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You can install RetroArch from the Alpine repo:

$ sudo apk add retroarch


RetroArch by default uses the desktop menu. If on mobile device you can use a mobile friendly menu driver called glui. You can set it in retroarch.cfg (~/.config/retroarch/retroarch.cfg) with:

menu_driver = "glui"

Squeakboard currently does not work properly to navigate the menu, the bindings are seemingly random, here are the current key bindings:

up × (Multiplication sign)
left π
right τ
toggle fullsceen F7
exit 0


To enable touchscreen on RetroArch menu the following settings must be set in retroarch.cfg:

menu_mouse_enable = "false"
menu_pointer_enable = "true"

In case you're on a scaled display, you have to specify the scale factor in retroarch.cfg:

input_touch_scale = "2"

As of writing, input_touch_scale is only available in postmarketOS edge.


Warning WARNING: Launching roms from RetroArch frontend doesn't always works as expected, for this reason it is recommended to launch games from command-line

These are the tested cores so far, if you manage to successfully test a core please add it to the list so everyone can have an idea of what can be potentially executed.

A list of installable cores can be found here: https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/packages?name=libretro*&branch=edge

Overlay assets and configurations can be found here: https://github.com/libretro/common-overlays Shader assets can be found here: https://github.com/libretro/common-shaders

You can git clone them directly to your ~/.config/retroarch/overlay and ~/.config/retroarch/shaders folders directly.

Sega Master System

Genesis Plus GX
Installation sudo apk add libretro-genesis-plus-gx caption
Retroarch overlay ~/.config/retroarch/overlay/gamepads/genesis/genesis.cfg
Shader ~/.config/retroarch/shaders/shaders_glsl/crt/crt-easymode.glslp
retroarch --set-shader "shaders_glsl/crt/crt-easymode.glslp" -L /usr/lib/libretro/genesis_plus_gx_libretro.so -c ~/.config/retroarch/retroarch.cfg --appendconfig custom.cfg YOUR_ROM
 input_overlay = "~/.config/retroarch/overlay/gamepads/genesis/genesis.cfg"
 # Custom aspect ratio and game viewport size/position params
 aspect_ratio_index = "23"
 custom_viewport_width = "720"
 custom_viewport_height = "578"
 custom_viewport_x = "0"
 custom_viewport_y = "0"


Installation sudo apk add libretro-gambatte caption
Retroarch overlay ~/.config/retroarch/overlay/gamepads/genesis/genesis.cfg
Custom overlay ZilogZ92 custom overlays
Shader ~/.config/retroarch/shaders/shaders_glsl/handheld/gameboy.glslp
retroarch --set-shader "shaders_glsl/handheld/gameboy.glslp" -L /usr/lib/libretro/gambatte_libretro.so -c ~/.config/retroarch/retroarch.cfg --appendconfig custom.cfg YOUR_ROM
 # ZilogZ92 Gameboy overlay
 input_overlay = "./overlay/gb_big.cfg"
 # Custom aspect ratio and game viewport size/position params
 aspect_ratio_index = "23"
 custom_viewport_width = "720"
 custom_viewport_height = "578"
 custom_viewport_x = "0"
 custom_viewport_y = "0"


PSCX Rearmed
Installation sudo apk add libretro-pcsx-rearmed caption
Retroarch overlay ~/.config/retroarch/overlay/gamepads/psx/psx.cfg
retroarch -L /usr/lib/libretro/pcsx_rearmed_libretro.so -c ~/.config/retroarch/retroarch.cfg --appendconfig custom.cfg YOUR_ROM
 input_overlay = "~/.config/retroarch/overlay/gamepads/psx/psx.cfg
Comments Please follow PSCX Rearmed instructions, this emulator may need PSX bin files. Buggy on paella, low FPS.


RetroArch is highly configurable and allows some tweaks to increase performance. Please, if you find some share them here.

Buggy audio

By default RetroArch set audio driver to ALSA. This may result in buggy audio. I had to change it to pulse to have a smooth audio:

audio_driver = "pulse"

If this doesn't solve the audio issue it may be that the device is not powerful enought to emulate the game/platform under some conditions (overlays, shaders). Enabling video threading can be a possible solution:

video_threaded = "true"
