Creator of the opensource multimedia server
Opensource nomad cycling the world since September 2022.
__o _ \<_ (_)/(_) #linuxmobile
The idea to travel the world with an opensource phone died after hacking a year on pinephone and librem5 and a month before leaving, the pinephonepro started to melt on the backside...
I really do like to write documentation/howto/wiki and therefore I'd love to be a part of PostmarketOS community. Believe it or not, all the stuff is written on my pmos or my android phone, even the scripts, which took a lot of time and nerves. If you read this, drop me a line, it motivates me to know that you read the page here... xmpp:
Love and hate my OP6 running sxmo (daily driving since 3. Feb. 24).
Update: out of frustration I physicaly broke my OP6 into two parts (Sept. 24). This shit is highly addictive and can be very frustrating.
Spent some time with droidian/phosh to have a camera, but phosh is really not my thing, i want to be able to create and fix stuff fast and easy and i love simple terminal applications a lot. Thats why sxmo. However, contributing to sxmo just sucks as hell and thats why i started my own deploy script on codeberg and wrote some stuff here. The downside on projects like this is, that you have to make terrible loud noise if some update breaks things or if you made a patch/fix. Lack of structure/roadmap and of clean documentation is a big issue too. I gave my best on the latter. (Stop putting knowledge into discord, youtube, matrix etc. the lifespawn of this medias is way too short). Whatever, doing a big step back now and stay more quiet, there are other things to explore...
btw. gps for navigation does work!
about our travels:
____ ____ __ __ ___ ___ /' _| \_/ / V |/__\| _,\/ __| `._`.> , <| \_/ | \/ | v_/ ,_ \ |___/_/ \_\_|_|_|\__/|_| \___/ | | | || | |/ / | | 'V' || | <| | !_/ \_!|_|_|\_\_|
Owns devices
Device | Notes |
OnePlus 6 (oneplus-enchilada) | sxmo, daily, many hacks |
I wrote some useful scripts.
Use the installer 🤓
Work Around the Notch
Just add some random stuff to the bar.
cp /usr/share/sxmo/default_hooks/ ~/.config/sxmo/hooks/
then add a few ooooo between the battery and the wifi symbol just above the line containing
sxmobar -a -f "$fgcolor" -b "$bgcolor" -t "$style" \
with adding this line to the hook:
sxmobar -a notch 22 oooooooooo
Then disable tray icons in swaybar:
nano ~/.config/sxmo/sway
Scroll down to the
Status Bar:
section and just below position top
tray_output none
Then reboot and enjoy.
Set Darkmode
For Gnome apps:
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface color-scheme prefer-dark
For Kde plasma-mobile apps:
sudo apk add plasma-integration
sudo apk add qqc2-breeze-style
Get the style file here.
Move it to where it belongs:
mv kdeglobals ~/.config
Now we need to set the environment variables (not sure if we need this, pasted once into terminal):
thanks to user: x-m7
For Flatpaks
some flatpaks just refuse to run in dark mode, edit the launcher of each flatpak to contain the dark theme like this:
flatpak run --env=GTK_THEME=Adwaita:dark org.gnome.Fractal
Gtk apps
can be forced with a prefix:
GTK_THEME=Adwaita:dark application
Manage App Menu
Some stuff exist only as a flatpak, but it will not show in application menu...
simply change in nano ~/.config/sxmo/hooks/
write_line_app() { executable="$1" label="$2" command="$3" if command -v "$executable" >/dev/null; then write_line "$label" "$command" fi
write_line_app() { executable="$1" label="$2" command="$3" if command -v "$executable" >/dev/null; then write_line "$label" "$command" elif ls /var/lib/flatpak/app/"$executable" >/dev/null; then write_line "$label" "$command" fi
and add e.g. Flare like this:
write_line_app de.schmidhuberj.Flare "$icon_msg Flare" "flatpak run de.schmidhuberj.Flare"
Manage Menu's (Volup_one)
Copy the contextmenu hook to your user:
cp /usr/share/sxmo/default_hooks/ ~/.config/sxmo/hooks/
Then edit this copy.
For example to remove the Binaries from the System Menu, go down to:
# Default system menu (no matches)
and remove the whole line containing
$icon_grd Binaries
Application specific Context Menu's
Can be really handy to set the most used shortcuts of a specific app.
In this example we add a menu for Krita with the most used commands.
we scroll to the block containing Firefox, and add a new one:
*krita*) # Krita CHOICES=" $icon_fnd Open ^ 0 ^ sxmo_type -M Ctrl o $icon_sav Save ^ 0 ^ sxmo_type -M Ctrl s $icon_pst Paste ^ 0 ^ sxmo_type -M Ctrl v $icon_del Delete ^ 0 ^ sxmo_type -k Delete $icon_win Select ^ 0 ^ sxmo_type -M Ctrl r $icon_modem_disabled Deselect ^ 0 ^ sxmo_type -M Ctrl -M Shift a $icon_wn2 Crop ^ 0 ^ sxmo_type c $icon_flt Fill ^ 0 ^ sxmo_type f $icon_modem_connected Gradient ^ 0 ^ sxmo_type g $icon_dof HSV Adjust ^ 0 ^ sxmo_type -M Ctrl u $icon_cls Close Image ^ 0 ^ sxmo_type -M Ctrl w " WINNAME=Krita ;;
Note: somehow i was not able to make Scale Image to New Size Ctrl + Alt + I; Resize Canvas and Enter working.
Copy content of SMS
(e.g. to copy into translator)
Search to block containing:
grep -qi -w "sms\|missed
and just above
$icon_aru Scroll up '
you add:
$icon_cpy Copy ^ 0 ^ sxmo_type -M Shift -M Ctrl c
vim vs. nano vs. micro
change the standard to write sms..
export EDITOR="micro"
Block callers
block annoying numbers in:
around line 130 is something called $SXMO_BLOCKFILE
so you can create a
file containing the numbers to be blocked and it should work, right?
and here you find a basic call writeup.
There is an issue in ModemManger which will not route your GSM traffic through VPN, so VPN is only working over Wifi!
When trying to fix this, you need to manually disable the default route through qmapmux0.0, but modemmanger automatically creates this route again.
No fixes for this right now...
Install OpenVPN support:
sudo apk add networkmanager-openvpn
Add OpenVPN setting:
sudo nmcli connection import type openvpn file /path/to/vpnfile.ovpn
Add username:
sudo nmcli connection modify $vpnname username=$myname
Add password:
sudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/yourvpnname
if not there, add:
If password changes, use:
sudo nmcli connection modify $vpnname +vpn.secrets password=$password
Make sure that password-flags=0
Enable the connection (--ask if password is not stored):
nmcli connection up $vpnname
Enable the connection with grafical interface:
Select it and enter password.
There is a bug or sourcehutthat you can not connect to hotspot of your pmos device with a modern device. The workaround is to create the hotspot from commandline and disable pmf or fix the /usr/bin/
script with adding this on around line 219:
notify_sucess "Adding hotspot wifi" \ nmcli device wifi hotspot ifname wlan0 con-name "Hotspot $SSID" \ ssid "$SSID" channel "$channel" band bg password "$key" nmcli con down "Hotspot $SSID" nmcli c modify "Hotspot $SSID" 802-11-wireless-security.pmf 1 nmcli c modify "Hotspot $SSID" wifi-sec.pmf disable nmcli con up "Hotspot $SSID"
Captive Login Page
When connecting to an internet with a captive login page, but its not shown, type in Firefox addressbar:
If there is a SIM card inserted: Enable Modem GPS
mmcli -m any --location-enable-gps-nmea mmcli -m any --location-enable-gps-raw mmcli -m any --location-get
make GPS available to apps:
sxmo userscript to launch pure-maps and osmin with gps & geoclue you find here.
You need pure-maps and osmscout-server
After install execute osmscout-server-gui
and download some maps. You need to get API-keys with registering on all the map provider service,it takes a moment, but is easy. When all done you can run pure-maps with the launcher-script. For offline navigation, first launch osmscout-server, wait a few seconds, then launch pure-maps.
To find drinking water, dont use the search window, use Nearby venues from the menu.
If there is no SIM card inserted or/and modem deactivated mmcli will not work.
In this case:
to have gps without sim and powersaving... keep in mind that there are more gps mods todo, see below:
git clone cd ModemManager meson setup build --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc -Dbash_completion=false --buildtype=release -Dsystemd_suspend_resume=false -Dsystemd_journal=false -Dpowerd_suspend_resume=false -Dsystemdsystemunitdir=no ninja -C build sudo ninja -C build install
stuck with: need 'mbim-glib' ['>= 1.31.2'] found '1.30.0'
so we need to build this too...
sudo apk add gobject-introspection-dev help2man dbus-dev libgudev-dev polkit-dev libqmi-dev git clone cd libmbim meson setup build --prefix=/usr -Dbash_completion=false ninja -C build sudo ninja -C build install
Location without Sim
we need modemmanger v1.23.4 or newer to get this working (see above). Then:
sudo apk add gnss-share gnss-share-geoclue sudo rc-service gnss-share start
In /etc/geoclue/geoclue.conf
# Enable Modem-GPS source enable=false
and in /etc/gnss-share.conf
to check install and run the 'Satellite' app via flathub:
sudo flatpak install flathub page.codeberg.tpikonen.satellite flatpak run --env=GTK_THEME=Adwaita:dark page.codeberg.tpikonen.satellite
should we add the service to boot and rewrite geoclue.conf to /var/run/gnss-share.sock instead of gps-share.sock
Thanks to tpikonen for all the help!
For me, compass is not working yet in puremaps and osmin... or lets say it only works when I am moving.
to check if hardware compass is recogniced:
sudo -u geoclue monitor-sensor --compass
Naybe you need to add your user first to the geoclue group 🤷
If you get data when you now turn your phone, compass is there. Great. Now we need to somehow provide this info to geoclue..
make sure compass is true in:
see this issue to help solving the problem..
In ```/usr/share/dbus-1/system.d/net.hadess.SensorProxy.conf`:
```` rewritw deny to allow
thanks to tpikonen!
Pure-Maps Style Tuning
Pure-maps does not show city names in the default offline mode. To change this, edit
change under "id": "place-city"
"minzoom": 1, "maxzoom": 18,
this will show the city names in zoomlevel 14.49 to 18
we still dont see it at lower levels, which i might find out one day hopefully...
note: select offline, type= default
the issue seems to be caused while importing the tiles we also need to import other zoom levels (after talking with rinigus on matrix).
check here whats going on:
when solved, document in puremaps forum and github!
By default, there is a 100km limit set in bicycle routing. You can change this limitation very easy:
In osmscout-server-gui, go to settings, choose Valhalla and set your limits. Now that very large limits may lead to crashes if you don't have enough ram.
thanks to rinigus!
Osmin Style Tuning
we edit the cycle stylesheet to always show drinking waterspots
lets edit:
[TYPE amenity_drinking_water] { NODE.ICON { name: drinking_water; } AREA.ICON { name: drinking_water; } }
we also need to make the symbol bigger and visible on all scaling layers...
Build Osmin
To get a recent version of osmin with all the actual improvements and bug fixes, you have to build it yourself, here is how to:
sudo apk add git cmake clang g++ build-base qt5-qtbase qt5-qtbase-x11 qt5-qtsvg-dev qt5-qtmultimedia-dev openmp-dev qt5-qtquickcontrols2-dev qt5-qtsensors-dev qt5-qtremoteobjects-dev
git clone cd osmin git submodule init git submodule update --force mkdir build cmake -B build -DBUILD_DEVICE_MOBILE=ON -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang++ . cmake --build build/ -j$(nproc) sudo cmake --build build/ --target install
Podman / Docker Installation
sudo apk add podman sudo rc-update add cgroups #remove folder so it will be created with the right permission on first run: sudo rm -rf $HOME/.local/share/containers/storage sudo touch /etc/subuid sudo touch /etc/subgid sudo usermod --add-subuids 100000-165535 --add-subgids 100000-165535 $(whoami) -- reboot or logout/login --
Offline Translation
Offline Translator LibreTranslate, was not able to make them run because of fucking censorshit (guys, please fix the vpn-gsm issue), however it works:
git clone cd LibreTranslate # replace docker commands with podman: sed -i 's/docker/podman/g' sudo chmod +x ./ --update --load-only en,de,fr,tr # limit languages: # the --update is a flag to update the language packs #for other languauges see here:
Be aware that this will suck quite a bunch of data (i just emptied my data plan with this...)
After starting, visit with a browser:
or use this script, change the url to http://localhost:5000/translate
to easy query from terminal.
create a handle to start from apps menu hook:
write_line_app podman "$icon_edt LibreTranslate" " ~/LibreTranslate/"
the podman entry is a bit of a hack, otherwise we have to add a variable to check which containers are installed, which is just too slow.
Offline Translation with LLM
wip Since LibreTranslate does not do a very good job, we'd love to try Helsinki-NLP models for better translation.
Sadly PostmarketOS is build on Alpine which misses a lot of great stuff like pyTorch, glibc etc. this makes it pain in the ass to test out all the new llm translation stuff...
I found no way so far to run the helsinki-nlp-translation-models to have a decent translator (there is a pytorch docker image). its so fucking frustrating, they invest a hell lot of time to implement systemd to Alpine, why not stop wasting time and use the same energy to move to Arch? I dont get it 🤦
Offline Speech-to-Text
In 2024 they destroied the free internet and it turned out that the new online is offline, similar as it was with computers back in the 90ies, they ran without internet...
Install with:
sudo apk add sox sudo apk add py3-srt --repository= sudo apk add py3-vosk-api git clone cd nerd-dictation wget unzip mv vosk-model-small-en-us-0.15 model mkdir -p ~/.config/nerd-dictation mv ./model ~/.config/nerd-dictation/ cp ~/sxmop6/configs/ ~/.config/nerd-dictation/
We need dotool to type stuff:
sudo apk add dotool sudo udevadm control --reload && sudo udevadm trigger
Set the buttom microphone as default input (this may vary depending of your hardware and os version on stable it was hw:0,3 check with arecord -l
export AUDIODRIVER=alsa AUDIODEV='hw:0,1'
To run:
./nerd-dictation begin --simulate-input-tool=DOTOOL --input=SOX # Start speaking.. ./nerd-dictation end
Get the launcher script here
copy [1] configuration file to enable punctuation to:
to type 'enter' instead of writing it, add something to the config file.
To do:
- add 'Enter' word as keystroke (~/.config/nerd-dictation/ or see examples on github)
Modify the keyboard to have a button (see below)
Offline Text-to-Speech
sudo apk add piper-tts sudo apk add py3-piper-tts
Note: i had to manually remove piper in /usr/lib/python3.18/... and then reinstall via apk to get it running without complains
Download voices in the needed language here
and locate them in structured folders:
mkdir -p ~/piper/models/en
Now test a realtime example:
echo 'This is running on postmarktOS.' | \ /usr/bin/piper --model $HOME/piper/models/en/en_US-lessac-medium.onnx --config $HOME/piper/models/en/en_en_US_lessac_medium_en_US-lessac-medium.onnx.json --output-raw | aplay -r 22050 -f S16_LE -t raw -
I made a launcher to read out loud what ocr_roi sees.
Next is to pipe other outputs to read out load, but dont know how yet.
Keyboard Modifications
git clone sudo apk add wayland-dev pango-dev libxkbcommon-dev cd wvkbd micro layout.mobintl.h
go to // Emojis and make your modifications
🚴 0x1F6B4 🤓 0x1F913 🤷 0x1F937 🚀 0x1F680 🍷 0x1F377 🍺 0x1F37A 🔥 0x1F525 🚲 0x1F6B2 🌡️ 0x1F321 🏕️ 0x1F3D5 🫶 0x1FAF6
or just pull my custom file.
make sudo make install
voila, all done.
To add new buttons to trigger stuff, we have to work with key combos and then define them in ~/.config/sxmo/sway
For the moment its not possible to trigger scripts directly or make longer than two-key combos, which might hopefully change once.
Lets do it like this:
In layout.mobintl.h search for:
{"Special", "Special", 1.5, Layout, 0, &layouts[Special]
replace or add a new line:
{"", "", 1.0, Code, KEY_7, 0, Super}, {"", "", 1.0, Code, KEY_8, 0, Super},
Note: the first two symbol ate the mouse, the others the mic cat /usr/share/sxmo/default_hooks/ | grep mic
make and install as written above.
Now we need to change the entry in ~/.config/sxmo/sway
to trigger the nerd dictation toggle script,
scroll down to:
# Workspaces: bindsym $mod+7 workspace number 7 bindsym $mod+8 workspace number 8
and rewrite them to:
bindsym $mod+7 exec ~/sxmo-userscripts/launchers/ bindsym $mod+8 exec ~/sxmo-userscripts/launchers/
restart sway.
get the dictation launcher script, the touchpad launcher in the sxmop6 repo.
should we create a whole line of tools, including screenshot, ocr_roi, qr reader? i think this would be nice!
Make sure you build and install TouchpadEmulator as written below:
Touchpad Simulator
Sometimes its nice to have a mousepointer to handle desktop apps or for precision work.
As written above, we can then trigger this via keyboard! This section is about installing the patched TouchpadEmulator (thx2 fdelamotte) in pmos/sxmo.
Note: click and drag works very sensitive, click and wait 2s, or double click then drag, maybe its a bug or a problem. You can debug with wev.
git clone cd TouchpadEmulator rm TouchpadEmulator.c wget sudo apk add dbus-dev dbus-glib-dev make sudo make install sudo modprobe uinput sudo chmod 777 /dev/uinput
You are good to go. I know its not very nice to give full rights to uinput, maybe you have a better way to do it.
Set default applications
e.g. Define which app displays images
sudo nano ~/.config/mimeapps.list
make sure you create a desktopfile for loupe in:
nano ~/.local/share/applications/loupe.desktop
[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Terminal=false Exec=/usr/bin/loupe Name=loupe MimeType=image/png;image/jpg
maybe there can also be some settings made in:
Allow Flatpak / e.g. Fractal to access folder
sudo flatpak override org.gnome.Fractal --filesystem=/home/me/
or Flare
flatpak override de.schmidhuberj.Flare --filesystem=/home/me/
without this, you get an error when trying to save attachments.
Modify Homescreen
Change the position of the clock on Homescreen:
see the various configs here.
to put it to the right buttom edge, we modify alignment = 'middle_middle',
alignment = 'bottom_right',
Just for fun, you can also add the info of the free available diskspace and the powerlevel:
${alignc}${font Sxmo:size=12}${exec df -h | awk '/root/ { print "Free: " $4 }'} ${alignc}${font Sxmo:size=12}${exec echo "Power:"}${exec upower -d | grep -m1 'percentage:' | awk '{print $2}'}
Get my custom conky.conf which shows status of modem, battery, data usage, networkspeed...
Networks Menu
to add a Disable GSM function, edit: /usr/bin/
togglegsm() { if nmcli radio wwan | grep -q "enabled"; then "Disabling GSM" nmcli radio wwan off else "Enabling GSM" nmcli radio wwan on fi }
$icon_cfg Nmtui
add following code to toggle the menu entry:
$( if nmcli radio wwan | grep -q "enabled"; then printf "%s GSM Disable\n" $icon_modem_disabled else printf "%s GSM Enable\n" $icon_modem_registered fi )
*"Nmtui" ) nmtui || continue # Killeable ;; *"GSM Disable"|*"GSM Enable" ) togglegsm ;;
and to share our wifi credentials we make another entry just before Ifconfig EOF:
$([ -z "$WIFI_ENABLED" ] || printf "%s Show Credentials\n" "$icon_wif")
and below, after the *"Scan Wifi Networks" )
block, we add: -- bash -c "nmcli dev wifi show-password; read -p 'Press enter to close';"
Screen Color Adjustment
This are just notes of an unfinished journey. I tried so far without luck:
wl-gammrelay, wl-gammarelay-rs, wlsunset, gammastep, wlr-randr
for example:
gammastep -O 5000K Warning: Zero outputs support gamma adjustment. Warning: 1/1 output(s) do not support gamma adjustment.
So lets dive deeper:
ls /sys/class/backlight/ae94000.dsi.0 actual_brightness bl_power brightness device max_brightness power scale subsystem type uevent
nothing about color.
To turn the screen very dark we can do this an it works:
echo 8 > /sys/class/backlight/ae94000.dsi.0/brightness
but not color, rgb? rgba?
ah, maybe fbset:
fbset mode "1080x2280-0" #D: 0.000 MHZ, H: 0.000 kHZ. V: 0.000 Hz geometry 1080 2280 1080 2280 32 timings 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 accel false rgba 8/16,8/8,8/0,0/0
ok, first time i read something about color, but what now, maybe create custom profiles in /etc/fb.modes and try to load them..
or go deeper into i2c, really?
sudo ddcutil environment sudo ddcutil detect
Kde Plasma mobile has working nightlight on the same device, but i dont know yet how they do it.
After all this, why not just hack a .png screen overlay to get a nightmode?
swayimg -g $myresolution --config="general.transparency=none" $overlay2
It works, but we need to put it on top without blocking touch input, then you can have this really stupid workaround 😂
swayimg does not support event forwarding
How to achieve this? Maybe swaymsg -t anything fullscreen input surface 0
It seems that we have to use wlroots,create an input surface of 0 so it jumps to the next layer, sadly i have zero knowledge of C code and the bash commands are very limited...
# dependencies sudo apk add popt-dev gsl-dev libconfig-dev # you must use the release package! wget unzip cd libmodule-5.0.1 mkdir build cd build cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=lib ../ make sudo make install # Clight git clone cd Clight mkdir build cd build cmake \ -G "Unix Makefiles" \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=lib \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release" \ .. make
see issue
Customize Gestures
Copy the standard lisgd configuration file to make custom edits:
cp /usr/share/sxmo/default_hooks/ ~/.config/sxmo/hooks/
Now you can start modifying gestures on your custom copy (adding short swipes somehow helps predicting medium swipes better)
add the short swipe gestures with editing:
nano ~/.config/sxmo/hooks/
and add:
-g "1,RL,*,S,setsid -f shortoneleft" \ -g "1,LR,*,S,setsid -f shortoneright" \
keep in mind that the order where you write it, matters!
To define a gesture only when a specific program is running, search for your hardware specific
and when found, copy it to your user config:
cp /usr/share/sxmo/default_hooks/oneplus,enchilada/ ~/.config/sxmo/hooks/
In this example we add a custom firefox prev/next swipe gesture handler:
nano ~/.config/sxmo/hooks/
just below this lines:
#special context-sensitive handling case "$WMCLASS" in
Add this:
case "$WMCLASS" in *"firefox-esr"*) case "$ACTION" in "mediumoneright") -M Alt -P Right -p Right -m Alt exit 0 ;; "mediumoneleft") -M Alt -P Left -p Left -m Alt exit 0 ;; esac ;;
The swipes actually works best when in the address bar, but you should for sure tweak your Firefox to get rid of tabs, see below in this wiki.
If afterwards something does not work, like menu opening or whatever, you made a typo somewhere, when you are an idiot like me, who has no computer and is doing the changes directly on phone, there might be typos....
Corner Swipes
Now we know the the concept.
Lets change the button left corner to show the power status and remaining time of our battery:
For this, again in
we look for the line:
lets comment: set lock
and write instead:
before and after the else
and we also want to access the powerlevel without unlocking the phone, so just above:
esac #we're locked, don't process the rest of the script exit 0
we add:
"bottomleftcorner") ~/.config/sxmo/userscripts/ exit ;;
Customize Hardware Buttons for your App
When not already there, copy inputhandler to user.
cp /usr/share/sxmo/default_hooks/ ~/.config/sxmo/hooks/
Now you can start modifying what the volume and power buttons shall do when a specific programm is running.
Note that it can also handle headless running scripts and is not bound to names of sway windows.
In this example we look for
which, when running, should be killed with the volume up key:
nano ~/.config/sxmo/hooks/
I have no exact idea whats going on here, so i search for
and go to the result which looks ok'ish to me below #standard handling
, after ~line 338 something and add the kill command to:
"volup_one") kill $(pgrep my_script) #kill my tool, comments are important! exit ;;
This should be it.
How to add more button functions
There is this nice script which gives me information about the powerlevel. It would be nice to have fast access to it. So we would like to push the Power Button four times (since all other pushes are useful used).
we already know
nano ~/.config/sxmo/hooks/
and we know the section #standard handling
"powerbutton_three") exit 0 ;;
where we easy could change
to whatever we'd like.
Since we want to trigger on 4 pushes, we create a new entry containing:
"powerbutton_four") /home/me/.config/sxmo/userscripts/ exit 0 ;;
But we also need to get the information that the knob is pushed 4 times.
So we have to edit:
nano .config/sxmo/bonsai_tree.json
wow, what a file, looks like an art drawing, however, since I am editing all the satuff you see and read here on one of my phones, this is a really difficult one... lets add below we:
{ "type": "event", "event_name": "power_released", "transitions": [ { "type": "exec", "command": [ "setsid", "-f", "", "powerbutton_three" ] } ] }
{ "type": "event", "event_name": "power_released", "transitions": [ { "type": "exec", "command": [ "setsid", "-f", "", "powerbutton_three" ] } ] }, { "type": "event", "event_name": "power_released", "transitions": [ { "type": "exec", "command": [ "setsid", "-f", "", "powerbutton_four" ] } ] } ] } ] } ] },
Then restart bonsaid with
superctl restart bonsaid
If it throws no error, you did good in counting brackets...
Here we realize it way too hard to hit it 4 times, but i leave the write up as reference
How you can do it the bad way
Go to /dev/input/by-path/
check each entry with cat and pushing on some buttons:
cat /dev/input/by-path/platform-gpio-keys-event
you will get weird output, but you get some output. yea! Since there are several events in /dev/input/by-path/ you can just count them from top to buttom to know eachs number for the next step. Mine was the 3rd.
So this time we check
cat /dev/input/event3
or whichever will react to your button presses.
As soon as you found it, you can listen to it in as simple as:
while true; do if inotifywait -e modify /dev/input/event3: then echo "its pressed, lets execute something" fi break done
insted of just an echo, you could kill your script with:
kill $(pgrep
Firefox Tweaks
Mobile friendlier layout
first we need to get bash support:
sudo apk add bash
then we remove the standard solution:
sudo apk del mobile-config-firefox
then we grab user0`s script from codeberg, make it executable and run it (make sure to select "Add Recommended Preferences"):
git clone sudo chmod +x Mobile-Friendly-Firefox/ bash Mobile-Friendly-Firefox/
Disable warning when closing tabs:
micro ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default-release/user.js
set it to false.
Remove Items from URL Bar
Long click onto the item and select remove.
Force Website Mobile
Some websites do not show in mobile version and are then hard to read. Press:
ctrl + shift + m
and select iphoneSE layout on top left.
Block Search Results
Get rid of reddit, pinterest etc.
generate the filterlist and copy it to your ublock MyFilters.
Search Engine
By default, mobile-config-firefox
adds a policies entry to get rid of invasive stuff.
While this is a great idea it my cause some trouble for users living in non-free countries.
To enable google search engine, you can edit:
Be aware that, in a free country, it makes sense to avoid as search engine and at least use startpage, 4get, SearxNG, or any other search which does not expose your privacy.
"I need privacy, not because my actions are questionable, because the judgement and intentions of big institutions are questionable"
Delete SMS
This is WIP
The whole magic must go into /usr/bin/
To find out a list who texted so far: $( --texted)
They lay in .local/share/sxmo/modem/<sender>/sms.txt
Create a list of all text messages with $( --texted)
display this list in a bmenu, when selected => promt: sure? | cancel => rm .local/share/sxmo/modem/
First try to understand the existing code, then write a a delete only script, finally implement into
Battery Empty Warning
Send a warning and shutdown at the right time. see issue.
My solution is a custom hook, which works, but misses a function to tell 'yes i know, dont send me more warning prompts' and it does not work when in suspend mode.
There is also an charging issue which prevents to charge with a solar panel.
Audio Equalizer & Effects
Make sure you installed
sudo apk add easyeffects lsp-plugins lsp-plugins-lv2 calf
Start your audioplayer and launch easyeffects to make quality adjustments.
The layout has its challanges. Maybe we can send a gtk scaling command when opening.
Output and Recording volume can be adjusted with alsamixer
To test your microphone, visit and record something.
since i do not understand pipewire audio, i start to dig and document here. a good base to start is its documentation:
as in the time of writing, there is no option to select audio output through the earpiece. you have to run pavucontrol
go to Configuration and select the Make a phone call profile. Then we are able to play music for maybe a minute before it crashes/freezes. By analyzing all configurations the only difference between all sinks and the earpiece: in unused state all sinks are SUSPENDED, but the earpiece is IDLE.
You can check with:
pactl list short sinks
there is also a very nice tool for a node based view of audio in-/outputs:
what i try to do is to play music over the speaker and switch this while playing to the earpiece. its the first step into debugging why calls dont really work. I think the error lies in loading this profiles in runtime. so far i could not figure out why we switch profiles instead of having all in/outputs in one profile and switch the stuff with a mixer. with this approach we could also switch music from loudspeaker to earpiece when wanted and i guess evwrything would stay more stable.. so lets dig where to write such a basic configuration file... wip
For a nice understanding of the audio routing:
wpctl status
in sxmo the stuff gets switched with /usr/share/sxmo/default_hooks/ enable
and /usr/bin/
over dbus.
As written here, NFC is working on OP6/OP6T devices.
sudo apk add dtc cd /boot/dtbs/qcom sudo dtc sdm845-oneplus-enchilada.dtb -o sdm845-oneplus-enchilada.dts patch < NFC.patch sudo dtc sdm845-oneplus-enchilada.dts -o sdm845-oneplus-enchilada.dtb sudo reboot
Get NFC.patch.
Thanks to bienmster
Kernel Downgrade
You just made an update, now the phone boots into a black screen. First get a dump with holding the volume up button and connect it via usb to a computer. It should mount as external usb drive and provide useful logs to debug.
To downgrade to an older kernel version, get one here
If you are stuck on boot with Boot partition not found do whats described in step 9.
When you are lucky, you can just pmbootstrap flasher flash_kernel and you are ready to go, but if you meanwhile upgraded pmbootstrap. you need to:
1. pmbootstrap init
2. make all the needed choices (in this example we use an op6)
3. pmbootstrap install --fde
4. copy your working kernel apk to the chroot dir: sudo cp /path/of/linux-postmarketos-qcom-sdm845-6.9.0-r0.330773b0.apk ~/.local/var/pmbootstrap/chroot_rootfs_oneplus-enchilada/
5. pmbootstrap chroot -r
6. add the kernel package: apk add --allow-untrusted linux-postmarketos-qcom-sdm845-6.9.0-r0.330773b0.apk
7. exit
8. pmbootstrap export
9. now you need to fix the bootimage uuuid with abootimg tool:
sudo ./abootimg -u /tmp/postmarketOS-export/boot.img -c "cmdline = console=ttyMSM0,115200 pmos_rootfsopts=defaults"
10. finally flash the boot: fastboot flash boot /tmp/postmarketOS-export/boot.img
11. your phone may only boot once! to fix this, reinstall the kernel from a terminal on the phone
sudo apk fix linux-postmarketos-qcom-sdm845 --reinstall
maybe linked to your local apk with --allow-untrusted
thanks to craftyguy[m] and caleb
Compile Kernel
Clone the kernel for op6 into ~/Downloads folder:
git clone
then cd into the cloned folder and install dependencies
cd linux sudo chmod +x /home/me/Downloads/pmbootstrap/helpers/ source ~/Downloads/pmbootstrap/helpers/ --gcc6
if needed, revert a commit, e.g.:
git revert 5158db91 --no-edit
btw. to undo the git revert, the easiest way is:
git show --stat HEAD git reset --hard HEAD~1 git status
now build the kernel with:
make sdm845.config make -j$(nproc)
package the kernel:
pmbootstrap build --envkernel linux-postmarketos-qcom-sdm845
dont worry about the built file filename, it is the new kernel, e.g.
install it via:
pmbootstrap flasher flash_kernel
to get rid of the custom kernel build, i found no easy way yet:
pmbootstrap shutdown rm -f ~/.config/pmbootstrap.cfg rm -f ~/.config/pmbootstrap_v3.cfg sudo rm -rf ~/.local/var/pmbootstrap/
Modify Bootsplash
Note: this does not support animated svg files yet...
replace pmos-logo-text.svg with new content in
now just force reinstall the kernel and you have your custom splash.
there is a builder which seems to be triggered when mkinitfs: /usr/bin/pbsplash which texts the kernel version and adds logo and the jumping dots.
to test, first replace pmos-logo-text.svg with new content.
second modify the /usr/bin/pbsplash to not include the dots
there must be something excluded in pbsplash/src/pbsplash.c
Install Stock Android 9.0.8
Using edl mode
Especially when you have errors, wrong partitions, broken gps or broken wifi, it makes sense to bring the OnePlus 6 back to a factory state with this method, be aware that it might take some time and nerves. Sometimes you need to repeat steps, but this method works. There is still a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes we dont know and cant understand.
Install following tools first:
- If you are not a Linux user, run bkerler`s liveCD image instead.
- Don`t use any fancy usb cable with blinking led`s and super highspeed charging capabilities.
For OnePlus6, download (its on your search engine).
Unpack and decrypt payload:
payload-dumper-go payload.bin
Now is time to start the first edl command written further down. It will wait for a device, filling the terminal with dots ..... then bring your phone into edl mode:
1. Turn off phone
2. Hold volume up + volume down
3. Plugin usb cable (you should feel a vibration)
4. The edl command which wrote some dots in terminal, now starts to execute
(on your computer, while the phone screen stays black and only a white led next to the earpiece is shown)
5. Write all necessary files with the edl tool:
./edl w boot_a boot.img ./edl w boot_b boot.img ./edl w dtbo_a dtbo.img ./edl w dtbo_b dtbo.img ./edl w abl_a abl.img ./edl w abl_b abl.img ./edl w aop_a aop.img ./edl w aop_b aop.img ./edl w bluetooth_a bluetooth.img ./edl w bluetooth_b bluetooth.img ./edl w cmnlib_a cmnlib.img ./edl w cmnlib_b cmnlib.img ./edl w cmnlib64_a cmnlib64.img ./edl w cmnlib64_b cmnlib64.img ./edl w devcfg_a devcfg.img ./edl w devcfg_b devcfg.img ./edl w dsp_a dsp.img ./edl w dsp_b dsp.img ./edl w fw_4j1ed_a fw_4j1ed.img ./edl w fw_4j1ed_b fw_4j1ed.img ./edl w fw_4u1ea_a fw_4u1ea.img ./edl w fw_4u1ea_b fw_4u1ea.img ./edl w hyp_a hyp.img ./edl w hyp_b hyp.img ./edl w keymaster_a keymaster.img ./edl w keymaster_b keymaster.img ./edl w LOGO_a LOGO.img ./edl w LOGO_b LOGO.img ./edl w modem_a modem.img ./edl w modem_b modem.img ./edl w oem_stanvbk oem_stanvbk.img ./edl w qupfw_a qupfw.img ./edl w qupfw_b qupfw.img ./edl w storsec_a storsec.img ./edl w storsec_b storsec.img ./edl w system_a system.img ./edl w system_b system.img ./edl w tz_a tz.img ./edl w tz_b tz.img ./edl w vbmeta_a vbmeta.img ./edl w vbmeta_b vbmeta.img ./edl w vendor_a vendor.img ./edl w vendor_b vendor.img ./edl w xbl_a xbl.img ./edl w xbl_b xbl.img ./edl w xbl_config_a xbl_config.img ./edl w xbl_config_b xbl_config.img ./edl reset
6. Boot again into fastboot mode, from here boot into recovery, erase/wipe all data and reboot. This will take approx.10 minutes to boot!
After rebooting the phone into Android: enable wifi, bluetooth, location.
7. Flash PostmarketOS with pmbootstrap
8. fastboot erase dtbo
- If you have a bootloop, just run first edl command, try pressing all buttons on phone and plugin usb cable repetitively until edl catches the phone, then proceed.
- Trying to downgrade android with edl can also result in a kind of dead phone (no response, just black, very hard to get edl mode again). I had this on a 256GB version the trick here is time consuming but it works:
first edl OnePlus6Oxygen_22.J.62_OTA_0620_all_2111252336_287bcb1636d743d3
, then boot into fastboot and
install twrp:
fastboot flash boot TWRP-3.6.2_11-OP6xT.img
then boot into twrp
fastbootboot boot TWRP-3.6.2_11-OP6xT.img
and erase all
(worst case you can mess with OrangeFox, loaded via twrp or an other recovery. This will also give you hardware info like screen brand. if your pmos install used fulldisk encryption the data partition may be gone and causing trouble.. first reflash pmos without encryption and the go on.)
and push the zip:
adb push /sdcard
then in twrp select install and install the zip
boot, this will take a while but you are in android 9.0.2, next get copy it to the phone and install it from the software installer menu. Then switch to fastboot set_active b
and do the same. Finally you did it, you have Android 9.0.8 on your OP6 to be ready to flash PostmarketOS. Please drop me a line if this helped you :-)
- If you think your phone is bricked, there is a 99,9% chance that it is not bricked! Push the power button very long to turn it off, then push all buttons and plugin the usb cable, try this a hundred times, sometimes restart edl, switch to different usb slots on your computer, it will bring it once into edl mode.... just keep on plugin/out and remember to take a tee break before you loose your nerves... if i can do it, you can do it!
- I installed LineageOS, Android, Ubports, Droidian, Mobian, PostmarketOS, bricked the partitions, had a dead phone, had boot loops, somehow i always brought it back to life (its just annoying and time consuming).
WARNING: If you see a 'crash dump' screen, plug the phone again to your computer and run edl without any commands. Provide the logs here. |
Boot Warning
To you get rid of
"Your device is corrupt. It can't be trusted and may not work properly"
boot warning, simply adb shell into the phone and:
reboot "dm-verity enforcing"
Reformating / Partitiontable
For worst case scenarios or when you somehow lost GB of storage.
use fdisk /dev/sda
Table of a 128GB OP:
Disk /dev/sda: 116.11 GiB, 124671492096 bytes, 30437376 sectors Disk model: KLUDG4U1EA-B0C1 Units: sectors of 1 * 4096 = 4096 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 8192 bytes / 8192 bytes Disklabel type: gpt Disk identifier: 5A170C25-3FE4-866E-85E9-7154538C9DD1 Device Start End Sectors Size Type /dev/sda1 6 7 2 8K unknown /dev/sda2 8 8199 8192 32M unknown /dev/sda3 8200 8455 256 1M unknown /dev/sda4 8456 8711 256 1M unknown /dev/sda5 8712 8839 128 512K unknown /dev/sda6 8840 8967 128 512K unknown /dev/sda7 8968 74503 65536 256M unknown /dev/sda8 74504 77063 2560 10M unknown /dev/sda9 77064 79623 2560 10M unknown /dev/sda10 79624 81647 2024 7.9M unknown /dev/sda11 81648 85695 4048 15.8M unknown /dev/sda12 85696 85823 128 512K unknown /dev/sda13 85824 817983 732160 2.8G unknown /dev/sda14 817984 1550143 732160 2.8G unknown /dev/sda15 1550144 1575743 25600 100M unknown /dev/sda16 1575744 1601343 25600 100M unknown /dev/sda17 1601344 30437370 28836027 110G unknown
Table of a 256GB OP:
it died before i could get it 🤷
Get the GPT Partition Tables
Download the OPX_UnBrick_Mini_By_Naman_Bhalla from xdadevelopers,
in there you will find the needed gpt_main0.bin
If edl is still working:
./edl qfil rawprogram0.xml patch0.xml .
and hopefully its fixed.
if you need to restore all partitions, grab the pygpt repo. Use it to create the partition table (run it with python2 !!!(
1. extract partition table gpt_main0.bin > partition.xml
now you have the table as partition.xml and we need a tool to create them now as rawprogram0.xml and patch0.xml files which then can be pushed to the phone.
2. find the needed tools here.....
GPTParserTool -x partition.xml
now flash with qdl
sudo pacman -S libxml2 git clone cd qdl make
Usage, just guessing:
./qdl --debug --storage ufs prog_firehose_ddr.elf rawprogram0.xml patch0.xml
above seems to work
or maybe something like that:
./qdl --debug --storage emmc --include 8974_msimage.mbn prog_emmc_firehose_8974.mbn rawprogram0.xml patch0.xml
external screen
copied from matrix channel:
This can be achieved with the 6T/6: see this issue/discussion:
You need to manually switch to Host mode (see the OP6 wiki) (instead of the automatic switching for OTG that others mentioned earlier) You also need to enable certain kernel options: forspecifically DRM_UDL:
Use the links above to see if you can get the HP adapter mentioned off eBay. Any DL-1x5 or DL-1x0 firmware models (wavlink, pluggable, diamond, HP, sabrent, siig all have models that are compatible)
To do List
- fix the various headphone, speaker icons on sxmobar to be less cluttered and more logical (hooks/
- test and push NFC further find info at buttom of this page
- how to simulate that all my traffic is social media traffic? https/2 tls dns, to be able to use internet which only allows whatsapp and facebook (crapshit).
- auto open firefox when wifi network requires a login
- second keyboard with minimal config or new layout when this is fixed.
- find a solution/hack to fake an usb cable connect/unconnect command to work around this.
- gestures: 3 finger down makes screenshot; change workspace to buttom swipe; 3 finger up open scaling. sadly this interacts with the running applications...
- learn more about: get rid of mainstream communication
- learn more about
- modify the youtube script or write a new one to audio download:
yt-dlp -f 251 -x $URL
- finish the offline voice translator pipeline:
- add to remote control phone, or at least test it :)
- offline speech translator a la babelfish:
- how to use hydra to get around annoying hotel captive portals wich only last for a certain amount of time
- test loki net
- sms deleter
Essential sxmo wiki sites
Essential Packages
default sxmo apps which are defined in mimetypes but not installed by default in pmos and should be added:
this one for firefox:
Following is just a note to myself:
gnome-calculator loupe gnome-keyring rsync nano bash-completion networkmanager-openvpn bash vnstat zxing tesseract-ocr tesseract-ocr-data-eng wl-clipboard imagemagick wf-recorder calcurse git git-email macchanger numberstation pure-maps gnome-passwordsafe flatpak syncthing amberol dino podman tor lyrebird foliate nheko baobab gcc alpine-sdk krita kdenlive flare
Terminal Apps
I hate flatpaks, they eat all my data and diskspace. Its like a truck delivering an envelope...
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub
sudo flatpak install flathub
Briar Secure Messenger does not run due to missing
Signal without waydroid
- install flare & signal-cli
- solve and copy "open signal" link
- signal-cli -u +yourphonenumber register --captcha pastecaptchalink
- signal-cli -u +yourphonenumber verify thecodesentbysms
- open flare, link to device, without qrcode, copy link
- signal-cli -u +yournumber addDevice "the_link" ( ""needed)
thanks to lolgzs via masto
Internet Alternatives
The regular www is not fun anymore, despite its way too data hungry, it its full of trackers, advertisements, disinformation, censorshit and is controlled by big capitalist companies, governments and isp's. Its time to search for alternatives to gain back our liberty and freedom of speech as we had when the internet was in its early days. Remember that the good guys could also be the bad guys.
Since there is no Tor-Browser in PostmarketOS
sudo apk add tor
sudo cp /etc/tor/torrc.sample /etc/tor/torrc
sudo service tor start
check if it is running with:
sudo netstat -tunlp | grep tor
in Firefox Network Settings Select:
Manual proxy configuration
SOCKS Host Port 9050
Tick the Proxy DNS when using SOCKS v5
For autostart Tor on boot:
sudo rc-update add tor default
This however, will not work in a country which Censors Tor connections, e.g. Iran, China...
You need to get obfs4proxy, its package name is lyrebird and you have to build it yourself.
get it with:
sudo apk add lyrebird --repository=
Since you might not be able to access the official repo take my pre-built package, make lyrebird executable and copy it to /usr/bin/lyrebird
try quickly if you can run it, if yes, it will throw an error like: lyrebird - must be run as a managed transport
Next make sure /etc/tor/torrc
Log notice file /var/log/tor/notices.log DataDirectory /var/lib/tor ClientTransportPlugin obfs4 exec /usr/bin/lyrebird
then start or restart tor:
sudo rc-service tor start
watch the log file while it tries to circumvent censorship:
sudo tail -f /var/log/tor/notices.log
try in your configured browser. GOOD LUCK!
sudo apk add yggdrasil sudo micro /etc/yggdrasil.conf # under 'Peers:' add a some from here: sudo rc-service yggdrasil start
open a webbrowser and visit one of the yggdrasil links found here.
Is an interesting protocol, especially for low bandwidth connections.
sudo apk add geopard
visit: gemini://
Communication beyond the internet
Install instructions:
sudo apk add py3-aiohttp \ py3-cx_freeze \ py3-peewee \ py3-websockets \ py3-pip \ py3-pyserial \ npm pip install rns --break-system-packages pip install lxmf --break-system-packages git clone cd reticulum-meshchat git fetch git pull npm install --omit=dev npm run build-frontend python ./ --generate-identity-file ~/reticulum-meshchat/storage/my_identity python --identity-file ~/reticulum-meshchat/storage/my_identity
If you skip the identity generation, everytime you launch you will get a new identity...
Now you are able to access meshchat via browser on localhost:8000
you might need to stop and start it again to auto recognize your networking interface.
In the webinterface click on interfaces, edit the Default Interface, select TCPClientInterface and add the testserver
Restart reticulum to get server settings activated.
Send me a message to LXMF address:
WARNING: If you can receive but not send messages,maybe the firewall is blocking. Try with disabling firewall 🤷 sudo rc-service nftables stop . This should not be needed, see here. |
Toggle script
there is a nice launcher in my codeberg repo.