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Rabbit R1 (rabbit-r1)

From postmarketOS Wiki
This device is marked as not booting.
Status: kernel sources found, but no port yet
Rabbit R1
Manufacturer Rabbit
Name R1
Codename rabbit-r1
Model R1
Released 2024
Type embedded
Chipset MediaTek MT6765
CPU 4x 2.0 GHz & 4x 1.5 GHz
GPU PowerVR Rogue GE8320
Display 540x720 LCD
Storage 128 GB
Memory 4 GB
Architecture aarch64
Original software Rabbit OS
Original version Unknown
Category testing
Pre-built images no
postmarketOS kernel N/A
Unixbench Whet/Dhry score 0.0

The Rabbit R1 is a thin client with a Helio P35 (MT6765) which runs Rabbit OS, a fork of AOSP, more specifically the MediaTek AOSP BSP. It supports LTE, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth for connectivity.

The hardware was designed by Teenage Engineering.

During the first few months after launch Rabbit didn't provide the GPL sources to end users, but they have since released the kernel source tree here.


Users owning this device

  • Hexaheximal (Notes: running LineageOS, more specifically the Andy Yan lineage-20-td arm64_bvN GSI build from August 18th)
  • Jonas-fr (Notes: Running Andy Yan's lineage-21.0-20250222-UNOFFICIAL-arm64_bvS. Currently trying to port postmarketOS to the R1. Final goal would be to do a bare-metal port of Uxn to it.)
  • Linmob (Notes: Running GSI lineage-21.0-20240518-UNOFFICIAL-gsi_arm64_vN.img)

How to enter flash mode

See also