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U-BOOT hacking

Reading out SPI flash content

To read SPI flash with a bus pirate, connect with a SOIC8 clip and run something like:

flashrom -p buspirate_spi:dev=/dev/ttyUSB0 -c W25Q32BW/W25Q32CW/W25Q32DW -r winbond_spi_flash.bin

where winbond_spi_flash.bin is name out outputted file. Make a backup (or preferably many!) of it.

TODO TODO: give instructions for reading on device

Running dump_fmap on file shows where the different partitions are:

fmap_signature   __FMAP__
fmap_version:    1.0
fmap_base:       0x0
fmap_size:       0x00400000 (4194304)
fmap_name:       FMAP
fmap_nareas:     28
area:            1
area_offset:     0x001af000
area_size:       0x00051000 (331776)
area_name:       RO_UNUSED
area:            2
area_offset:     0x00000000
area_size:       0x00200000 (2097152)
area_name:       WP_RO
area:            3
area_offset:     0x00000000
area_size:       0x0019f000 (1699840)
area_name:       RO_SECTION
area:            4
area_offset:     0x00000000
area_size:       0x00002000 (8192)
area_name:       BL1 PRE_BOOT
area:            5
area_offset:     0x00002000
area_size:       0x00008000 (32768)
area_name:       BL2 SPL
area:            6
area_offset:     0x0000a000
area_size:       0x000a0000 (655360)
area_name:       U_BOOT
area:            7
area_offset:     0x000aa000
area_size:       0x0000f000 (61440)
area_name:       RO_ECRO
area:            8
area_offset:     0x000b9000
area_size:       0x0000f000 (61440)
area_name:       RO_ECRW
area:            9
area_offset:     0x000d0000
area_size:       0x00008000 (32768)
area_name:       FDTMAP
area:            10
area_offset:     0x000e0000
area_size:       0x00004000 (16384)
area_name:       FMAP
area:            11
area_offset:     0x000e4000
area_size:       0x000ef000 (978944)
area_name:       GBB
area:            12
area_offset:     0x001d3000
area_size:       0x00010000 (65536)
area_name:       RO_VPD
area:            13
area_offset:     0x001e3000
area_size:       0x00000100 (256)
area_name:       RO_FRID
area:            14
area_offset:     0x00200000
area_size:       0x000f0000 (983040)
area_name:       RW_SECTION_A
area:            15
area_offset:     0x00200000
area_size:       0x00002000 (8192)
area_name:       VBLOCK_A
area:            16
area_offset:     0x00202000
area_size:       0x000de000 (909312)
area_name:       FW_MAIN_A
area:            17
area_offset:     0x002e0000
area_size:       0x0000ff00 (65280)
area_name:       EC_RW_A
area:            18
area_offset:     0x002eff00
area_size:       0x00000100 (256)
area_name:       RW_FWID_A
area:            19
area_offset:     0x00300000
area_size:       0x000f0000 (983040)
area_name:       RW_SECTION_B
area:            20
area_offset:     0x00300000
area_size:       0x00002000 (8192)
area_name:       VBLOCK_B
area:            21
area_offset:     0x00302000
area_size:       0x000de000 (909312)
area_name:       FW_MAIN_B
area:            22
area_offset:     0x003e0000
area_size:       0x0000ff00 (65280)
area_name:       EC_RW_B
area:            23
area_offset:     0x003eff00
area_size:       0x00000100 (256)
area_name:       RW_FWID_B
area:            24
area_offset:     0x003f0000
area_size:       0x00004000 (16384)
area_name:       RW_VPD
area:            25
area_offset:     0x003f4000
area_size:       0x00004000 (16384)
area_name:       RW_SHARED
area:            26
area_offset:     0x003f8000
area_size:       0x00008000 (32768)
area_name:       RW_PRIVATE
area:            27
area_offset:     0x003f8000
area_size:       0x00004000 (16384)
area_name:       RW_ELOG
area:            28
area_offset:     0x003fc000
area_size:       0x00004000 (16384)
area_name:       RW_ENVIRONMENT

Building old, original u-boot

Building a close-to-original u-boot with serial logging enabled and a bootdelay > 0 can be useful for debugging and/or other customisations.

Running strings on the original u-boot binary in SPI flash shows that it is built from commit b98ed09d1222 ("dmc: exynos5422: Add software read leveling") which can be found in chromium's u-boot repo. The branch firmware-pit-4482.B in the same repo is only two commits ahead of b98ed09d1222, and is a good option to build from. To build this old u-boot version with modern openssl versions and toolchains we need to fix some build issues, which have been conveniently been uploaded to gitlab.com/exynos5-mainline/u-boot. To get sources therefore run:

git clone https://gitlab.com/exynos5-mainline/u-boot -b peach-pit-original
cd u-boot

Chromium's u-boot also depends on their "verified boot" vboot_reference repo, so we also need to clone that one:

git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/platform/vboot_reference -b firmware-pit-4482.B

Now we can build with something like:

make VBOOT_SOURCE=$(pwd)/vboot_reference O=out -j8 chromeos_peach_config
make VBOOT_SOURCE=$(pwd)/vboot_reference O=out -j8 all

if you are cross compiling you also need to point to the compiler and friends, with something like:

make VBOOT_SOURCE=$(pwd)/vboot_reference O=out CC=$CC_PREFIX/arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc AS=$CC_PREFIX/arm-linux-gnueabihf-as LD=$CC_PREFIX/arm-linux-gnueabihf-ld AR=$CC_PREFIX/arm-linux-gnueabihf-ar OBJCOPY=$CC_PREFIX/arm-linux-gnueabihf-objcopy NM=$CC_PREFIX/arm-linux-gnueabihf-nm -j8 chromeos_peach_config
make VBOOT_SOURCE=$(pwd)/vboot_reference O=out CC=$CC_PREFIX/arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc AS=$CC_PREFIX/arm-linux-gnueabihf-as LD=$CC_PREFIX/arm-linux-gnueabihf-ld AR=$CC_PREFIX/arm-linux-gnueabihf-ar OBJCOPY=$CC_PREFIX/arm-linux-gnueabihf-objcopy NM=$CC_PREFIX/arm-linux-gnueabihf-nm -j8 all

You will now have a u-boot binary at out/u-boot.bin, and an bl2/SPL bin at out/spl/smdk5420-spl.bin, and these can be flashed to the U_BOOT and BL2 SPL partitions of SPI flash (steps in next section). HOWEVER, device will not boot, there seem to be significant differences in google's SPL binary and the one generated by steps above.

Replacing SPL and u-boot in SPI flash

Warning WARNING: be sure to backup original SPI blob before manipulating it!

Given an SPI flash fw blob named winbond_spi_flash.bin (read out as in earlier section), and an flashmap as read by dump_fmap before we can replace SPL and u-boot parts with:

dd bs=1 seek=$((0x2000)) count=32768 conv=notrunc if=/dev/zero of=winbond_spi_flash.bin
dd bs=1 seek=$((0x2000)) conv=notrunc if=/path/to/u-boot/out/spl/smdk5420-spl.bin of=winbond_spi_flash.bin
dd bs=1 seek=$((0xa000)) count=655360 conv=notrunc if=/dev/zero of=winbond_spi_flash.bin
dd bs=1 seek=$((0xa000)) conv=notrunc if=/path/to/u-boot/out/u-boot.bin of=winbond_spi_flash.bin

and then flash it to SPI flash with something like:

flashrom -p buspirate_spi:dev=/dev/ttyUSB0 -c W25Q32BW/W25Q32CW/W25Q32DW -w winbond_spi_flash.bin

But, again, above will brick your chromebook, requiring you to re-flash original flash blob (that you backup'ed multiple times, right?).