WARNING: This device is not recommended for future use with postmarketOS due to its armhf architecture. Alpine Linux (the distribution that postmarketOS extends) pmaports#599 has been considering dropping it.
This device is still running on armhf, although the processor supports armv7. If you own it, change it and test it that way.
Xiaomi Mi 3
Xiaomi Mi 3 running Weston Manufacturer
Xiaomi Name
Mi 3 Codename
xiaomi-cancro Released
2013 Type
handset Hardware Chipset
Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 (MSM8274AB) CPU
Quad-core 2.3 GHz Krait 400 GPU
Adreno 330 Display
IPS Display 5 inches @ 1080px x 1920px (441 PPI) (Manufactured by Sharp or LG) Storage
16 GB / 64 GB ROM eMMC 4.5 Memory
2 GB LPDDR3 Architecture
armhf Software Original software
Android Original version
4.3 postmarketOS Category
testing Pre-built images
Features Flashing
USB Networking
Internal storage
No data
SD card
No data
No data
Multimedia 3D Acceleration
No data
No data
No data
Camera Flash
No data
Connectivity WiFi
No data
No data
No data
No data
Modem Calls
No data
No data
Mobile data
No data
Miscellaneous FDE
No data
No data
No data
Sensors Accelerometer
No data
No data
Ambient Light
No data
No data
Hall Effect
No data
No data
No data
This device is based on the Snapdragon 800 . See the SoC page for common tips, guides and troubleshooting steps
Device owners
Ityt (Notes: Display not working)
TipzTeam (Notes: Works fine)
Yifei (Notes: bad battery)
How to enter flash mode
Power + Volume Down (fastboot)
Hardware details
The basic chipset is MSM8x74 ("x" denotes the modem code), but conformance to a particular device table on that link are not clear.
Below is a superficial, pmos-independent attempt to determine the chipset details from userland. The test device is a 2GB/16GB Mi 3 (WCDMA 2013062 2014 stenciled on back case, below silver "mi" emblem), running twrp 3.1.1-0. Reference values are from Wikipedia.
chipset details
Dec 2014
Qualcomm MSM8974PRO-AB
implies Snapdragon 801?
CPU max freq (KHz?)
800AA, 801AA v3 or underclocked AB?
CPU min freq (KHz?)
GPU max freq (Hz?)
adreno 330? 800AB, or 801AB v3? need GPU stresser & GPU freq stats to confirm
GPU max-1 freq (Hz?)
adreno 330 (450MHz)? 800AA, or 801AA v3?
GPU min freq (Hz?)
GPU target freq (Hz?)
= min+1 freq. decided by governor?
800 is 4.5, 801 is 5.0?
sample commands
cat /proc/version
cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i hard
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_min_freq
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu?/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq
cat /sys/devices/fdb00000.qcom,kgsl-3d0/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/gpu_available_frequencies
cat /sys/devices/fdb00000.qcom,kgsl-3d0/devfreq/fdb00000.qcom,kgsl-3d0/max_freq
cat /sys/devices/fdb00000.qcom,kgsl-3d0/devfreq/fdb00000.qcom,kgsl-3d0/min_freq
cat /sys/devices/fdb00000.qcom,kgsl-3d0/devfreq/fdb00000.qcom,kgsl-3d0/cur_freq
cat /sys/devices/fdb00000.qcom,kgsl-3d0/devfreq/fdb00000.qcom,kgsl-3d0/target_freq
For comparison, results from test_sensors
on obsolete SailfishOS (armv7hl), kernel 3.4.0-cyanogenmod Dec 2017:
Hardware module ID: sensors
Hardware module Name: Qualcomm Sensors Module
Hardware module Author: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
Hardware module API version: 0x1
Hardware HAL API version: 0x100
Poll device version: 0x1000001
API VERSION 0.1 (legacy): 0x1
API VERSION 0.1: 0x65537
API VERSION 1.0: 0x16777217
API VERSION 1.1: 0x16842753
API VERSION 1.2: 0x16908289
API VERSION 1.3: 0x16973825
Got 19 sensors
=== Sensor 0 ==
Name: Accelerometer
Vendor: STMicroelectronics
Version: 0x1
Handle: 0x0
Type: 1
maxRange: 39
resolution: 0
power: 0 mA
minDelay: 8333
=== Sensor 1 ==
Name: Magnetometer
Vendor: AKM
Version: 0x1
Handle: 0x23
Type: 2
maxRange: 4912
resolution: 0
power: 5 mA
minDelay: 16666
=== Sensor 2 ==
Name: Magnetometer Uncalibrated
Vendor: AKM
Version: 0x1
Handle: 0x24
Type: 14
maxRange: 4912
resolution: 0
power: 5 mA
minDelay: 16666
=== Sensor 3 ==
Name: Gyroscope
Vendor: STMicroelectronics
Version: 0x1
Handle: 0x2
Type: 4
maxRange: 35
resolution: 0
power: 6 mA
minDelay: 5000
=== Sensor 4 ==
Name: Gyroscope Uncalibrated
Vendor: STMicroelectronics
Version: 0x1
Handle: 0x8
Type: 16
maxRange: 35
resolution: 0
power: 6 mA
minDelay: 5000
=== Sensor 5 ==
Name: Proximity Sensor
Vendor: Intersil
Version: 0x1
Handle: 0x20
Type: 8
maxRange: 5
resolution: 0
power: 0 mA
minDelay: 0
=== Sensor 6 ==
Name: Ambient Light Sensor
Vendor: Intersil
Version: 0x1
Handle: 0x1
Type: 5
maxRange: 4000
resolution: 0
power: 0 mA
minDelay: 0
=== Sensor 7 ==
Name: Barometer Sensor
Vendor: BOSCH
Version: 0x1
Handle: 0x3
Type: 6
maxRange: 1100
resolution: 0
power: 0 mA
minDelay: 5988
=== Sensor 8 ==
Name: Temperature Sensor
Vendor: BOSCH
Version: 0x1
Handle: 0xc
Type: 7
maxRange: 85
resolution: 0
power: 0 mA
minDelay: 5988
=== Sensor 9 ==
Name: Gravity
Vendor: Qualcomm
Version: 0x1
Handle: 0xd
Type: 9
maxRange: 39
resolution: 0
power: 6 mA
minDelay: 8333
=== Sensor 10 ==
Name: Linear Acceleration
Vendor: Qualcomm
Version: 0x1
Handle: 0xe
Type: 10
maxRange: 39
resolution: 0
power: 6 mA
minDelay: 8333
=== Sensor 11 ==
Name: Rotation Vector
Vendor: Qualcomm
Version: 0x1
Handle: 0x14
Type: 11
maxRange: 1
resolution: 0
power: 11 mA
minDelay: 8333
=== Sensor 12 ==
Name: Significant Motion Detector
Vendor: Qualcomm
Version: 0x1
Handle: 0x1f
Type: 17
maxRange: 1
resolution: 1
power: 0 mA
minDelay: -1
=== Sensor 13 ==
Name: Game Rotation Vector
Vendor: Qualcomm
Version: 0x1
Handle: 0x22
Type: 15
maxRange: 1
resolution: 0
power: 6 mA
minDelay: 8333
=== Sensor 14 ==
Name: Orientation
Vendor: Qualcomm
Version: 0x1
Handle: 0x21
Type: 3
maxRange: 360
resolution: 0
power: 11 mA
minDelay: 8333
=== Sensor 15 ==
Name: Basic Gestures
Vendor: Qualcomm
Version: 0x1
Handle: 0x15
Type: 33171000
maxRange: 7
resolution: 1
power: 0 mA
minDelay: 0
=== Sensor 16 ==
Name: Facing
Vendor: Qualcomm
Version: 0x1
Handle: 0x17
Type: 33171002
maxRange: 3
resolution: 1
power: 0 mA
minDelay: 0
=== Sensor 17 ==
Name: Tilt
Vendor: Qualcomm
Version: 0x1
Handle: 0x18
Type: 33171003
maxRange: 180
resolution: 0
power: 6 mA
minDelay: 10000
=== Sensor 18 ==
Name: Gyro Tap
Vendor: Qualcomm
Version: 0x1
Handle: 0x19
Type: 33171001
maxRange: 6
resolution: 1
power: 6 mA
minDelay: 0
See also