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SiFive HiFive Unleashed (sifive-hifive-unleashed)

From postmarketOS Wiki

The HiFive Unleashed is one of the earliest RISC-V devboards. On its own, it has very few I/O options (SD-Card, Ethernet, serial, and that's about it), but it can be extended through the mezzanine connector on the bottom side, by connecting a ChipLink-capable southbridge. Microsemi sold one, the HiFive Unleashed Expansion Board, based on their PolarFire FPGA, for around 2000 USD.

This device is marked as not booting.
SiFive HiFive Unleashed
Manufacturer SiFive
Name HiFive Unleashed
Codename sifive-hifive-unleashed
Model hifive-unleashed
Released 2018
Type single board computer
Chipset SiFive U540-C000
CPU SiFive U54
GPU none
Display none
Storage 32 MiB + SD card
Memory 8 GiB
Architecture riscv64
Original software freedom-u-sdk (Yocto)
Original version none
Category testing
Pre-built images no
Mainline yes
postmarketOS kernel none
Unixbench Whet/Dhry score 0.0

Users owning this device

How to enter flash mode


Using pmbootstrap


See also