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Geniatech MyGica V1200 / Geniatech MyGica ATV1200 / Geniatech MyGica A6 / Geniatech MyGica A300 (geniatech-rmx0312)

From postmarketOS Wiki
This device is marked as not booting.
Geniatech Geniatech MyGica V1200 /
Geniatech MyGica ATV1200 /
Geniatech MyGica A6 /
Geniatech MyGica A300
A pic of MyGica V1200
A pic of MyGica V1200
Manufacturer Geniatech
Name Geniatech MyGica V1200 /
Geniatech MyGica ATV1200 /
Geniatech MyGica A6 /
Geniatech MyGica A300
Codename geniatech-rmx0312
Released 20XX
Chipset Amlogic AML8726-MX
CPU Dual-core 1.5 GHz Cortex-A9
GPU Mali-400 MP2

ATV1200&V1200 : 8GB

A300&A6 : 4GB
Memory 1GB
Architecture armv7
Original software Android
Original version 4.1.2 (Linux 3.0.8)
Category testing
Pre-built images no
Mainline partial


Users owning this device

Current State

Non-Booting Device


It use MLK 003a Usb wireless module for the wifi function.The MLK001A's fccid was printed on MLK 003a.However,MLK001A look diiferent from MLK 003a. Also MLK 003a use rtl8188cus chip.

How to enter flash mode


Different bewtween Geniatech MyGica V1200 / Geniatech MyGica V1200 / Geniatech MyGica A6 / Geniatech MyGica A300

Geniatech MyGica V1200 seem to only sold at hk and it come with air mouse that has a keyboard build in.

Geniatech MyGica A6 (Simple Chinese Name : 美如画A6) seem to only sold at china and it dont come with a air mouse.

Geniatech MyGica AV1200 seem to sold internationaly and seem to be identical to Geniatech MyGica A6(expect for storage).

Geniatech MyGica A300 (Simple Chinese Name : 美如画A300) seem to sold internationaly and seem to be identical to Geniatech MyGica A6. It is sold only in china.


Some variant of atv 1200 dont have YPBPR RCA port.

Internal USB

There are a internal usb port in V1200 and the internal usb port was pluged a air mouse receiver by default. A6 dont have internal usb port. ATV1200 seem to dont have internal usb port.



Mainline Support

There r mainline in the linux-edge. However it is very borken.

See also