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From postmarketOS Wiki
This user mainlined yes devices.
📱 This user's main device is a Xiaomi_Mi_8_(xiaomi-dipper).

I mainline things


Matrix: @konradybcio:matrix.org

Owns devices

Device Notes
Apple iPhone 5s (apple-iphone5s) Made out of parts, dead-ish battery
Asus Zenfone 2 Laser/Selfie (1080p) (asus-z00t) Z00T, I mainlined the thing! But it's not on the lists yet..
Microsoft Lumia 535 (msft-chakra) Boots upstream Linux, but no drivers (YET!)
Motorola Moto G 2014 (motorola-titan) Screen's a tiny bit broken
Sony Ericsson Xperia X8 (semc-shakira) It needs binary tools to package its ancient 2.6 kernel into a proprietary .sin and then flashable .ftf formats
Sony Xperia XA2 (sony-pioneer)
Sony Xperia XZ (sony-kagura)
Sony Xperia Z1 (sony-honami) Vibration motor sometimes works (apparently mainline driver is smarter than stock, lol)
Xiaomi Mi 8 (xiaomi-dipper) Daily driver