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Apple iPhone 7/7+ (apple-iphone7)

From postmarketOS Wiki
Revision as of 17:03, 18 April 2020 by Njha (talk | contribs) (fix infobox)

These two devices can boot Android (via Project Sandcastle) so a postmarketOS porting could be possible once flash storage drivers are added

This device is marked as not booting.
Status: no port yet
Apple iPhone 7/
7 plus
The iPhone 7, Booting PostmarketOS
The iPhone 7, Booting PostmarketOS
Manufacturer Apple
Name iPhone 7/
7 plus
Codename apple-iphone7
Released 2016
Chipset Apple A10 Fusion
CPU 2.34GHz quad-core 64-bit
GPU Custom PowerVR GT7600 Plus (6 core)
Display 1334×750 (326 ppi) (iPhone 7) 1920x1080 (401 ppi) (iPhone 7+)
Storage 32, 128, 256GB
Memory 2GB (iPhone 7) 3GB (iPhone 7+)
Original software iOS 10.0.1
Category testing
Pre-built images no


  • CHANGE_ME (put your username here!)


Users owning this device

  • Alula
  • Clygro (Notes: 7 32GB missing front panel and broken battery cable iOS 14.x)
  • ThatGeekZen (Notes: Repaired screen and battery)

How to enter flash mode

No proper flash mode, but kernel can be booted via checkra1n/PongoOS. Basic dual boot support exists


See also