Samsung Galaxy Tab E 9.6 (SM-T561) (samsung-gtel3g)
| manufacturer = Samsung | name = Samsung Galaxy Tab E 9.6 | codename = gtel3g | image = File: | imagecaption = Samsung Galaxy Tab E 9.6 (SM-T561) (samsung-gtel3g) running Weston | releaseyear = 2015 | originalsoftware = 4.4.4 | chipset = Spreadtrum sc8830 | cpu = 4x1300Mhz | gpu = Mali-400 MP | storage = 8 GB | display = 1200x800, DPI:600 | memory = 768MB | architecture = armv7 | status_usbnet = Y | status_flashing = Y | status_touch = Y | status_screen = Y | status_wifi = | status_xwayland = Y | status_fde = N | status_mainline = N | status_battery = Y | status_3d = | status_accel = | status_audio = | status_bluetooth = | status_camera = | status_gps = | status_mobiledata = | status_sms = | status_calls = | status = | booting = yes
- realaravinth
- realaravinth
Users owning this device
- Realaravinth (Notes: Running pmOS)
- Sporos (Notes: sitting in a drawer)
- The EDev
How to enter flash mode
- pmbootstrap install --android-recovery-zip
- pmbootstrap flasher --method=adb sideload
Addional Notes
- ADB sideload stops at 50%, but it actually succeeds.
- The power button instantly shuts down the entire system
- Only Weston works, other interfaces don't work. SSH works even when the display is stuck at the Samsung boot animation
See also
- pmaports! Initial merge request