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Raspberry Pi: Difference between revisions

From postmarketOS Wiki
update to dedicated raspberry pi zero packaging: https://gitlab.com/postmarketOS/pmaports/merge_requests/125
Drebrez (talk | contribs)
Add links to specific Raspberry Pi versions
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{{Infobox device
| manufacturer = Raspberry Pi Foundation
| name = Raspberry Pi
| codename = raspberry-pi0, raspberry-pi, raspberry-pi3
| image = File:Raspberry-Pi-3-hero-1-1571x1080.jpg
| releaseyear = 2013-2018
| originalsoftware = Raspbian
| chipset = Broadcom BCM2835<br/>Broadcom BCM2836<br/>Broadcom BCM2837
| cpu = ARM1176JZF-S<br/>ARM Cortex-A7<br/>ARM Cortex-A53<br/>700 MHz - 1.4 GHz
| gpu = Broadcom VideoCore IV
| storage = MicroSDHC slot
| display = HDMI port
| memory = 256/512/1024 MB
| architecture = armhf / aarch64
| n-android = ✔
| status_usbnet = -
| status_flashing = -
| status_touch =
| status_screen = Y
| status_wifi =
| status_xwayland = Y
| status_fde =
| status_mainline = Y
| status_battery = -
| status_3d =
| status_accel = -
| status_audio =
| status_bluetooth =
| status_camera = -
| status_gps = -
| status_mobiledata = -
| status_sms = -
| status_calls = -
| booting = yes

{| class="wikitable"
[[File:Raspberry-pi-xfce1.jpg|thumb|right|Running XFCE]]
! Raspberry Pi Zero
[[File:Raspberry-pi-xfce2.jpg|thumb|right|Running XFCE]]
! Raspberry Pi 1 & 2
! Raspberry Pi 3
== Contributors ==
* ''[[user:drebrez|drebrez]]''
| [[File:Raspberry-Pi-Zero-1-1755x1080.jpg|thumb|link=Raspberry_Pi_Zero]]
| [[File:Raspberry-Pi-Model-B-1-1619x1080.jpg|thumb|link=Raspberry_Pi_1_&_2]]
== What works ==
| [[File:Raspberry-Pi-3-hero-1-1571x1080.jpg|thumb|link=Raspberry_Pi_3]]
* ...
== What does not work ==
* ...
== Installation ==
1. Init pmbootstrap <source lang="shell-session">$ ./pmbootstrap.py init</source>
::* Choose <code>raspberry-pi3</code> for the Raspberry 3B and 3B+ (aarch64 installation)
::* Choose <code>raspberry-pi0</code> for the Raspberry Zero (armhf installation)
::* Choose <code>raspberry-pi</code> for all other versions (armhf installation)
2. Select the kernel for your Raspberry Pi version <source lang="shell-session">
[10:47:03] Which kernel do you want to use with your device?
[10:47:03] Available kernels (2):
[10:47:03] * rpi: Kernel for the Raspberry Pi 1
[10:47:03] * rpi2: Kernel for the Raspberry Pi 2 & 3
3. Optionally add <code>bluetooth-raspberry-pi</code> as extra package. It will install a service that starts the built-in bluetooth device at boot. <source lang="shell-session">
[17:14:37] Additional packages that will be installed to rootfs. Specify them in a comma separated list (e.g.: vim,file) or "none"
[17:14:37] Extra packages [none]: bluetooth-raspberry-pi
4. Start the build process and install the completed image to a sdcard <source lang="shell-session">
$ ./pmbootstrap.py install --sdcard /dev/sdX
(replace /dev/sdX with the device for your sdcard)</source>
5. Place the sdcard into the Raspberry Pi and boot it
== See also ==
* The Raspberry Pi has a [https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Raspberry_Pi pre-existing port of Alpine Linux]
* It should be possible to [[Existing Alpine installation|convert the pre-existing RPi Alpine install to a pmOS install]].
* {{github|1137}} Testing out Hildon and XFCE4 (other UIs did not work at all?) on Raspberry Pi after converting the Alpine installation
* [https://github.com/christinaa/rpi-open-firmware/tree/master rpi-open-firmware] - a Free Software firmware for the Pi.
* {{github|1501}} initial PR
* {{MR|125|pmaports}} New device: Raspberry Pi Zero with Ethernet over USB enabled

Revision as of 20:30, 3 January 2019

Raspberry Pi Zero Raspberry Pi 1 & 2 Raspberry Pi 3