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Move lm2's notes to the user page [see https://wiki.postmarketos.org/index.php?title=Samsung_Galaxy_Tab_2_7.0_(samsung-espresso7)&oldid=67632]
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Normally, it should, with lienage, detect sim cards.
Normally, it should, with lienage, detect sim cards.
If you just flash it with twrp by BL/odin, twrp will be installed, lineage can be installed too, but GSM/3G/LTE modules might never work (in my case, it happened like it)
If you just flash it with twrp by BL/odin, twrp will be installed, lineage can be installed too, but GSM/3G/LTE modules might never work (in my case, it happened like it)
== Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 (samsung-espresso7)  ==
====please notice====
*this tab have very weird startup behaviour ; eg you can't get into twrp or download mode with the usb cable plugged.
sometimes, in one hour and dozen of volbuttons manipultion, twrp/DLmode just didnt launched, always the OS directly
*it might be salvagely restarted several times to get into twrp/DL mode.
*some cable solt with this tab are only electrical-usb cables, not data ones.
*the wifi could disappear at shutdown, and going to twrp (swipe to modify>reboot>system) *sometimes* solves this problem
*i recommend the device to "stay" on the download/twrp mode while charging, as it can't stay powered-off (like almost all lineage/postmarket devices) while being electrically usb-charging. twrp/download modes, consumes less CPU IMHO.
in download mode :
  heimdall flash  --KERNEL postmarketos-boot.img
in twrp mode :
  adb push samsung-espresso10.img /dev/block/mmcblk0p10
then reboot
*execute to change the ambiant colors of the interface (as "night shift" feature), where brightness level can't be changed :
  redshift -l 55.7:12.6 -t 5700:3600 -g 0.8 -m randr -v #for europe
*to rotate the screen, execute a script containing the following text:
  if [ "$(xrandr --verbose | grep primary | cut -d ' ' -f6)" = "normal" ]; then                                                                                       
  xrandr -o left                                                                                                                                                     
  sleep 1                                                                                                                                                             
  xinput set-prop "Synaptics DS4 R3.0" "Coordinate Transformation Matrix" 0 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1                                                                         
  xrandr -o normal                                                                                                                                                   
  sleep 1                                                                                                                                                             
  xinput set-prop "Synaptics DS4 R3.0" "Coordinate Transformation Matrix" 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1                                                                         
please notice,
this tab is not recommended under gnome or phosh, as it can seriously run slow or even show an unfixable error message at bootup. xfce4 only is recommended for graphical purposes ; see at :
*on all samsung devices, to avoid touch being freeze while system responds (vol buttons), i add in root's crontab:
  */5 * * * * /sbin/modprobe -r zinitix & /sbin/modprobe zinitix

Latest revision as of 16:58, 20 December 2024


mastodon @lm2@piaille.fr

working Devices

Device Notes
HTC One M7 (htc-m7) postmarket can handle this device only in ssh over usb, if console environment has been specified in the pmbootstrap process : screen not usable at all, i suspect due to lack of GPU support
LG Optimus L7 (lg-p700) software bricked after bad twrp installation
Samsung Galaxy A10 (samsung-a10) lienageos
Samsung Galaxy A3 2015 (samsung-a3) postmarket works almost well, testing the operatin'system
Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime (samsung-fortuna) postmarket works almost well testing the operatin'system
Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 (3G and Wifi) (samsung-espresso10) postmarket works almost well testing the operatin'system

my postmarketos tricks

for samsung devices, to avoid touchscreen being frozen after a while of IDLE, even if the system responds

just add a screen.sh script, eg in your /root, that you might add eg every 5mins, within your crontab :

  • /5 * * * * /root/screen.sh

screen.sh containing as follow :

/sbin/modprobe -r zinitix &/sbin/modprobe zinitix

dont forget to chmod +x screen.sh !

for every linux distro, i also recommend to add to your /etc/rc.local, as follow :

/bin/touch /forcefsck

/bin/touch /home/forcefsck

Grand Prime LTE, G530FZ postmarketos/Phosh

I really disadvice to run firefox on it : hardware is huge too low specs and browser might run **very** slow and even crash the system, until a reboot is done. i recommend either receive news using RSS, or browse with dillo. dont expect proper common web browsing or even JavaScript browsing run smooth on this device, it's highly too old/low specs.

Grand Prime LTE, G530FZ : roll back to androstock/lineageos?

for G530FZ:

used: twrp 1.1.1-1

lk2nd (postmarketos): 0.12.0 msm916

android stock

download mode

simply use odin with a tar ROM


download mode

use heimdall or odin to flash the twrp used: twrp 1.1.1-1

twrp/recovery mode

use twrp to flash the lineageos zip file (install button) I really advise you to use lineageos14.1 (andro7) for better compatibility/performance

well tested:

lineage 14.1, but you *might* have to odin it, regarding this:

Hi guys

regarding the G530fz to solve the problem I had to be oriented to Lineage 14. Why the cell data was not detected? I don't know, but I discovered a way to fix it: I was used before to install Lineage by just injecting the image file into the phone, then format the /data partition by simple wipe. And for others phone, it was working. Looks like on samsung models, it's requiring steps differently:

1/ use odin to reinstall stock firmware regarding all four files: BL, AP, CP, CSC. In the downloaded archive of the stock firmware, all files matchs with those option with odin. It's necessary to add these four files. Flash it

2/ The phone will start. After finished, you can restart it, but in download mode.

3/ then use again odin, but flash it with only three files, excluding AP. Replace BL by the twrp bootloader.

4/ If at reboot, it's stuck on a recovery start, even without pushing the vol buttons, reflash it again with only BL.

5/ proceed normally to install lineage: download correct image plus arm (it's arm32 if Im right) pico or nano opengapps, copy them to the phone by usb, flash it then wipe /data.

6/ it should work.

If not, I remember I had to firstly flash by stock factory with all four files of stock archive, then only three including twrp instead of factory BL, then only BL if it's booting in loop into recovery instead normal mode.

Normally, it should, with lienage, detect sim cards. If you just flash it with twrp by BL/odin, twrp will be installed, lineage can be installed too, but GSM/3G/LTE modules might never work (in my case, it happened like it)

Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 (samsung-espresso7)

please notice

  • this tab have very weird startup behaviour ; eg you can't get into twrp or download mode with the usb cable plugged.

sometimes, in one hour and dozen of volbuttons manipultion, twrp/DLmode just didnt launched, always the OS directly

  • it might be salvagely restarted several times to get into twrp/DL mode.
  • some cable solt with this tab are only electrical-usb cables, not data ones.
  • the wifi could disappear at shutdown, and going to twrp (swipe to modify>reboot>system) *sometimes* solves this problem
  • i recommend the device to "stay" on the download/twrp mode while charging, as it can't stay powered-off (like almost all lineage/postmarket devices) while being electrically usb-charging. twrp/download modes, consumes less CPU IMHO.


in download mode :

 heimdall flash   --KERNEL postmarketos-boot.img

in twrp mode :

 adb push samsung-espresso10.img /dev/block/mmcblk0p10

then reboot


  • execute to change the ambiant colors of the interface (as "night shift" feature), where brightness level can't be changed :
 redshift -l 55.7:12.6 -t 5700:3600 -g 0.8 -m randr -v #for europe
  • to rotate the screen, execute a script containing the following text:
 if [ "$(xrandr --verbose | grep primary | cut -d ' ' -f6)" = "normal" ]; then                                                                                         
 xrandr -o left                                                                                                                                                      
 sleep 1                                                                                                                                                               
 xinput set-prop "Synaptics DS4 R3.0" "Coordinate Transformation Matrix" 0 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1                                                                          
 xrandr -o normal                                                                                                                                                    
 sleep 1                                                                                                                                                               
 xinput set-prop "Synaptics DS4 R3.0" "Coordinate Transformation Matrix" 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1                                                                           

please notice, this tab is not recommended under gnome or phosh, as it can seriously run slow or even show an unfixable error message at bootup. xfce4 only is recommended for graphical purposes ; see at :

  • on all samsung devices, to avoid touch being freeze while system responds (vol buttons), i add in root's crontab:
 */5	*	*	*	*	/sbin/modprobe -r zinitix & /sbin/modprobe zinitix