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Motorola Droid 4 (motorola-maserati)

From postmarketOS Wiki
Warning WARNING: This device is not recommended for future use with postmarketOS due to its armhf architecture. Alpine Linux (the distribution that postmarketOS extends) pmaports#599 has been considering dropping it.
Note This device is still running on armhf, although the processor supports armv7. If you own it, change it and test it that way.
Motorola Droid 4
Motorola Droid 4
Motorola Droid 4
Manufacturer Motorola
Name Droid 4
Codename motorola-maserati
Released 2012
Type slide-out keyboard handset
Chipset TI OMAP 4430
CPU Dual-core 1.2 GHz Cortex-A9
GPU PowerVR SGX540
Display 540 x 960 TFT
Storage 16 GB
Memory 1 GB
Architecture armhf
Original software Android
Original version 2.3 (Linux 2.6)
Extended version 4.1.2 (Linux 3.0)
Category testing
Pre-built images no
No data
USB Networking
Internal storage
No data
SD card
No data
No data
3D Acceleration
No data
No data
No data
Camera Flash
No data
No data
No data
No data
No data
No data
Mobile data
No data
No data
No data
No data
No data
No data
Ambient Light
No data
No data
Hall Effect
No data
No data
No data
Note This phone is currently better supported by Maemo Leste, which has 3D acceleration with X.org, WiFi, and more working with mainline


  • TheKit
  • Hexarei
  • MartijnBraam

Users owning this device


The Droid 4 doesn't have an unlockable bootloader, so rooting the device requires an exploit.

The easiest exploit is called "Saferoot", which was originally intended for Samsung devices, but also works for many others, including the Droid 4. You can find a saferoot.zip file in this XDA-Developers thread:


Download saferoot.zip, extract it somewhere, then enable USB debugging on the Droid 4 and connect it to your computer. With it connected, open a command line, cd to where you extracted the files, then run install.sh if you're on a Linux machine, or install.bat if you're on a Windows machine.

Following the on-screen instructions, you should eventually have a rooted device!

Custom Recovery: Safestrap

While there's no official version of TWRP for the maserati, there is a custom recovery based on early versions: SafeStrap!


You can download that here (make sure to get the one with maserati in the name!):

Download Safestrap

It's an APK file, so enable untrusted sources on your Droid 4 and install it. Once installed, if you're properly rooted, launching it should give you three options: Install recovery, uninstall recovery, and reboot to recovery.

Tapping "install recovery" should install the SafeStrap recovery! If it's successful, tapping "Reboot to recovery" should take you to the custom SafeStrap recovery.

Additional Info

Safestrap recovery has support for what it calls "ROM slots." At the time of this writing, you must select a non-stock slot in order to flash anything besides Android.



$ pmbootstrap.py init
$ pmbootstrap.py install
$ pmbootstrap.py export

Create ROM slot with minimal possible space for system, data, and cache partitions.

First flash CyanogenMod 11 to install files needed by SafeStrap for kexec.

$ wget "http://droid.cs.fau.de/cm-11.0/unofficial/cm-11-20160815-UNOFFICIAL-maserati.zip"
# Boot into safestrap recovery and go to Advanced -> ADB Sideload
$ adb sideload cm-11-20160815-UNOFFICIAL-maserati.zip

Then connect the phone via USB in SafeStrap and do the following (android-platform-tools need to be installed):

$ cd /tmp/postmarketOS-export
$ adb shell mount /system
# FIXME: you really want to backup original ramdisk.img and kernel here. At least for me Cyanogen no longer boots with modified ramdisk/kernel
$ adb push initramfs-motorola-maserati /system/etc/kexec/ramdisk.img
$ adb push vmlinuz-motorola-maserati /system/etc/kexec/kernel
$ adb shell

# In ADB shell (needed to make sure files are written before reboot):
$ umount /cache
$ umount /system
$ umount /data
$ losetup -d /dev/block/loop-cache 
$ losetup -d /dev/block/loop-userdata 
$ losetup -d /dev/block/loop-system
$ umount /ss

Now you can either flash motorola-maserati.img to sdcard or resize the image on host to desired size and replace userdata.img of ROM slot you created:

# FIXME: at least my resize2fs does not know about -s option; plus .img file contains partitions, not ext4 filesystem
$ resize2fs -s 2G motorola-maserati.img
$ adb shell mount /ss
$ export slot_number=1 # Number of SafeStrap slot used
$ adb push motorola-maserati.img /ss/safestrap/rom-slot${slot_number}/userdata.img
$ adb shell umount /ss

I have a brick! Help! (DANGEROUS)

So you accidentally overwrote the stock slot in SafeStrap. What should you do?

  • Use Fastboot to write stock image back. Press the two volume buttons while pressing power to enter the factory bootloader. Find the files in VRZ_XT894_9.8.2O-72_VZW-18-8_CFC.xml.zip and rewrite system.img, boot.img, recovery.img, etc.
  • Install kexecboot to mbm partition to avoid SafeStrap altogether and boot from SD card see droid4-kexecboot in the additional information.

Fastboot won't work due to too low a battery

  • Charge battery with external LiPo charger - B+ and B- are clearly marked.
  • Remove the battery, and insert pins into relevant battery terminals and give appropriate power from lab bench supply. Increasing current past a threshold (but be VERY careful) should fool the bootloader into thinking it has a well-charged battery.
  • It may also be possible to charge via the rear 4-pin connector, which goes through the charging circuitry: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1887365
  • Build a "factory cable" that bridges ID (micro-USB type-B pin 4) with 5V VCC (pin 1), which is how the factory flashes the devices without any battery at all.


Module                  Size  Used by
aes_arm_bs             24576  3
crypto_simd            16384  1 aes_arm_bs
cryptd                 20480  1 crypto_simd
aes_arm                16384  3
aes_generic            40960  1 aes_arm
ccm                    20480  9
qmi_wwan               28672  0
cdc_wdm                20480  1 qmi_wwan
option                 45056  0
usbnet                 28672  1 qmi_wwan
usb_wwan               16384  1 option
usbserial              32768  2 option,usb_wwan
snd_soc_omap_hdmi      16384  0
wl12xx                 65536  0
wlcore                188416  1 wl12xx
mac80211              614400  2 wlcore,wl12xx
libarc4                16384  1 mac80211
sha256_generic         16384  0
libsha256              20480  1 sha256_generic
sha256_arm             24576  0
cfg80211              577536  2 wlcore,mac80211
joydev                 20480  0
mousedev               20480  0
evdev                  24576  1
snd_soc_audio_graph_card    16384  0
snd_soc_simple_card_utils    16384  1 snd_soc_audio_graph_card
pwm_vibra              16384  0
phy_generic            16384  1
phy_mapphone_mdm6600    16384  1
ff_memless             16384  1 pwm_vibra
gpio_keys              20480  0
display_connector      16384  0
pwm_omap_dmtimer       16384  2
cpufreq_dt             16384  0
led_bl                 16384  0
omap_aes_driver        24576  0
omap_sham              28672  0
omap4_keypad           16384  0
matrix_keymap          16384  1 omap4_keypad
omap_mailbox           20480  0
ohci_platform          16384  0
omap2430               16384  0
ehci_omap              16384  0
ohci_hcd               36864  1 ohci_platform
ehci_hcd               57344  1 ehci_omap
st_accel_spi           20480  0
st_sensors_spi         16384  1 st_accel_spi
st_accel_i2c           20480  0
st_sensors_i2c         16384  1 st_accel_i2c
st_accel               20480  2 st_accel_spi,st_accel_i2c
st_sensors             20480  4 st_accel_spi,st_accel_i2c,st_accel
industrialio_triggered_buffer    16384  1 st_accel
kfifo_buf              16384  1 industrialio_triggered_buffer
w1_ds250x              16384  0
hci_uart               53248  0
btbcm                  16384  1 hci_uart
cpcap_battery          20480  0
cpcap_adc              16384  0
rtc_cpcap              16384  1
cpcap_pwrbutton        16384  0
bluetooth             401408  3 hci_uart,btbcm
atmel_mxt_ts           32768  0
isl29028               16384  0
ecdh_generic           16384  1 bluetooth
ecc                    32768  1 ecdh_generic
libaes                 16384  5 omap_aes_driver,bluetooth,aes_arm_bs,aes_arm,aes_generic
omap_des               20480  0
leds_lm3532            16384  1
leds_cpcap             16384  0
snd_soc_cpcap          32768  1
cpcap_charger          20480  0
libdes                 28672  1 omap_des
led_class              16384  3 leds_lm3532,leds_cpcap,led_bl
lm75                   20480  0
crypto_engine          16384  2 omap_des,omap_aes_driver
omap_hdq               20480  0
omap_crypto            16384  2 omap_des,omap_aes_driver
wlcore_sdio            16384  0
wire                   32768  2 w1_ds250x,omap_hdq
cn                     16384  1 wire
hwmon                  20480  2 lm75,wire
snd_soc_omap_mcbsp     24576  4
snd_soc_ti_sdma        16384  2 snd_soc_omap_mcbsp,snd_soc_omap_hdmi
snd_soc_core          159744  6 snd_soc_omap_mcbsp,snd_soc_audio_graph_card,snd_soc_omap_hdmi,snd_soc_simple_card_utils,snd_soc_ti_sdma,snd_soc_cpcap
snd_pcm_dmaengine      16384  1 snd_soc_core
snd_pcm                98304  4 snd_soc_omap_mcbsp,snd_pcm_dmaengine,snd_soc_omap_hdmi,snd_soc_core
snd_timer              28672  1 snd_pcm
snd                    61440  3 snd_timer,snd_soc_core,snd_pcm
soundcore              16384  1 snd
usb_f_rndis            24576  2
u_ether                20480  1 usb_f_rndis
libcomposite           53248  10 usb_f_rndis
phy_omap_usb2          16384  4 cpcap_charger
phy_cpcap_usb          16384  0
industrialio           61440  11 cpcap_battery,st_accel_spi,cpcap_charger,st_sensors,phy_cpcap_usb,cpcap_adc,st_accel_i2c,st_accel,industrialio_triggered_buffer,isl29028,kfifo_buf
musb_hdrc             118784  2 omap2430,phy_cpcap_usb
udc_core               40960  4 musb_hdrc,u_ether,usb_f_rndis,libcomposite
usbcore               196608  11 usbnet,ehci_omap,ehci_hcd,qmi_wwan,cdc_wdm,musb_hdrc,usbserial,option,ohci_hcd,usb_wwan,ohci_platform
usb_common             16384  5 udc_core,musb_hdrc,libcomposite,ohci_hcd,usbcore
omapdss               159744  3
cec                    40960  1 omapdss
panel_dsi_cm           20480  1
omapdrm                65536  1
omapdss_base           16384  3 omapdrm,omapdss,panel_dsi_cm
drm_kms_helper        163840  3 omapdss_base,omapdrm,omapdss
cfbfillrect            16384  1 drm_kms_helper
syscopyarea            16384  1 drm_kms_helper
cfbimgblt              16384  1 drm_kms_helper
sysfillrect            16384  1 drm_kms_helper
sysimgblt              16384  1 drm_kms_helper
fb_sys_fops            16384  1 drm_kms_helper
cfbcopyarea            16384  1 drm_kms_helper
drm                   380928  6 omapdss_base,display_connector,omapdrm,omapdss,drm_kms_helper
drm_panel_orientation_quirks    16384  1 drm
omap_wdt               16384  0
watchdog               20480  1 omap_wdt

See also