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Talk:Kobo Clara HD (kobo-clara)

From postmarketOS Wiki

I don't think the waveform is specific to an individual device. I have seen waveforms with the sha256sum daad0e579ab252e69633af72b2a6c57066a7501b7a32eebb43c215588d7c8e9f length 2686280 on two devices. What more probably is device-specific is some vcom setting burned into the tps65185. That could be automated during fabrication. In an older image I have also seen a waveform with the sha256sum d5038637176d76ae6842057cc187b2f5595b3625d3b011e016064d35d6f4c1e0 length 2686291. I think it is sometimes included in an update.

Device profile

How does one make a device profile?

This page is linked in Using Ebook Reader Software (thank you sado1 for providing it): https://git.sr.ht/~mil/sxmo-utils/tree/master/item/scripts/deviceprofiles/README.md

Is sxmo-utils automatically installed if you select sxmo-de-dwm during pmboostrap init? A full path is never specified, and I can't `find` the sxmo-utils path when I mount the resultant image: where should I put my device profile when I make one? Is this the same as ~/.config/sxmo/profile? I would guess no. This path looks relevant, but I'm not sure what to add here.

$ ls usr/share/sxmo/default_hooks/
desktop/                            samsung,i9300/                      sxmo_hook_notifications.sh
lge,hammerhead/                     sxmo_hook_apps.sh                   sxmo_hook_pickup.sh
longcheer,l8150/                    sxmo_hook_call_audio.sh             sxmo_hook_restart_modem_daemons.sh
one_button_e_reader/                sxmo_hook_contextmenu_fallback.sh   sxmo_hook_ring.sh
oneplus,cheeseburger/               sxmo_hook_contextmenu.sh            sxmo_hook_rotate.sh
oneplus,dumpling/                   sxmo_hook_desktop_widget.sh         sxmo_hook_scripts.sh
oneplus,enchilada/                  sxmo_hook_discard.sh                sxmo_hook_sendsms.sh
oneplus,fajita/                     sxmo_hook_hangup.sh                 sxmo_hook_smslog.sh
pine64,pinenote/                    sxmo_hook_icons.sh                  sxmo_hook_sms.sh
pine64,pinephone-1.0/               sxmo_hook_lisgdstart.sh             sxmo_hook_start.sh
pine64,pinephone-1.1/               sxmo_hook_logout.sh                 sxmo_hook_statusbar.sh
pine64,pinephone-1.2/               sxmo_hook_missed_call.sh            sxmo_hook_stop.sh
pine64,pinephone-pro/               sxmo_hook_mnc.sh                    sxmo_hook_tailtextlog.sh
purism,librem5r2/                   sxmo_hook_modem.sh                  sxmo_hook_wakelocks.sh
purism,librem5r3/                   sxmo_hook_mute_ring.sh              three_button_touchscreen/
purism,librem5r4/                   sxmo_hook_network_down.sh           unknown/
qcom,msm8226-mtp/                   sxmo_hook_network_pre_down.sh       wingtech,wt88047/
samsung,a3u-eur/                    sxmo_hook_network_pre_up.sh         xiaomi,beryllium/
samsung,a5u-eur/                    sxmo_hook_network_up.sh             xiaomi,polaris/
samsung,gt510/                      sxmo_hook_notification.sh          

What is the device tree string for kobo clara? I'm unable to inspect /proc/device-tree/compatible because usb networking doesn't seem to work and I can't open a shell on the device, which I think this is because I need this device profile to get the touchscreen/keyboard to work.


In my experience, only the mainline kernel works on kobo clara. Should we be more explicit about that here? I saw others filing bugs with the exact behavior I saw with the downstream kernel. E.g:
