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Xiaomi Redmi 2A (xiaomi-lte26007)

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This device is marked as not booting.
Xiaomi Redmi 2A
Manufacturer Xiaomi
Name Redmi 2A
Codename lte26007
Released 2015
Chipset Leadcore L1860C
CPU 4x Cortex A7 1.5GHz
GPU MaliT628
Display 720 x 1280
Storage 8GB/16GB
Memory 1GB/2GB
Original software Android 4.4
Category testing
Pre-built images no


Users owning this device

How to enter flash mode



There are three variant of this phone : enhanced variant (Redmi 2A enhanced) , base variant , high spec variant (Redmi 2A high spec). The base version is the 1gb/8gb of this phone.The enhanced version is the 2gb/16gb of this phone.The hight spec version is basiclly the 2gb/16gb of Xiaomi_Redmi_2_(xiaomi-wt88047) (2014816) sold with different name.

See also

Xiaomi Redmi 2 (xiaomi-wt88047)