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Revision as of 20:54, 8 November 2021 by FieryFlames (talk | contribs) (correct 640 url)

Hello World I'm Maxnet.

📱 This user's main device is a Samsung Galaxy S5 mini (samsung-kminilte).
This user has ported postmarketOS to 3 devices.
🐧 This user is currently trying to mainline a device.

Device Notes
Acer Iconia w511
Apple iPad 1G (apple-ipad1g)
Apple iPhone 4 (apple-iphone4)
Google Nexus 5X (lg-bullhead) rev_1.01
HTC Desire HD (htc-ace)
HTC One X+ (htc-endeavor-c2)
Huawei Ascend Y300 (huawei-y300) Cannot unlock bootloader anymore in the official way
Microsoft Lumia 640 (microsoft-dempsey) rm-1077, unlocked bootloader
Microsoft Lumia 650 LTE (microsoft-saana) 1 with currently locked bootloader, 1 unlocked
Motorola Moto G 2013 (motorola-falcon) cannot unlock bootloader anymore in the official way
Nokia Lumia 620 (nokia-sand)
Nokia Lumia 630 (nokia-moneypenny) RM-976
Raspberry Pi 3 (raspberry-pi3) 2x 3B+
Raspberry Pi 4 (raspberry-pi4)
Samsung Galaxy S5 Plus (samsung-kccat6)
Samsung Galaxy Ace II X (samsung-kylessopen)
Samsung Galaxy Ace i (samsung-s5830i) booting into bootloader fails
Samsung Galaxy S5 mini (samsung-kminilte)
Samsung Galaxy S7 (samsung-herolte)
Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 (samsung-p4wifi) Variant: GT-P7501
Samsung Star (samsung-gt-s5230) Not compatible with pmos (yet)
SHIFT SHIFT6mq (shift-axolotl) daily driver with Android Distro (for now)
Sony Xperia XA2 (sony-pioneer) backup phone
Trekstor Surftab Duo W1 (trekstor-surftabduow1) seems dead
Wiko Harry (wiko-harry) display splittered
Wiko Lenny 3 (wiko-lenny3)
Xiaomi Mi 5 (xiaomi-gemini)