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OnePlus 6 (oneplus-enchilada)

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Revision as of 23:06, 3 April 2024 by Caleb (talk | contribs)
OnePlus 6
Running Phosh
Running Phosh
Manufacturer OnePlus
Name 6
Codename oneplus-enchilada
Model ONEPLUS A600x
Released 2018
Type handset
Chipset Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 (SDM845)
CPU Octa-core (4x 2.8 GHz Kryo 385 Gold & 4x 1.7 GHz Kryo 385 Silver)
GPU Adreno 630
Display 1080 x 2280 AMOLED
Storage 64/128/256 GB
Memory 6/8 GB
Architecture aarch64
Original software Android (OxygenOS/HydrogenOS)
Original version 8.0
Extended version 11 on Linux 4.9 (OxygenOS
FOSS bootloader no
Category community
Pre-built images yes
postmarketOS kernel Mainline
Unixbench Whet/Dhry score 6029.9
USB Networking
Internal storage
No data
SD card
No data
3D Acceleration
Camera Flash
Mobile data
Ambient Light
Hall Effect
No data

The OnePlus 6 is an incredibly powerful and efficient mobile device, well regarded and (bar the notch) an excellent portable work horse, getting mainline Linux working means not only freedom from proprietary software, but also continual security patches and the ability to boot any mobile or desktop Linux distro.

After the OnePlus 6 reached End-of-Life by OnePlus in December 2021, running newer Linux kernel versions is the only way to ensure that the device can continue to be safe and usable for years to come. The Snapdragon 845 is still an incredibly capable SoC, likewise the OnePlus 6 is a well-built and perfectly adequate device. That the millions of sold units have been dropped, destined for Landfill (or at best recycling) by OnePlus is abhorrant, join us in doing our best to continue to make devices like the OnePlus 6 safe and usable.

The phone is currently capable of booting modern Linux with only a few patches, check the table on the right (or above on mobile) for the hardware support checklist.

Despite being able to run an up to date kernel, we are still dependant on the now aging firmware for features like the bootloader, modem, wifi and bluetooth to function. While it is relatively unlikely that a vulnerability is discovered in this firmware, it is absolutely a possibility. Until OnePlus release the signing keys used to sign new versions of the firmware – allowing us to potentially make use of future security patches – we're stuck with what we've got.

How to enter flash mode

Unplug from USB and hold Power and Volume Up until you see a screen showing the word START and information about the device.

For the OnePlus 6T, hold Power and both volume buttons.

Notice If you're struggling to enter fastboot, ensure that you have unplugged the USB cable and do not release the button combination until after the START text appears on screen


Notice The bootloader is the only firmware that postmarketOS doesn't install itself, all other firmware (devicetree, gpu, modem etc) is supplied by postmarketOS. In contrast to custom Android ROMs, it is incredibly unlikely that any bugs or issues you encounter are caused by whatever OS you previously had installed on the device.


To install prebuilt images, you will need:

1. A computer with fastboot

This can be obtained by installed the android-tools package on Linux or by installing the Android SDK Platform-Tools on Windows, Mac (or Linux).


Before installing postmarketOS, it's recommended that you upgrade your device to the latest release of OxygenOS (OnePlus's version of Android) on both slots. This is not a requirement but is heavily recommended to get GPS working. Try this first if you encounter issues with fastboot.

Notice If you have a very old version of OxygenOS (for example after using the "MSM Download tool" for android 10), you probably need to update twice, because the device uses A/B partitioning (read this page if you're not sure what that means). First do a normal update, then find the latest version of OxygenOS OTA signed zip, upload it to the phone, go to the updater in the settings and do a local update of the latest version again (source). OnePlus' support/softwareupgrade page seems to be inaccessible at this moment, so look at this XDA thread for 6 and this one for 6t

Unlock the bootloader

Before installing postmarketOS you have to unlock your bootloader. For the T-Mobile version of the device in the US, refer to Google for guides on obtaining an unlock code. If your device is not carrier locked, the following is all that's needed to unlock the bootloader:

1. Open setting, go to "About" and tap on the "Build number" box ~10 times until the "You are now a developer" toast message appears.

2. Go back to the main settings page, go to "System" and then "Developer options" (it might be hiding behind a dropdown menu). Toggle the switch to "Enable OEM unlocking"

3. Refer to "How to enter flash mode" above to get into fastboot mode, then re-attach your USB cable. Run the following command on your host:

fastboot oem unlock

If you see < waiting for any device >, try running as sudo and restart your device into fastboot mode again by selecting "Restart Bootloader" on the device.

4. Read the message displayed on your device screen. Once read, confirm the unlock if you're willing to proceed. THIS WILL ERASE YOUR DEVICE'S INTERNAL STORAGE.

All done! You can now continue with this guide.

Pre-built images

Follow the installation article to download image files, note that the device code-names are oneplus-enchilada for the OnePlus 6 and oneplus-fajita for the 6T.

Once downloaded, decompress the files with unxz. On Windows you can use a tool like 7zip.

Finally, use fastboot to flash:

Notice Erasing the dtbo partition will make Android (and ALL Android-based software like Ubuntu Touch or TWRP recovery) unbootable on the current slot (read this page if you're not sure what that means). You can re-flash an Android ROM via fastboot by extracting the payload.bin from the OTA zip and using a tool like android-ota-payload-extractor to get the individual partition images. It is almost never necessary to resort to extreme measures like "MSM Download tool" to reflash the device via EDL
Hint If you are using Arch Linux and getting errors like std::out_of_range. Uninstall android-tools and install android-sdk-platform-tools from the AUR[1][2] or build and flash your own build with pmbootstrap
fastboot erase dtbo
fastboot flash boot [the file that ends in -boot.img]
fastboot flash userdata [the other file]

If you see < waiting for any device >, try running as sudo and restart your device into fastboot mode again.

It can be effective to select "Restart Bootloader" on the phone's bootloader after each command succeeds, to avoid above "waiting for device" connection problem.

Manual build

The vendor is OnePlus, the codename is "enchilada" for the OnePlus 6 and "fajita" for the OnePlus 6T.

Follow the pmbootstrap article, until you have done the install action (note that --fde stands for full-disk-encryption - this can also be left out).

pmbootstrap install --fde

Reboot back into flash mode as explained above. (If you encounter weird behaviour like the command getting stuck before the flashing starts, reboot into flash mode or select "Restart Bootloader" on the phone itself)

By default the rootfs will be flashed to system, this doesn't leave much free space for your applications / data, if you don't mind factory resetting the device you can instead flash to userdata by specifying the partition like below.

Warning WARNING: Do not reboot via the power button on the device! This can result in not all data being properly written to storage, corrupting the rootfs and resulting strange behaviour like postmarketOS getting stuck during boot!
Note Always use fastboot reboot after flashing.
fastboot erase dtbo
pmbootstrap flasher flash_rootfs --partition userdata
pmbootstrap flasher flash_kernel
pmbootstrap chroot fastboot reboot

If you have flashing or booting issues, try first flashing the latest OxygenOS to the slot you want to install postmarketOS to (ie, flash in TWRP from your other slot). If you still have no luck, try flashing OxygenOS 9 as the bootloader can be more forgiving.

Dual booting

(See OnePlus_6_(oneplus-enchilada)/Dual_Booting_and_Custom_Partitioning)

Fastboot bugs

If you encounter "weird" errors from fastboot, such as "device does not support slots":

Once the device is in fastboot mode unplug it, run your fastboot / flasher command and wait for the "<waiting for device>" message, now choose "reboot bootloader" on the device and press the power button to select, plug in the device while it reboots.


Upgrading can be done through Alpines package manager "apk", to upgrade everything simply open a terminal and run sudo apk upgrade -a. This includes kernel upgrades.


Feel like helping? Want to learn kernel development?

Check out the mainlining guide SDM845 Mainlining for detailed SDM845 specific instructions on initial device porting and building.

Feel free to contact @caleb (or anyone) in the #postmarketos-mainline matrix channel if you're stuck.



See Hacking for details.

Partition map

oneplus-enchilada:~$ ls -lah /dev/disk/by-partlabel/

Camera Flash

Two leds (yellow and white), both functionnal, at the back of the phone.

Their max brightness value is 255.

A simple extension for Gnome mobile adds a button to the activities overview : https://gitlab.com/NekoCWD/nekotorch

See LEDs for more details.

Upgrading firmware without Android installed

When you install postmarketOS and all you get is just blank screen after a reboot or you have some other problems it is possible that firmware was not upgraded. Follow these steps to upgrade firmware.

  • Download newest firmware from here
  • Extract payload.bin file from zip you downloaded in a previous step
  • Extract firmware with payload-dumper-go or payload_dumper
  • Run command:
    payload-dumper-go payload.bin
  • Enter fastboot mode
  • Unlock partitions for flashing
fastboot flashing unlock_critical
  • Run below commands to update firmware
fastboot flash abl abl.img
fastboot flash aop aop.img
fastboot flash bluetooth bluetooth.img
fastboot flash cmnlib cmnlib.img
fastboot flash cmnlib64 cmnlib64.img
fastboot flash devcfg devcfg.img
fastboot flash dsp dsp.img
fastboot flash fw_4j1ed fw_4j1ed.img
fastboot flash fw_4u1ea fw_4u1ea.img
fastboot flash hyp hyp.img
fastboot flash keymaster keymaster.img
fastboot flash LOGO LOGO.img
fastboot flash --slot=all modem modem.img
fastboot flash oem_stanvbk oem_stanvbk.img
fastboot flash qupfw qupfw.img
fastboot flash storsec storsec.img
fastboot flash tz tz.img
fastboot flash xbl xbl.img
fastboot flash xbl_config xbl_config.img
  • If you are not able to write via fastboot, even after
    use edl mode instead (turn off phone, push volume +/- and plugin the usb cable):
 edl w abl_a abl.img 

and so on with all the mentioned files.

The big list of issues

In no particular order...

Audio in calls

There are issues with audio disappearing in calls.

Tri-state key support

First support was in userspace: https://github.com/michele-perrone/postmarketos-oneplus6-tristatekey

A kernel device driver for the tri-state key has now been developed, and it emits EV_SW with codes 17/18/19 for the top/middle/bottom states.

It has been suggested that the kernel driver is converted to using the ABS_MISC codes rather than introduce more "generic" input events.

The next step is to write hkdm configs for it but this may need to wait for the driver to get upstreamed. hkdm itself needs support for EV_SW devices added.

OTG doesn't work

"OTG" (USB-C role switching to host mode) is blocked on USB-C power delivery support in the charger driver. Host mode can be forced by modifying the DTS when building a kernel, but it isn't clear what this fixes or may break.

See this matrix post by User:Kalube:

no, OTG isn't really a thing anymore anyway - it's technically specific to micro USB, usb-c has role-switching where a device can either be a host device or a peripheral device. Right now we force peripheral mode always. Once support for the full USB-C power delivery system is implemented in the charger driver, we can negotiate a role with the other device, e.g. if it's a powered dock we want to charge but also be the host device.

Once that's done we can implement DP alt mode on top which requires talking to the dwc3 driver I think, and configuring some external orientation switch for the USB SBU pins which are directional and required by displayport

that's all the missing pieces, that will give us displayport on the SHIFT6mq, neither the Pocophone F1 nor OnePlus 6 support DP alt mode

Host mode can be enabled by changing the dtb, to do this install dtc and decompile the appropriate file for you device like so:

# apk add dtc
# cd /boot/dtbs/qcom
# dtc sdm845-oneplus-<model>.dtb -o temp.dts

Now edit the temp.dts file and change dr_mode from "peripheral" to "host", recompile it and run mkinitfs to regenerate and flash the boot image:

# dtc temp.dts -o sdm845-oneplus-<model>.dtb
# mkinitfs
# reboot

To revert the changes just do the same thing again but change the line back to peripheral, kernel updates will also revert it.

The phone won't supply its own power, so you need either a powered hub or an extension cable wired up to 5v. Some hubs may refuse to work without power being supplied from the port however.


Keep in mind that GPS only works when a sim card is inserted.

As discovered in this comment thread: if you want GPS to work, you may need to flash OxygenOS in a specific version, before flashing postmarketOS; 9.0.8 for OP6, 9.0.16 for OP6T. Its recommended to flash it to both slots (ie. use copy-partitions from LineageOS) although it was not proved that it is necessary.

See Troubleshooting:GPS for more details on how to activate the GPS using ModemManager's CLI.


Have to dump sensor init sequence from downstream and pray, need more time for tweaking this but it should be possible to make it work

Relevant info can also be found in sdm845-mainline!21.

See pmOS podcast #34 for up to date information (Sep 28 2023)


Initial sensor support was added in pmaports!4050.


Drivers to communicate with the QSEE (Qualcomm Secure Execution Environment) are not on mainline and you can't flash OP-TEE because XBL_SEC checks the signature. Those drivers are called QSEECOM in the CAF kernel but there is the need to standardize them using the generic interface defined in include/uapi/linux/tee.h. You can use the OP-TEE implementation as an example. More documentation here https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/staging/tee.html.

Having a TrustZone is useful to do a lot of things related to security, but mainly fingerprint management, secure encryption involved in NFC, useful to emulate contactless smart cards, and Widevine L1 to watch premium streaming services with the best resolution!

Regarding DRMs and userland, on Waydroid or Android mainline you need to develop oemcrypto.so with the support of the standard API for the TEE; manufacturers implement it with their custom interfaces. Look at this https://source.android.com/devices/drm#drm-plugins.

On GNU/Linux, you need to implement/enable Widevine L1 on players. For example on Firefox, if you want to watch Netflix or other in-browser streaming services, but you might also want to use an extension like https://github.com/lkmvip/netflix-4K-DDplus to spoof the device and so make Netflix give you the encrypted stream. Another good implementation opportunity is on FFMPEG/VLC, it would be cool to make VLC able to stream Netflix and also having the possibility to save decrypted streams.

Fastboot flashing issues

The fastboot implementation leaves some to be desired... If you encounter issues flashing with fastboot getting stuck or displaying weird errors like device does not support slots, prepare the fastboot flash command in your terminal, on the device choose the "reboot bootloader" option from fastboot, press the power button to confirm and then run the command while the device reboots.

You'll see a "waiting for device" message in your terminal, the flashing should start as soon as the device gets back into fastboot mode.

Modem bugs

The recent enablement of ModemManager enables SMS and mobile data to work on supported SDM845 devices including the OnePlus 6 and 6T. It isn't possible to test these extensively due to the number of region specific and carrier specific issues that could arise.

If you're encountering modem issues, perform the following steps to collect logs and submit them so that I or someone else can review:

On your device with SIM card inserted:

sudo service modemmanager stop
sudo service msm-modem-uim-selection restart
sudo ModemManager --debug 2>&1 | tee mm.log

If your device requires SIM unlocking, perform that in Phosh settings, wait for a few seconds and then stop modemmanager again.

Create a new issue in ModemManager here to explain your issue, include a link to a pastebin containing the logs you captured (they're in mm.log in your home directory on device). At the bottom of your issue add Cc: @calebccff so that I'll be notified.

Please also include the output of uname -a and sudo qmicli -d qrtr://0 --uim-get-card-status in your issue.

Sim not appearing

Some SIM cards or modem firmwares might take longer to initialize. If the SIM card does not appear, but sudo qmicli -d qrtr://0 --uim-get-card-status shows that the card is present (Card state: 'present'), one possible solution is to increase the wait time for the SIM card to appear after starting the modem. Edit the file: /etc/conf.d/msm-modem-uim-selection and change: sim_wait_time=1 to sim_wait_time=30 and reboot.

Dual Sim

Some users have reported issues with dual SIM causing modemmanager issues, whilst modemmanager should automatically select the first SIM, it lacks proper dual SIM support and sometimes can get confused. Currently the best workaround is to make sure you only have one SIM card inserted.

Renegade Project

Has support in main tree, can boot PostmarketOS.

See also OnePlus 6 (oneplus-enchilada)/Dual Booting and Custom Partitioning#Dual booting pmos with other uefi based os (like openbsd , netbsd , freebsd,windows,etc) via Renegade Project and Oneplus 6/6T Renegade Project Page

Community Info

postmarketOS users that own the device

  • Aa13q
  • Aleksander (Notes: WWAN stack tinkering)
  • Antonok
  • AppleCross (Notes: PostmarketOS Gnome)
  • BenTheTechGuy (Notes: On loan)
  • Blacklight
  • BotchedRPR (Notes: dead (crashdump mode))
  • Breakfastisready (Notes: 128GB)
  • CalcProgrammer1
  • Caleb (Notes: 256GB postmarketOS daily driver)
  • Caleb (Notes: 3rd party touch screen to be fixed)
  • Caleb (Notes: lab rat)
  • Chainbits (Notes: daily driver, available for testing)
  • Chayleaf (Notes: 8/128; runs NixOS)
  • Clygro (Notes: 8GB/128GB, current main pmOS)
  • Craftyguy
  • DanSman (Notes: pmOS (v24.12 + FDE) UI: plasma-mobile)
  • Deathmist (Notes: 8/128 GB model)
  • DevelLevel
  • DrGit (Notes: 256GB)
  • DylanVanAssche (Notes: LineageOS)
  • E-v (Notes: [available for testing] 128 GB, dual boot with DivestOS, userdata partition split in two)
  • Earboxer (Notes: formerly sxmo-sway on pmOS edge. current daily driver(2023). Still using pulseaudio, custom alsa UCM to fix thing. using Hyprland)
  • Elagost (Notes: family device running Android, can't wipe)
  • Emacsevangelist (Notes: Runs pmOS with a custom EXWM-based UI)
  • EnderNightLord
  • EspiDev (Notes: 8/128 GB Plasma Mobile)
  • Fossdd (Notes: edge, systemd, gnome mobile: experimental device for testing purposes)
  • Frankwalter (Notes: [6GB/128GB] I bought it to experiment with Linux mobile, so I can help mainlining it and learn about drivers development in the process! (fajita))
  • FuchtelJockel (Notes: daily driver (DivestOS))
  • Gbhdrew (Notes: About to start testing for daily use)
  • Giannidunk (Notes: 128 GB)
  • Hacker420 (Notes: Daily driver, dualbooted with Android and pmOS on the other slot. (8/128))
  • Hastalavista (Notes: LineageOS)
  • Haui2 (Notes: Running pmOS stable and phosh)
  • Iramosu (Notes: 8/128GB GNOME)
  • Jrg
  • Juliaff7 (Notes: Testing pmOS)
  • JuniorJPDJ
  • Kbingham
  • Ksqeib (Notes: Using as Minecraft Server)
  • Langfingaz (Notes: Running PostmarketOS edge)
  • Linmob (Notes: Kupfer with Phosh)
  • Lolgzs (Notes: 128GB, PMOS daily driver)
  • Manut (Notes: edge, phosh)
  • Mattdaha (Notes: 1x pmos, 1x lineageos daily driver)
  • Memoryfile (Notes: spare phone running GNOME mobile)
  • Naproxen (Notes: Daily Driver)
  • NekoCWD (Notes: 6/64GB postmarketOS daily driver)
  • No112 (Notes: currently non-functional with a dangerous looking battery)
  • Okias (Notes: 8G/128G)
  • Operachi (Notes: Android + PostmarketOS (Main PostmarketOS Phone))
  • PanzerSajt
  • Plata (Notes: Plasma Mobile)
  • Proycon (Notes: daily driver with sxmo)
  • QC8086
  • R00t (Notes: running ubuntu touch, screen blacks out randomly)
  • Rabbit (Notes: Daily driver, GNOME mobile, 128GB)
  • Retourmy (Notes: Powerfull indeed, but no VoLTE. Reinstalled "from" OOS 9.0.8 to have GPS working with all cariiers)
  • Robert.mader (Notes: Development / Testing)
  • Russanandres (Notes: PMOS)
  • Sado1 (Notes: x4, one with screen replacement)
  • SevralT (Notes: My second phone for Linux ;p)
  • Some Chinese Guy (Notes: daily driver)
  • StephanieBread (Notes: pmOS edge with Gnome-Mobile, daily driver)
  • Sulu
  • Susurrus (Notes: Broken front camera)
  • Syboxez (Notes: (128G/8G) Daily driver on one slot, kupfer on the other)
  • Techwizz (Notes: Running postmarketOS)
  • ThatGeekZen (Notes: PMOS Daily Driver)
  • Thenightterrorx (Notes: Now running lineageOS,pmOS used as daily driver for a while, but call audio kept breaking)
  • TQMatvey (Notes: Third-party Touchscreen, dualboot linux and CrDroid)
  • Usia (Notes: running e/os/)
  • Usia (Notes: running PostmarketOS)
  • WhyNotHugo (Notes: Running postmarketOS. Mostly for experimentation.)
  • Wjtje (Notes: Second phone for running PostmarketOS edge)
  • Xanadul (Notes: 128 GB)


See also

Internal pages

External links