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LeapFrog Leapster GS (leapfrog-lucy)

From postmarketOS Wiki
This device is marked as not booting.
Status: Yet to start work on
LeapFrog LeapsterGS
Manufacturer LeapFrog
Name LeapsterGS
Codename leapfrog-lucy
Released 2012
Type handset
Chipset Nexell NXP3200
CPU 550 MHz Cortex-A9, overclockable to around 800Mhz, but not stable on all devices
Display 320x240 TFT
Storage 2 GB
Memory 128 MB
Architecture armv7
Original software Ångstrom
Original version 2.6.37
FOSS bootloader yes
Category testing
Pre-built images no
Mainline no
postmarketOS kernel 3.4.24



Users owning this device

  • DCFUKSURMOM (Notes: Running RetroLeap, I've actually worked on the RetroLeap project and have 2 custom kernels on my github.)

How to enter flash mode

When the device is powered off, Hold L+R+Question mark Button (?) and push the power button while holding these buttons. If done correctly, it will show a different screen other than the leapfrog logo.


Use pmbootstrap to build your own installation image.

$ pmbootstrap init
$ pmbootstrap install

See also