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Sony Xperia XA2 Ultra (sony-discovery)

From postmarketOS Wiki
This device is marked as not booting.
Sony Xperia XA2 Ultra
Xperia XA2 Ultra
Xperia XA2 Ultra
Manufacturer Sony
Name Xperia XA2 Ultra
Codename sony-discovery
Released 2018
Chipset Qualcomm Snapdragon 630 (SDM630)
CPU 4x Cortex-A53 PERF cluster + 4x Cortex-A53 PWR cluster
GPU Adreno 508
Display 1080x1920 IPS LCD
Storage 32GB eMMC on sdhci5
Memory 3GB
Architecture aarch64
Original software Android
Original version 8.0 (Linux 4.4)
Category testing
Pre-built images no
Mainline yes
postmarketOS kernel mainline


Users owning this device

  • Codycode (Notes: Currently running Sailfish X)
  • Marijn (Notes: Mainline target)

How to enter flash mode

Enter Developer options on Android and enable OEM Unlock

Unlock your bootloader by following instructions here: https://developer.sony.com/develop/open-devices/get-started/unlock-bootloader/

Hold PWR and Vol+ until the LED becomes blue. Congratulations, you've entered fastboot.


Make sure to flash the latest stock ROM (via Androxyde's Flashtool or SONY Flash Tool (notice the space in the tool from SONY))

Then, flash the latest ODM binaries for Nile platform via (fastboot flash oem IMAGE_NAME.img)

Follow the Installation guide

Note This will only work, when the Merge Request pmaports!1645 for this device is accepted

See also