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ASUS Transformer Prime (asus-tf201)

From postmarketOS Wiki
Revision as of 18:33, 5 July 2019 by IdanHoro (talk | contribs) (--no-fde removed (deprecated))
Warning WARNING: This device is not recommended for future use with postmarketOS due to its armhf architecture. Alpine Linux (the distribution that postmarketOS extends) pmaports#599 has been considering dropping it.
The processor of the device may support the armv7 architecture. If so, you can modify the device package and change the architecture accordingly.
This device is marked as not booting.
Status: doesn't go beyond boot logo
Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime
Manufacturer Asus
Name Eee Pad Transformer Prime
Codename asus-tf201
Released 2011
Chipset Nvidia Tegra 3
CPU 1.3 GHz quad-core Nvidia Tegra 3 T30
Display 1200x800 LED
Storage 32 GB
Memory 1GB
Architecture armhf
Original software Android 4.1
Category testing
Pre-built images no



Based on

Katkiss android XDA link


  • Kernel compiles
  • Flashable from within recovery (same as ASUS_Eee_Pad_Transformer_(asus-tf101))
  • Doesn't go beyond bootlogo
  • Having problems compiling with APANIC flag (to read last_kmesg - and figure out why)

How to enter flash mode

Longpress power (for reboot), then during reboot (feel the vibration) lower sound (to bootloader), and from bootloader higher sound to jump to recovery


You need to be running Katkiss 7.1 (with TWRP 3.0.0 and hairy bean bootloader). Please follow this guide on XDA if you're not.

  1. ./pmbootstrap.py install
  2. ./pmbootstrap.py export
  3. Reboot the device in recovery
  4. adb push /tmp/postmarketOS-export/blob-asus-tf201 /cache
  5. adb push /tmp/postmarketOS-export/asus-tf201.img /cache

The following should be executed within adb shell:

  1. adb shell
  2. dd if=/cache/blob-asus-tf201 of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p4
  3. dd if=/cache/asus-tf201.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p1

Note: Other ways of flashing do not work. This is exactly how the katkiss android ROM is flashed to the device.

See also