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Revision as of 13:01, 26 January 2018 by Bwildenhain (talk | contribs) (Qemu on Debian stretch: previous howto was enough to boot using commandline mode in qemu, but didn't allow wayland to start)
Note Right now we use the QEMU version installed on the host system, but we want to change that: #1158

Building and starting a QEMU image

pmbootstrap init  # Choose a qemu-* device (x86_64: amd64, arm: vexpress-soc)
pmbootstrap install --no-fde
pmbootstrap qemu --image-size=2G

Note: The amd64 version is recommended if you don't know which one to choose. See the device specific pages (links below) for the differences.

The --image-size=2G parameter will increase the image size to 2GB, so you don't instantly run out of space (by default the image size is as small as possible). Check out pmbootstrap qemu --help for more options, such as performance tweaks.

Qemu on Debian stretch

Qemu on Debian does not include SDL-support by default. To use pmbootstrap on Debian you have to do the following:

  1. Ensure that /etc/apt/sources.list contains a deb-src line for Debian buster or later.
  2. sudo apt-get build-dep libvirglrenderer-dev/buster (install build dependencies for libvirglrenderer)
  3. fakeroot apt-get -b source libvirglrenderer-dev/buster (download and build libvirglrenderer)
  4. sudo dpkg -i libvirglrenderer0_0.6.0-2_amd64.deb libvirglrenderer-dev_0.6.0-2_amd64.deb (install it)
  5. sudo apt-get build-dep qemu/buster
  6. fakeroot apt-get -b source qemu/buster
  7. Install the appropriate qemu Debian packages which have been created in the current directory.

See also