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QEMU Nokia N900 (qemu-rx51)

From postmarketOS Wiki
Note See Category:QEMU for usage instructions. This page only contains information specific to the qemu-rx51 port... and it isn't included (anymore) in pmaports. Consider using one of the others instead.
This device is marked as not booting.
Manufacturer QEMU
Name N900
Codename qemu-rx51
Architecture armv7
Category testing
Pre-built images no

With 4.6 kernel, Pali's patch to mmc and right config with command line inside, qemu works for N900 emulation, including running Weston.

I'm using this config option to configure kernel:

CONFIG_CMDLINE="console=ttyO2,115200 console=tty root=/dev/mmcblk1p2 rootdelay=5 no-omap-wd no-ext-wd console=tty0 nokia-modem.pm=1 1 single"

And this script to prepare image / run it:


import os
import time

def cmd(f):

class Run:
    def __init__(m):
        m.qemudir = "/data/l/maemo/qemu/"
        m.pmb_tmp = "/data/tmp/pmbootstrap"
        m.boot = m.pmb_tmp+"/chroot_rootfs_nokia-rx51/boot/"
    def run(m):
        # kernel = m.boot+"vmlinuz-postmarketos-dtb"
        kernel = "/data/l/linux-n900/arch/arm/boot/zImage-dtb"
        cmd("%s/qflasher -m rx51 -x %s/xloader-qemu.bin -s %s/secondary-qemu.bin -k %s -o n900.img -p k=16072" %
            (m.qemudir, m.qemudir, m.qemudir, kernel))

        os.system("%s/qemu-system-arm -s -M n900 -mtdblock n900.img -sd /data/tmp/pmos.img -serial stdio -clock unix -redir tcp:5555:" %

r = Run()

Special qemu version with n900 support is likely needed.