Apple iPhone 3G (apple-iphone3g)
WARNING: This device is not recommended for future use with postmarketOS due to its armhf architecture. Alpine Linux (the distribution that postmarketOS extends) pmaports#599 has been considering dropping it. The processor of the device may support the armv7 architecture. If so, you can modify the device package and change the architecture accordingly. |
Manufacturer | Apple |
Name | iPhone 3G |
Codename | apple-iphone3g |
Released | 2008 |
Type | handset |
Hardware | |
Chipset | Samsung 1176JZ(F)-S |
CPU | ARM 1176JZ(F)-S v1.0 |
GPU | PowerVR MBX Lite 3D |
Display | 480x320 LCD |
Storage | 8/16 GB |
Memory | 128 MB |
Architecture | armhf |
Software | |
Original software | iOS |
Original version | 2.0 |
postmarketOS | |
Category | testing |
Pre-built images | no |
Users owning this device
- Clygro (Notes: 2x8GB, iOS 2.x and iOS 3.x)
- Dolphinana (Notes: OpeniBoot 0.1 -- No Linux -- It was pain in the ass trying to get OpeniBoot running xD)
- Jja2000
- Meowking (Notes: Works fine)
- Nobodywasishere (Notes: Dead battery)
- Russanandres (Notes: IOS 4.1.1)
This phone is unable to boot postmarketOS as of yet.
In order to run OpeniBoot, you'll need to jailbreak the phone. You can use redsn0w (proprietary) to jailbreak it, you may have to download an ipsw file. You might have to install iPhoneOS that is older than version 4.2.1 as OpeniBoot might not work with iPhoneOS 4.2.1(?), iPhoneOS 3.1.3 might work.
When the phone is jailbreaked, you can install OpeniBoot. Download OpeniBoot image and Clone the iphonelinux repo (URL TODO) to your computer, then run
$ cd iphonelinux/openiboot/client && make
After it has compiled successfully, plug the charger into computer, turn off your iPhone, hold down the home button and plug the charger into the phone. It should boot into iTunes recovery mode and on your computer, run
# ./loadibec path/to/openiboot.img
The phone should boot into OpeniBoot.
On computer, type sudo ./oibc
but don't run it yet. On the phone, navigate to console button with volume buttons and select with home button. Run the command you entered on your computer. If successful, you should see the same text on your computer as on the phone.
(TODO: Run pmOS kernel)
If you need help, feel free to contact dolphinana. You could also help him get Linux running :)
See also
- iDroid-Project
- iDroid-Project website (Some infos might not be relevant)
- iphonelinux
- prebuilt binaries for openiboot
- iPad 1G wiki page (contains some useful info)