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Xiaomi Mi 6 (xiaomi-sagit)

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Xiaomi Mi 6
Xiaomi Mi 6
Xiaomi Mi 6
Manufacturer Xiaomi
Name Mi 6
Codename xiaomi-sagit
Released 2017
Type handset
Chipset Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 (MSM8998)
CPU Octa-core (4x 2.45GHz Kryo 280 + 4x 1.9GHz Kryo 280)
GPU Adreno 540
Display 1920x1080 IPS LCD
Storage 64/128 GB
Memory 6 GB
Architecture aarch64
Original software Android (MIUI)
Original version 7.1.1
Category testing
Pre-built images no
Mainline yes
USB Networking
Internal storage
No data
SD card
No data
3D Acceleration
Camera Flash
No data
Mobile data
No data
No data
No data
Ambient Light
No data
No data
Hall Effect
No data
No data
No data


  • Hacker420
  • MayeulC
  • Illen
  • Degdag (mainlining)

Users owning this device

How to enter flash mode

  • Power + Volume Down buttons or use TWRP reboot bootloader, or adb reboot bootloader


Use pmbootstrap flasher.

Virtual terminal

Virtual terminal is broken in downstream, causing early reboot without logs in pstore. This patch is needed to make virtual terminal working properly.


Touchscreen works well on gnome. All the buttons except for home button (which is is integrated with fingerprint scanner) are working.


Seems to work well. Currently only xfce4 and mate and gnome have been tested.


Tested USB Hub with ethernet adapter, USB Audio device, and HID peripherals. Everything works well. NB: only on downstream, on mainline you need to use edk2 UEFI as a bootloader if you want OTG support

Mainline kernel

Here's a list of stuff that is currently (Linux 5.15.0-rc5) known to be working (in at least some capacity):

  • The kernel itself stays booted (i.e. no random panics) and is "stable"
  • UFS internal storage (CONFIG_PHY_QCOM_UFS=y)
  • Display (via Panel via JDI FHD R63452 (not on upstream yet))
  • Touchscreen using mainline RMI4
  • Xorg & Wayland (tested with MATE & Weston respectively)
  • Bluetooth
  • Power button
  • Volume up
  • Volume down
  • USB Networking
  • GPU
  • GPS
  • Haptics
  • WiFi
  • NFC

Check the links below for source code.


It's easiest to build mainline (for pmOS anyway) with pmbootstrap, so get that setup and remember the install location (in this guide ~/pmOS/pmbootstrap is an example).

After you've run through the installation steps found on this site at least once please pmbootstrap extract & save the produced downstream boot.img to a known location as we'll reuse the initramfs found inside later.

Next start following the instructions below:

 git clone https://github.com/degdag/W.I.P_sagit_mainline.git
 cd W.I.P_sagit_mainline/
 source ~/pmOS/pmbootstrap/helpers/envkernel.sh     # adjust to match where you've cloned PMB yourself
 make sagit_defconfig
 make -j`nproc`

Boot image generation

Now that the kernel image and DTBs have been built we can assemble a bootable Android-friendly boot.img (assuming you're still in the root of the cloned kernel dir):

 pmbootstrap chroot -- apk add abootimg android-tools mkbootimg dtbtool
 export DEVICE=`pmbootstrap config device | cut -d'-' -f2` WORK=`pmbootstrap config work` PMOS_BOOT_IMG_PATH="~/pmOS/downstream-boot.img"
 export TEMP="$WORK/chroot_native/tmp/mainline/" DTB="$PWD/.output/arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/msm8998-$DEVICE.dtb"
 rm -r "$TEMP"; mkdir -p "$TEMP"
 cat .output/arch/arm64/boot/Image.gz "$DTB" > "$TEMP/Image.gz-dtb"
 cp "$PMOS_BOOT_IMG_PATH" "$TEMP/boot.img"          # replace "$PMOS_BOOT_IMG_PATH" with the known location of a pmOS downstream boot.img
 pmbootstrap chroot -- abootimg -u /tmp/mainline/boot.img -k /tmp/mainline/Image.gz-dtb -c "bootsize=67108864"

At this point you get to choose whether to boot the new kernel image or more "permanently" flash it on the device's boot partition instead ^^

Boot: pmbootstrap chroot -- fastboot boot /tmp/mainline/boot.img

Flash: pmbootstrap chroot -- fastboot flash boot /tmp/mainline/boot.img


An EDK-II port exists.


The UART test point is 0.5 mm and is located on different sides of the motherboard. The default baudrate is 115200

Xiaomi Mi 6 bootloader logs

Format: Log Type - Time(microsec) - Message - Optional Info
Log Type: B - Since Boot(Power On Reset),  D - Delta,  S - Statistic
S - Boot Interface: UFS
S - Secure Boot: On
S - Boot Config @ 0x00786070 = 0x000002c1
S - JTAG ID @ 0x00786130 = 0x2005e0e1
S - OEM ID @ 0x00786138 = 0x00000000
S - Serial Number @ 0x00784138 = 0x5eaeca6e
S - Feature Config Row 0 @ 0x007841a0 = 0x0050200000000000
S - Feature Config Row 1 @ 0x007841a8 = 0x00000000000000a0
S - Core 0 Frequency, 1305 MHz
S - PBL Patch Ver: 2
B -         0 - PBL, Start
B -      9445 - bootable_media_detect_entry, Start
B -     54528 - bootable_media_detect_success, Start
B -     54535 - elf_loader_entry, Start
B -     55833 - auth_hash_seg_entry, Start
B -     77529 - auth_hash_seg_exit, Start
B -    127352 - elf_segs_hash_verify_entry, Start
B -    157908 - elf_segs_hash_verify_exit, Start
B -    157923 - auth_xbl_sec_hash_seg_entry, Start
B -    181755 - auth_xbl_sec_hash_seg_exit, Start
B -    181757 - xbl_sec_segs_hash_verify_entry, Start
B -    187155 - xbl_sec_segs_hash_verify_exit, Start
B -    187221 - PBL, End
B -    220149 - SBL1, Start
B -    331901 - boot_flash_init, Start
D -         0 - boot_flash_init, Delta
B -    334432 - sbl1_ddr_set_default_params, Start
D -       122 - sbl1_ddr_set_default_params, Delta
B -    342423 - boot_config_data_table_init, Start
B -    587796 - CDT not programmed, using default
D -    240889 - boot_config_data_table_init, Delta - (54 Bytes)
B -    591120 - CDT Version:3,Platform ID:30,Major ID:1,Minor ID:0,Subtype:0
B -    596946 - Image Load, Start
D -     17995 - Auth Metadata
D -       549 - Segments hash check
D -     27633 - PMIC Image Loaded, Delta - (45608 Bytes)
B -    627903 - pm_device_init, Start
B -    635345 - PM: PON REASON: PM0=0x400008000000020:0x0 PM1=0x400008000000020:0x0 PM2=0x400008000000020:0x0
B -    694393 - PM: SET_VAL:Skip
D -     62921 - pm_device_init, Delta
B -    696315 - pm_driver_init, Start
D -      5429 - pm_driver_init, Delta
B -    705068 - pm_sbl_chg_init, Start
B -    709491 - PM: Trigger FG IMA Reset
B -    710924 - PM: Trigger FG IMA Reset.Completed
B -    715011 - PM: EntryVbat: 3678; EntrySOC: -1
B -    718946 - PM: BATT TEMP: 31 DegC
D -     16195 - pm_sbl_chg_init, Delta
B -    726754 - vsense_init, Start
D -         0 - vsense_init, Delta
B -    783758 - Pre_DDR_clock_init, Start
D -       213 - Pre_DDR_clock_init, Delta
D -         0 - sbl1_ddr_set_params, Delta
B -    795013 - DSF version = 108.2, DSF RPM version = 58.1
B -    795043 - Max Frequency = 1804 MHz
B -    799527 - do_ddr_training, Start
B -    815814 - Bootup frequency set to 1296000
D -     12962 - do_ddr_training, Delta
B -    841068 - clock_init, Start
D -       274 - clock_init, Delta
B -    843721 - ADC done - mv: 376396, percent: 13155
B -    846039 - Platform type KEEP in C1
B -    851499 - ADC done - mv: 1128730, percent: 39451
B -    854549 - Platform version: MP
B -    859856 - Image Load, Start
D -      2836 - APDP Image Loaded, Delta - (0 Bytes)
B -    867176 - PM: 0: PON=0x20:PON1: ON=0x80:PON_SEQ: OFF=0x4:RAW_XVDD_SHD
B -    870500 - PM: 1: PON=0x20:PON1: ON=0x80:PON_SEQ: OFF=0x4:RAW_XVDD_SHD
B -    877241 - PM: 2: PON=0x20:PON1: ON=0x80:PON_SEQ: OFF=0x4:RAW_XVDD_SHD
B -    883859 - PM: SMEM Chgr Info Write Success
B -    890905 - sbl1_efs_handle_cookies, Start
D -         0 - sbl1_efs_handle_cookies, Delta
B -    898987 - Image Load, Start
D -     20526 - Auth Metadata
D -      1098 - Segments hash check
D -     27328 - QSEE Dev Config Image Loaded, Delta - (49140 Bytes)
B -    929335 - Image Load, Start
D -       305 - SEC Image Loaded, Delta - (4096 Bytes)
B -    938180 - Image Load, Start
D -     59414 - Auth Metadata
D -     16805 - Segments hash check
D -     92079 - QSEE Image Loaded, Delta - (1864504 Bytes)
B -   1032120 - Image Load, Start
D -     20527 - Auth Metadata
D -      3447 - Segments hash check
D -     34404 - QHEE Image Loaded, Delta - (248560 Bytes)
B -   1068537 - Image Load, Start
D -     20588 - Auth Metadata
D -      2348 - Segments hash check
D -     33580 - RPM Image Loaded, Delta - (228180 Bytes)
B -   1105015 - Image Load, Start
D -      4209 - STI Image Loaded, Delta - (0 Bytes)
B -   1112823 - Image Load, Start
D -     20466 - Auth Metadata
D -      1250 - Segments hash check
D -     27419 - ABL Image Loaded, Delta - (105112 Bytes)
B -   1143445 - Image Load, Start
D -     21076 - Auth Metadata
D -     13572 - Segments hash check
D -     47092 - APPSBL Image Loaded, Delta - (1792000 Bytes)
B -   1192824 - SBL1, End
D -    977677 - SBL1, Delta
S - Flash Throughput, 149000 KB/s  (4342466 Bytes,  28967 us)
S - DDR Frequency, 1296 MHz

UEFI Start     [ 1351] SEC
PROD Mode   : On
DEBUG Mode  : On
ASLR        : On
Timer Delta : +8 mS
RAM Entry 0 : Base 0x0000000040000000  Size 0x00000000C0000000
RAM Entry 1 : Base 0x0000000100000000  Size 0x00000000BD8C0000
UEFI Ver    : 4.2.170609.BOOT.XF.1.2.2.c1-00001-M8998LZB-1
Build Info  : 64b Jun  9 2017 03:18:01
Boot Device : UFS
InitSSUSBPhy: Init SSUSBPhy Enable Error
Setvariable Splash Image returned Success
Setvariable Logo Image returned Success
get_Panel_Id: lcd id = 0
Render Splash  [ 2899]
EnvDxe Render Callback
LoadImageFromPartitionUsingGuid Failed: 2
LoadImageFromPartitionUsingGuid Failed: 2
LoadImageFromPartitionUsingGuid Failed: 2
Keymaster failed to load! Status = 0x2
LoadSecureApps: Load app from partition(keymaster): Status = 0x0, AppId = 65537
TsFastboot: TsFastBootEntryPoint, VERSION 2
Platform Init  [ 3051] BDS
UEFI Ver   : 4.2.170609.BOOT.XF.1.2.2.c1-00001-M8998LZB-1
Platform   : C1
Chip Name  : MSM8998
Chip Ver   : 2.1
Core 0 Freq: 1555 MHz
Battery prfile BATTERY.PROVISION1, platform type 30
UEFI Total : 3539 ms
POST Time      [ 4890] OS Loader
Loader Build Info: May 16 2017 22:51:03
Type-C Status: dfp_curr_adv = 3
Type-C Status: ufp_conn_type = 11
TsFastBoot: Error locating the TsFastboot protocol
TsFastboot: Failed to determing goto fastboot through Touch: 0000000E
Booting Into Mission Mode
Loading Image Start : 4908 ms
Loading Image Done : 4908 ms
Total Image Read size : 4096 Bytes
Loading Image Start : 4908 ms
Loading Image Done : 4933 ms
Total Image Read size : 6520832 Bytes
No Ffbm cookie found, ignore: Not Found
VB: DeviceInit: Device is unlocked! Skipping verification!
VB: VerifyImage: Image verification done! boot state is: ORANGE
Load image :3
Width = 1080  Height = 1920
DisplayFastbootLogo: Fastboot Logo Successfully Loaded
Width = 1080  Height = 1920
Render Splash  [ 4980]
Memory Base Address: 0x40000000
Decompressing kernel image start: 4983 ms
Decompressing kernel image done: 4989 ms
 PON Reason is 32 cold_boot:1 charger path: 1
Device will boot into off mode charging mode
Cmdline: androidboot.veritymode=enforcing androidboot.verifiedbootstate=orange
Device tree exact match the board: <0x124 0x1E 0x20001 0x0> == <0x124 0x1E 0x20001 0x0>
Device tree exact match the board: <0x124 0x1E 0x20000 0x0> == <0x124 0x1E 0x20001 0x0>
Device tree exact match the board: <0x124 0x1E 0x20000 0x0> == <0x124 0x1E 0x20001 0x0>
Best match DTB tags 292/0000001E/0x00000000/20001/20014/20115/20018/0/(offset)0x7F2DDA11/(size)0x00068AC8
Using pmic info 0x20014/0x20115/0x20018/0x0 for device 0x20014/0x20115/0x20018/0x0
Memory Base Address: 0x40000000
RAM Partitions
Adding Base: 0x0000000040000000 Available Length: 0x00000000C0000000
Adding Base: 0x0000000100000000 Available Length: 0x00000000BD8C0000
kaslr-Seed is added to chosen node
pureason = 80020
PartialGoodType:0, SubBin: 0, MemLat:0
Sending Milestone Call

Shutting Down UEFI Boot Services: 5035 ms
BDS: LogFs sync skipped, Unsupported
App Log Flush : 34 ms
Exit BS        [ 5072] UEFI End

See also