Generic ports cover multiple devices which usually share the same system on a chip (commonly abbreviated SoC).
Pages in category "Generic"
The following 21 pages are in this category, out of 21 total.
- Generic MSM8909 (qcom-msm8909)
- Generic MSM8916 (qcom-msm8916)
- Generic MSM8953 (qcom-msm8953)
- Generic MSM89x7 (qcom-msm89x7)
- Generic x64 UEFI device
- Generic-x86 64 (Generic-x86 64)
- Google Asurada Chromebook (google-asurada)
- Google Cherry Chromebook (google-cherry)
- Google Chromebooks with x64 CPU (google-x64cros)
- Google Corsola Chromebook (google-corsola)
- Google Gru Chromebook (google-gru)
- Google Kukui Chromebook (google-kukui)
- Google Oak Chromebook (google-oak)
- Google Trogdor Chromebook (google-trogdor)
- Google Veyron Chromebook (google-veyron)