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Samsung Galaxy Pocket (samsung-s5300)

From postmarketOS Wiki
Warning WARNING: This device is not recommended for future use with postmarketOS due to its armhf architecture. Alpine Linux (the distribution that postmarketOS extends) pmaports#599 has been considering dropping it.
The processor of the device may support the armv7 architecture. If so, you can modify the device package and change the architecture accordingly.
This device is marked as not booting.
Status: Kernel compiles, but doesn't boot (stuck on bootloader logo)
Samsung Galaxy Pocket
Bootloader image. That's as far as it will get.
Bootloader image. That's as far as it will get.
Manufacturer Samsung
Name Galaxy Pocket
Codename cori
Released 2012
Type handset
Chipset Broadcom BCM21550
GPU VideoCore IV
Display 320*480
Architecture armhf
Original software Android (TouchWiz)
Original version 2.3.6
Category testing
Pre-built images no


  • Mis012(since this is armv6 device, I will probably not continue working on this, contact me if you're interested, and I'll share my aports/device/*-samsung-s5300)


Device owners

What works

  • Kernel compiles

What does not work

  • Kernel (stuck at bootloader logo)

How to enter flash mode

Volume down + Home while powering up


  • enter flash mode
  • try to flash boot.img with Heimdall

Troubleshooting Installation

Partition layout

/dev/block/* PIT id partition name offset size purpose format
none 1 BOOT 0B 512B primary bootloader ¨\_/('-')\_/¨
none 0 GANG 512B 512B ¨\_/('-')\_/¨ ¨\_/('-')\_/¨
mmcblk0p1 2 SBL1 1024B 4096B Samsung secondary bootloader ¨\_/('-')\_/¨
mmcblk0p2 3 SBL2 5120B 4096B usually almost same as SBL1 ¨\_/('-')\_/¨
mmcblk0p3 4 modem 9216B 25600B something to do with GPS ¨\_/('-')\_/¨
mmcblk0p4 5 PARAM 34816B 10240B contains data for SBL j4fs filesystem
mmcblk0p5 6 KERNEL 45056B 10240B kernel, ramdisk & recovery ramdisk android boot image
mmcblk0p6 7 boot_backup 55296B 10240B just zeros ¨\_/('-')\_/¨ ¨\_/('-')\_/¨
mmcblk0p7 8 system 65536B 614400B android /system ext4 filesystem
mmcblk0p8 9 CSC 679936B 204800B android /cache ext4 filesystem
mmcblk0p9 10 userdata 884736B 2097152B android /data ext4 filesystem
mmcblk0p10 11  ! efs 2981888B 20480B stores IMEI etc. ¨\_/('-')\_/¨ ❕must be copied with dd (count,skip)
mmcblk0p11 12 UMS 3002368B 4604895B android /sdcard vfat filesystem
mmcblk0p12 13  ! Reserved 7607263B 20480B ¨\_/('-')\_/¨ ¨\_/('-')\_/¨ ❕must be copied with dd (count,skip)
mmcblk0p13 14 sysparm_dep 7627743B 512B ¨\_/('-')\_/¨ probably just binary data in random places
mmcblk0p14 15 RF_CAL_FILE 7628255B 512B ¨\_/('-')\_/¨ ¨\_/('-')\_/¨
mmcblk0p15 16 cal 7628767B 2048B ¨\_/('-')\_/¨ ¨\_/('-')\_/¨
mmcblk0p16 17 S-GPT 7630815B 33B some sort of partition table? if it was GPT, file(1) would recognize it, right?

If you wish to help with analysis: http://Mis012.nejlepsiserialy.cz/nextcloud/index.php/s/5jL92J6rL6LbMR8 (images extracted with binwalk, PARAM mounted within CWM; efs and Reserved dd'd from /dev/block/mmcblk0, mmcblk0p10 is all zeros. 'security' :P)

See also

(if you dare solder to the plug itself, you can get 10 for $1 it would seem)

  • https://datasheet.octopart.com/FSA880UMX-ON-Semiconductor-datasheet-86696689.pdf - The IC used for detecting resistor value between USB_ID and USB_GND. Not as full-featured as the mighty FSA9480, but as can be seen in the service manual, it is indeed connected to UART. EDIT: JTAG-[Rx/Tx] seems to be connected to the same lines, so if you solder to corresponding pads near tag you can use usb at the same time.
  • https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=820275 - FSA9480 info, and some ways Samsung utilizes it. Some values are certainly off, but there could be some similarities in the 'Unknown Accessory' territory, i.e. 121K and 150K relate to UART, which we have. EDIT: may not apply to all muxes: And of course that one can only switch the MUX manually over I²C, so that would explain why the Primary Bootloader log isn't there - it might not speak i2c!