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From postmarketOS Wiki

👋 Hello! I'm Edward (Jones), a thoughtful, more in-tro-verted vegetarian gentleman.

  • I have been living from 2002.
  • I studied for GCSEs in 2018 and my life changed with MH problems since that time.

This is my look into the technical community of (people who share) the postmarketOS project and what people can do to change the system on a mobile device, testing what can be done with devices.

How I have used then broken my Fairphone 4

in my usefully informative writing to Customer Support.

Hello! 👋 I'm Edward Jones.
I have my FairPhone 4 and a laptop computer.
I used Android bootloader (fastboot) commands on the laptop to flash install postmarketOS, then Ubuntu Touch, operating systems on the phone, then back to the Fairphone OS to use with a QEMU virtual machine image of postmarketOS in a Termux (terminal emulator app) Linux container on that Android system.
I have installed Fairphone OS and then I deleted (fastboot erase) the recovery mode partition for security, slots A and B.
Then I locked the device from flashing changes with fastboot.
Now in FastBoot Mode when starting this device, the bootloader cannot start anything (OSes), with power key or "fastboot boot".
What can I do?
Can you [help] unlock the bootloader with my unlock code and some OEM fastboot commands?
Thank you, please help!

TTYEscape HKDM configuration:

sudo mv -T /etc/hkdm/config.d/ttyescape.toml ~/Documents/ttyescape-hkdm.toml
sudo cp -s ~/Documents/ttyescape-hkdm.toml /etc/hkdm/config.d/ttyescape.toml
sudo $EDITOR ~/Documents/ttyescape-hkdm.toml
sudo rc-service hkdm restart

My ttyescape-hkdm.toml:

name = "increment"
event_type = "EV_KEY"
key_state = "released"
command = "/usr/bin/togglevt.sh inc"

[[events]]                                                                                name = "start"
event_type = "EV_KEY"
key_state = "pressed"
keys = ["KEY_VOLUMEUP"]
command = "/usr/bin/togglevt.sh start"
name = "reset"                                                                            event_type = "EV_KEY"
key_state = "released"
keys = ["KEY_VOLUMEUP"]
command = "/usr/bin/togglevt.sh reset"

My tinydm (DM service) "user-session.desktop"

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Sxmo Sway (Wayland) session
Comment=Sxmo session in Sway WM (Wayland UI).
Exec=/usr/bin/sh -c "DISPLAY=:0.0 gtk-launch /usr/share/wayland-sessions/swmo.desktop;"
  1. sudo tinydm-unset-session [default session file]
  2. sudo tinydm-set-session -f -s ~/Documents/user-session.desktop
  3. sudo service tinydm -v restart
  4. rc-status

I have worked out that Wayland uses Super (Windows or Cmd) key [❖] with mouse 🖱🖲 to move an app window.

To have a display:

A display server using the Wayland protocol is called a compositor.

  • Not to use tinyDisplayManager - not official support for Sway, a tiling Wayland compositor.
  • Shell TTY Auto-login to auto-start Sxmo graphical interface, with the Wayland compositor Sway.
  1. gtk-launch /usr/share/wayland-sessions/swmo.desktop

Put Waydroid or Android, on Sway, in postmarketOS system on my FairPhone.

ej-fairphone-4:~$ sudo apk del tinydm                                                     [sudo] password for user: [...]
World updated, but the following packages are not removed due to:
  tinydm: postmarketos-ui-sxmo

After this operation, 0 B of additional disk space will be used.
OK: 3229 MiB in 1283 packages
ej-fairphone-4:~$ sudo tinydm-unset-session -f -s ~/Documents/user-session.desktop
ej-fairphone-4:~$ sudo tinydm-unset-session /var/lib/tinydm/default-session.desktop
ej-fairphone-4:~$ sudo rc-update del tinydm boot
 * service tinydm deleted from runlevel boot
ej-fairphone-4:~$ sudo $EDITOR ~/Documents/user-autologin

exec login -f user

ej-fairphone-4:~$ sudo chmod +x ~/Documents/user-autologin
ej-fairphone-4:~$ sudo $EDITOR /etc/inittab

(Alpine Linux Wiki > TTY_Autologin > #Editing_/etc/inittab, with custom login /home/ [username] /Documents/user-autologin)

OpenRC services

sudo rc-update add polkit boot
sudo rc-update add hkdm boot
sudo rc-update add tinydm boot

Add IP addresses to the Alpine Linux device's network interfaces

To use networks from other computers, edits to /etc/network/interfaces can be needed.

To put IP information into that, you can do:

$ echo $'echo -e \'[line of file]\' >> /etc/network/interfaces' | sudo "$SHELL" -s

and use the page Configure Networking - Alpine Linux (IPv4 Static Address Configuration).


Arch Linux - console-based "intuitive" Nano text editor

Tutorials and Howtos - Alpine Linux

Alpine Linux TTY (Virtual Terminal) setup page

Making your own auto-login wrapper script — TTY Autologin - Alpine Linux

Configuration - swaywm/sway: i3-compatible Wayland compositor

UBports Ubuntu Touch 20.04

Created a config file to run Sway WM application from terminal.

I have done this:

  • (/bin/bash in Terminal libertine container)
fakeroot apt update
fakeroot apt install sway
  • use OpenStore tedit text editor app to write desktop entry,
Exec=libertine-launch -i [container name] /bin/bash -c "{ sway & gtk-launch [app desktop entry name]; }"
Name=Sway app window manager, i3 compatible WM
  • and then,
cp -v ~/.local/share/tedit.danfro/libertine-application-container-sway.desktop.txt ~/.local/share/applications/libertine-application-container-sway.desktop