   22.015081] Bluetooth: hci0: command 0xfc45 tx timeout
[   30.206722] Bluetooth: hci0: BCM: failed to write clock (-110)
[   32.255720] Bluetooth: hci0: command 0x0c03 tx timeout
[   40.446793] Bluetooth: hci0: BCM: Reset failed (-110)

The cause for this regression is currently unknown. It seems like Linux receives garbage data from the Bluetooth chip. :(

If you experience long (several minute) bootup times in v24.06 (stuck on the "Loading..." splash screen), bluetooth may be the culprit. Review dmesg for entries similar to these (showing ~1 or 2 minute time gaps):

   9.293 i915 ... [drm] fb0: ... framebuffer device
   9.523 Bluetooth: hci0: command 0x1001 tx timeout
  69.427 udevd ... bluetooth/hci0 is taking a long time
 189.883 udevd timeout ... setaddr.sh bd hci0
 190.885 udevd slow: ... setaddr.sh bd hci0
 191.886 udevd timeout: killing ... setaddr.sh bd hci0

hwtest result

Category Model Path Status Value
framebuffer i915drmfb /sys/class/graphics/fb0 Working
drm /sys/class/drm/card0-HDMI-A-1 Working Not connected
drm /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1 Working 800x1280
drm /sys/class/drm/card0-DP-1 Working Not connected
magnetometer i2c-AKM9911:00 /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device0 Working -0.1, -0.12, 0.31 gauss
accelerometer i2c-KXJ2109:00 /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device1 Working 0.4, -4.58, -8.6 g
input Video Bus /dev/input/event5 Working
input bytcr-rt5640 Headset /dev/input/event4 Working
input Goodix Capacitive TouchScreen /dev/input/event3 Working
input gpio-keys /dev/input/event2 Working
input gpio-keys /dev/input/event1 Working
input ASUS Lid Cover /dev/input/event0 Working

Some users have reported being able to charge the device and connect a USB-Hub using a Micro USB OTG Y-cable like this one. It is a cable with an integrated resistor, which manages the splitting. This enables using the tablet with a keyboard, mouse, mass-storage-device,and whatever you can think of using USB. The USB protocol is USB 2.0. (The CPU also supports USB3 but the interface is sadly not exposed.)

Software issues

Phosh tweaks / gotchas

  • Unlock button is not accessible for lockscreen rewake in landscape mode with large display scales (150%, 175%). Power cycle seems to be required.
  • Auto-rotate lockscreen orientation is fixed at locking.

Tested DE




Thanx to it's minimalistic approach SXMO works pretty well on the me176c. It requires some practice to use it so read the docs :) !

But... this does not resolve memory-hungry issues like internet browsing with firefox or chromium. You have to be kind with the hardware: 1 GB RAM can't do much UI-/visual-stuff !

As of SXMO 1.12.0 there is no device profile. Here is where the work is needed to have a user-friendly SXMO on me176c(x).

This is how the deviceprofile of the pinephone 1.2 looks like

~$ cat /usr/bin/sxmo_deviceprofile_pine64,pinephone-1.2.sh 
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
# Copyright 2022 Sxmo Contributors

export SXMO_WIFI_MODULE=8723cs
export SXMO_SYS_FILES="/sys/module/$SXMO_WIFI_MODULE/parameters/rtw_scan_interval_thr /sys/power/state /sys/devices/platform/soc/1f00000.rtc/power/wakeup /sys/power/mem_sleep /dev/rtc0 /sys/devices/platform/soc/1f03400.rsb/sunxi-rsb-3a3/axp221-pek/power/wakeup"
export SXMO_SWAY_SCALE="2"

and for the Xiaomi Poco F1 (xiaomi-beryllium):

~$ cat /usr/bin/sxmo_deviceprofile_xiaomi,beryllium.sh 
# poco f1
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
# Copyright 2022 Sxmo Contributors

export SXMO_MONITOR="0:0:Novatek_NT36XXX_Touchscreen"
export SXMO_POWER_BUTTON="0:0:pm8941_pwrkey"
export SXMO_VOLUME_BUTTON="1:1:gpio-keys 0:0:pm8941_resin"
export SXMO_SWAY_SCALE="2"
export SXMO_VIBRATE_DEV="/dev/input/by-path/platform-c440000.spmi-platform-c440000.spmi:pmic@3:haptics@c000-event"

All other device profiles are under the same directory /usr/bin/sxmo_deviceprofile_*.

Another very important SXMO-env_variables is:


Note that in v24.06, (SXMO 1.16.0), there is still no custom deviceprofile. If you installed a pre-built sxmo.img, you will need to run commands on the device to enable USB networking. The default deviceprofile provides a console (system menu > apps > foot), however, the virtual keyboard (volume lower, 1 tap) is not recognized. Fortunately, TTYescape is installed and recognized (hold volume lower, tap power 3 times). While in TTYescape, upon screen wakeup, the keyboard may not reappear; tapping the lower area of the screen should refresh the keyboard incrementally.

See also