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User talk:Etn40ff

From postmarketOS Wiki

Hello! I'm trying to build an image on my smartphon, but I ran into a problem, there is no access to the git@gitlab.com:etn40ff/pmaports.git repository. Git account set up and added. Could you help? Post link: https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/Xiaomi_Redmi_Note_10_Pro_(xiaomi-sweet)

  • Hi! Your best bet is to ask in the #postmarketos-porting channel in Matrix or IRC. Also send the exact error message you're getting.
    Since you're trying to use SSH for the git connection - do you have an SSH key? Did you try adding your key with ssh-add <path-to-key>? Is it set up in GitLab settings? Alternatively, you can try using the https link (https://gitlab.com/etn40ff/pmaports.git) instead of the SSH one (see git remote set-url ...) knuxify (talk) 07:38, 3 August 2022 (UTC)
  • Hello! Alas, when checking when clicking on the link, the error is 404, the repository is empty 😔
  • Sorry I just read this, I forgot to make the repository public; it should be fixed now. Etn40ff (talk) 23:01, 10 August 2022 (GMT+2)